Salvia virgata Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vindob. 1: 14 1770. (Syn: Euriples rugosa Raf.; Salvia affinis Spreng. ex Steud.; Salvia amplexicaulis Benth.; Salvia barrelieri Benth. [Invalid]; Salvia bauhinii Benth.; Salvia caduca Vahl ex Hornem.; Salvia campestris M.Bieb.; Salvia caucasica Schrank; Salvia extersa Klokov; Salvia garganica Ten.; Salvia gigantea Desf.; Salvia grandidentata Ten.; Salvia hypanica Andrz.; Salvia mollis J.Jacq.; Salvia nudicaulis K.Koch [Illegitimate]; Salvia oblonga K.Koch; Salvia praecox Loisel.; Salvia quercifolia Benth.; Salvia rubra Spreng.; Salvia sibthorpii Sm.; Salvia similata Hausskn.; Salvia utilis Braun ex Engl.; Salvia virgata var. campestris (M.Bieb.) Nyman; Salvia virgata f. campestris (M.Bieb.) E.Peter; Salvia virgata var. garganica (Ten.) Nyman; Sclarea sibthorpii (Sm.) Soják; Sclarea virgata (Jacq.) Soják) ?; Salvia_Kashmir : 4 posts by 3 authors. Please validate the ID of the plant as Salvia virgata. Link of flora of pakistan: The photographed are too small to see any details. Please send a higher resolution photographs Here are few more pics attached. Are these photographs not taken by you.? The are hardly 2-3 kb in size to see an thing. Any way I have not seen or collected this plant but as I understand it seems to be mini version of S. moorcroftiana in appearance. If you have access to the plant these should help. Salvia moorcroftiana: Leaves white lanate beneath, greenish above; verticillasters 6-10-flowered, distant below, congested above. Bracts large about 15 mm long, as broad; Pedicels 4 mm; Calyx tubular, 10-14 mm in flower slightly longer in fruit, upper lip tridentate with spinulose teeth. Corolla up to 25 mm long; tube rather slender, exserted from calyx lips,15 mm long, S. virgata: Leaves not white lanate beneath, pilose; Verticillasters 2-6-flowered, mostly distant. Bracts 5 mm long, 4 mm broad. Pedicels 1-2 mm, Calyx tubular-campanulate, 6-8 mm in flower and to c. 10 mm in fruit; upper lip of calyx in fruit strongly recurved, bisulcate; Corolla 12-15 mm; tube 7-9 mm. References: |
Salvia virgata ?
Updated on December 24, 2024