ID-2 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb. Request for Identification, Manipur, Northeast India I think it is Planconia sp [Lecythidaceae] I could only find one species of this genus, i.e. Planchonia valida (Blume) Blume distributed in India and that too in Andamans. Is there any species found in NE India ? Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Lecythidaceae Hi, …, what are the species found in your area from this family other than those listed at Lecythidaceae It does not match with Planchonia valida (Blume) Blume as per GBIF. In India there is only one species of Planchonia i.e. Planchonia andamanica King do occur in Andaman and it is an endemic species. P. valida sensu Kurz, non Blume is the synonym. The attached photo looks like a plant of Lecythidaceae. Flowering specimen is to be studied further for confirmation. I worked on this species for Flora of India and is going to be published soon by BSI. I can help in this regard if necessary. What are the other species of Lecythidaceae, reported from your area ? Flora of Manipur Vol 1, D.B. Deb 1961 Bulletin of Monocots and Dicots and some other Taxonomic Thesis on Flora are some authenticated literature of Flora in Manipur. In this literature, the family Lecythidaceae is not mention or not reported. In the ENVIS centre of Floral Diversity website Careya arborea is reported from Manipur and Barringtonia acutangula was also reported in the paper “ichthyotoxic plants of manipur” in International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies. |
Lecythidaceae member- Manipur
Updated on December 24, 2024