Notholirion thomsonianum

Notholirion thomsonianum (Royle) Stapf, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1934: 95 1934. (Syn: Fritillaria thomsoniana (Royle) D.Don; Lilium longifolium Griff.; Lilium roseum Wall. ex Hook.; Lilium thomsonianum Royle);



Kalatope id Al040812: A beautiful flower in the wild…
Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 1400 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 15 inches
Season March-April


Notholirion thomsonianum ATJUNE2016/09 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Notholirion thomsonianum  (Syn. Lilium thomsonianum, L. roseum)
Rosy Himalayan Lily, Thomson’s Lily
April 2014
This lily has beautifully coloured flowers but they are shot lived.

Nice to know that it is frequent in HP. Indeed a beautiful flowering plant. It is quite rare here in Uttarakhand.

It is not frequent in H.P. It is very rare.


Fwd: Notholirion thomsonianum in Pakistan : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
A couple of images scanned in from slides I took during a botanical tour I led to Pakistan in April 1987.
Flowers of Pakistan record this from rocky places in the lower hills up to 1200m especially in Hazara, Swat and lower Neelam valley.
Known as the ‘Hazara’ or ‘Thomson’s’ Lilythe fragrant flowers are pale lilac to white, flowering in March or April.
Flowers of Himalaya describe the colour as pale rose to rose-purple, found in fields & on rocky slopes from 800-1800m, Afghanistan to
Stewart knew it as the ‘Domel’ or ‘Hazara’ Lily in N.Pakistan and Kashmir (Jhelum Valley, Lower Kishenganga Valley & Mirpur District) @ 650-1500m.
In the past it was common in lower Swat – I do not know if this remains the same?
I have not visited the other parts of its range (geographic or altitudinal) at the correct time of year to judge how abundant or not it currently is.
Flora Simlensis, when it was known as Lilium thomsonianum, list it as “Simla, 5000′” yet Shimla is at a higher elevation than this – so presumably Collet meant BELOW Shimla.
Given that, like Lilium polyphyllum, it is an attractive flower, the risk of being plucked/ picked must be high.




Notholirion thomsonianum submission : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)- around 600 kb each. 

Notholirion thomsonianum 
Common Name – Thomson’s Lily
Family – Liliaceae 
Here’s i am adding some images of habitat and population that i found was very unique as i had never seen these beautiful Lilies growing in  large numbers in such small area, as there are some hundreds of flowering individuals growing together. 
But unfortunately this population lies adjacent to National Highway(Mandi) and as that highway is getting four lane so this population will get vanished soon (may be its already vanished till now… ) 
Photographed at Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 
Altitude – 750metres asl
Dated – 20th March 2019 

Kindly relocate them before being decimated by humans and machines.

we need citizens action committees in all states here like there used to be in the last part of last century in usa canada and some european state. where if something like was threatened the group would go to the site before the bulldozers dug up and get the bulbs or plants etc and replant somewhere safe.

Lady Bird Johnson used to spearhead or give her support. she was President Johnson’s wife. we need such compassionate enlightened leadership that can overcome local political factions.
this care has not disappeared totally . Recently there was the case of stolen Dudleyas by the thousands. they were recovered from some 
and citizens replanted them 
even a company got involved
The New Yorker magazine did a story in Feb 2019 
its history of this craze
A citizen spotted thieves who dug up rare plants and got them convicted
this link has this picture 
the pictures caption says this : i quote
Volunteers gathered on Monday, April 16, 2018, to replant more than 2,000 Dudleya succulents which had been seized from poachers who dug the plants up from their moorings on California’s rocky coastlines in Mendocino and Humboldt counties. (Courtesy CDFW) ” end quote

i wish we would have a system and thinking like this.
And this is why i applaud individuals who are trying to replant forest species. sacred grove protectors. forest officers et al  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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