Dendrophthoe falcata var. coccinea

Dendrophthoe falcata var. coccinea (Talb.) Sant.;

Images by tspkumar 


Common name: Honey Suckle Mistletoe • Hindi: बंदा Banda, बंदा पाठा Banda Patha • Marathi: वंदा Vanda, बंदगुल Bandgul • Tamil: புல்லுரீ Pulluri, புல்லுருவீ Pulluruvi, உசீ Uchi • Malayalam: Ittikkanni • Telugu: జిద్దూ Jiddu, యెలింగా Yelinga • Kannada: ಮದುಕ Maduk, Badanike • Konkani: Bemdram • Gujarati: વંદો Vando • Sanskrit: Vrksadani

Dendrophthoe falcata var. coccinea (Talb.) Sant.; 






¿ Dendrophthoe curvata ? : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 2 authors.
Attached here are 2 photos of Loranthaceae member, presumably Dendrophthoe curvata.
Found on Chiplun – Karad road on 21 DEC 08

Most of the Loranthaceae members that I have in available resources seem to flower-fruit around middle of the year, except for D. falcata during the start / end of the year. 
Some of the important sites put D. falcata as a synonym of D. curvata.
However there are some interesting facts about how these are separate species
— put at The Parasitic Plant Connection 
Ruling out D. falcata for two reasons, in favour of D. curvata:
– most of the resources point out that D. falcata, has midrib of its leaves – usually and noticeably, red in colour
– the prominent rounded lenticels; D. falcata often has glabrous stems / branches, or are finely lenticillated 
One of the concerns is that there is nothing found about distribution of D. curvata in India (perhaps because of it being considered synonymous to D. falcata)
… please validate.

… forgot to conclude my message. 
For more views, here is a link to flickr site:
…, this is old D. falcata var coccinea which is now syn’d with D falcata. Earlier D falcata with greenish flowers was var falcata. There are no var now.


Epiphyte from Solan (HP): This epiphytic plant was found on wayside on Kalka-Shimla Highway near Solan. I suppose this to be Dendrophthoe falcata. Kindly validate.

 – Does look like Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f) Ettingsh. Thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful parasitic epiphyte.
Pollination and seed dispersal takes place in this taxa by birds.

 – I also think it is D. falcata. D. glabrescens seems to be an Australian species.

D. falcata (we can see two colour plant flower one in white and other one in orange-red.. some author also call it as D. falcata var. coccinea





Dendrophthoe falcata from Canopy of KMTR_GK_21-04-2012:  Please find attached herewith the different form of Dendrophthoe falcata from the canopy of evergreen forests of KMTR, Tamil Nadu. This species prefer to grow only on top of the canopy of Palaquim ellipticum and Ormosia travancorica. The height varies from 8-23m and we had to climb the host trees to do pollination experiments and visitation observation. It was a very unique and nice experience to climb on top of the canopy through single rope and stay there day long!

Forwarding three video links showing that how our Traditional Healers collect it from Mahua.

Some of my photographs of Dendrophthoe falcata. Please also check my previous mails on this.

Thanks … It seems that yours is D.falcata var. falcata and … D.falcata var. coccinea.

According to Gamble, the plant that I studied was D. amplexifolia as the leaves shows amplexicaul nature. Later it has been merged with D.falcata
That is why I treated that as D. falcata only. Further, ‘the plant list says that there is no variety listed as accepted name for D.falcata and whatever varieties were recorded earlier has become synonyms to D.falcata. I am not trying to say that the plant list (as of now) is a final word in this matter.
We have seen several forms of this species with difference in leaf shape and size and flower color. 

Thanks for your reply. Visited the link mentioned by you. Please see their confidence level and Source WCSP (in review). Hence, it is not accepted so far.
I read about var. falcata and var. coccinea from this link

Thank you for your reply.
Yes I noted that and I think the red flowered Dendrophthoe might be the one that is seen in the picture in the given link. I haven’t seen D. falcata with red with an yellow tip as we seen in my pictures that is why I mentioned a different form.
Again plant list consider D. coccinea as a different species though the confidence level is less and there is no D. falcata var. falcata in their list!

On the basis of medicinal properties and uses the Healers talk about over 30 types of Dendrophthoe

Medicinal properties of D. falcata (or any other parasite for that matter) vary depend on the host plant, I assume. Traditional healers in TN think that the one that grows on Neem tree has high medicinal value. I have no idea about its actual use, though :

I am sure … has a lot to say…

I too heard that tribals in Kerala prefer use Dendrophthoe spp. grow on Strychnos nux-vomica, which is rare at least in Kerala, as medicine.




Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Dendrophthoe curvata (Blume) Miq from Khajuraho:

Dendrophthoe curvata (Blume) Miq from Khajuraho
pls validate

in most of the local flora of M.P. D. falcata is mentioned, but how to differentiate between D. curvata and D. falcata ? any idia.

Sir I got this id from FOI
pls see

please also check the Dendrophthoe falcata var. coccineaRed Honey Suckle Mistletoe from FOI

Yes it is indeed Dendrophthoe falcata var. coccinea I overlooked description given on FOI

Thanks for Correction

I find D. falcata var. coccinea missing from ‘The Plant List’. It is neither a syn of any other sp. The other 2 varieties viz. var. amplexifolia and var. pubescens are syns of D. falcata. Can anyone clarify?

It is really interesting. The name Dendrophthoe falcata var. coccinea (Talbot) Sant. seems to have been published

I am, however, not able to find the source of basionym on which it is formed. Perhaps some one having access to Satapau’s original publication or Flora which describes this taxon. Surely it can’t be Dendrophthoe coccinea (Jacq.) G. Don, a totally different species.
The flowers colour in D. falcata has flower colour ranging from white to pink to red as per Revised Flora of Ceylon. I wonder the basis of recognition of this variety and its basionym.

Sir from Two days this plant disturbing me. A few days back another similar looking plant was found from my own city Panipat growing on a Callistemon citrinus (Bottle brush tree). I am attaching these pics here. These looks only slightly different in color than the previous pics. also attaching pics of FBI vol 5 where this genus is described as Loranthus

Flora of British India-5-lOR-Red.pdf



TSPOCT2015-33: Images of Dendropthoe falcata shared : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)  

It is my pleasure to share a few images of Dendropthoe falcata (Loranthaceae

Habit: Epiphytic, parasitic shrub 

Habitat: Dry deciduous forest fringe 
Sighting: Chikmagalur and Kadur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl and 800 msl respectively.
Date: 09-02-2015 and 19-02-2015

The rugose pseudocarps point to var. coccinea (Talbot) Santapau.



Tree for Id- ID28022018SH1 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Tree for id pl.
Location -Varanasi
Date – Dec. 2015

Most of what is visible belongs to a parasitic plant, most probably Dendrophthoe falcata 

For my knowledge, Can you tell what is Loranthus falcatus ? I had seen one at Kaas Plateau in Maharashtra some years back. That was also an parasitic plant and i have it’s image which is very similar to this one.

…, they both are same.
Loranthus falcatus L.fil. … is synonym of … Dendrophthoe falcata (L.fil.) Bl.  … Catalogue of Life.


Flora of India Volume 23  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Zooprint

Updated on December 24, 2024

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