Helixanthera intermedia Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 10: 317 1929. ; India: Evergreen forests, on a limited number of hosts, i. e. Cinnamomum spp., Helicteres isora, Machilus macrantha, etc. Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu as per BSI Flora of India; Glabrous shrubs. Leaves ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, base obtuse, truncate, or sub-cordate ; petiole 1 cm long. Racemes 7 cm long, axillary, many-flowered; pedicel 7 mm long, slender, glabrous. Flower buds 4-angled and curved; corolla lobes 4, straight, purplish pink, free to the base; stamens 4; filaments attached below the middle of the corolla; stigma globose. Flowering and fruiting: February-March Evergreen and moist deciduous forests Southern Western Ghats (endemic) (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi ANJUL02/02 Helixanthera sp. for identification : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8) Family: Loranthaceae Date: 20th June 2015 Place: Chikamagalur, Karnataka Habit: Parastic plant Habitat: Shola forest Key to species. Can this be Helixanthera intermedia Danser? Please check KEY in BSI – http://efloraindia.nic.in/efloraindia/taxonList.action?id=11&type=3 I fail to find bract character in the attached images, fail to guess petiole-peduncle-pedicel-etc sizes. Perhaps there is a type-error in BSI petiole size – However, id seems to be possible. I agree with … though our earlier record tell a different story – efi thread which continued in http://www.parasiticplants.siu.edu/Loranthaceae/ It seems to be Helixanthera obtusata the plant is Helixanthera intermedia (Wt.) Dans. It closely resembles H. obtusata in not having furfuraceous hairs on young branchlets and leaves. Confirmed by the following specialist in Loranthaceae TSPOCT2015-20: Images of Helixanthera intermedia shared : 3 posts by 3 authors. it is my pleasure to share a few images of Helixanthera intermedia (Loranthaceae) Habit: Epiphytic Habitat: Shola forest Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka about 1700 ms Date: 18-06-2015 I wish I could have included these images in the Flora of India Volume 23. Helixanthera wallichiana of Loranthaceae family, an endemic, rare, hemi-parasitic shrub from Silent Valley National Park, Kerala The Picture was taken during a field visit in April 2007. Habitat picture is available @ http://www.parasiticplants.siu.edu/Loranthaceae/images/HelixantheraWa… This habit picture was taken by my friend Dr K A Subramanian (Scientist C ZSI, Kolcatta) during the same field trip. Nice picture …, but pls check flower size. I think this to be H. obtusata. Flowers appear to be about 2 cm long and with narrow long lobes. H. wallichiana flowers are just 5-6 mm long with short lobes. I will recheck the same when I get live specimen. From my field notebook I recollect that the flowers were around 1cm (max 1.5cm no precise measurement is available) – long. When I rerun the key, I could learnt that H. obtusatus branchlets inflorescence and/or sometimes leaves more or less furfuraceous (Made of or covered with scaly particles, such as dandruff) and leaf base is rounded/ acute/auricled whereas, in my specimen leaves, branchlets and inflorescence were glabrous as mentioned in the key provided by Gamble (described as L wallichiana) and the leaf base was narrowed at the base. I had experimented and experienced a variation in flower length of flowers of Dendrophthoe falcata and D nilgirica from populations from KMTR (Tirunelveli) and the Nilgiries (Priya Davidars JBNHS paper). I had presented this work in the 5th International Canopy conference held in Bangalore in 2009. By the way, the Disperis you have there is Disperis zeylanica and not neilgherense. May pl. recheck in view of feedback in another thread If the pic at http://www.parasiticplants.siu.edu/Loranthaceae/images/HelixantheraWall1.jpg is of same species in this thread, more than 4 pairs of lateral nerves determine it cannot be H. wallichiana (Schult.f.) Danser. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 (unresolved) |
Helixanthera intermedia
Updated on December 24, 2024