Lagerstroemia tomentosa

White Crape Myrtle, Leza;
Moderate sized tree with floppy branches and downy leaves. Flowers are white or very pale pink, 40-50mm wide. Fruit cup is saucer shaped and the fruit is ovoid. Thin brown peeling bark has vertical fissures. 
Bark smooth in speciosa and deeply cracked in tomemtosa
Leaves elliptic, petiolate in speciosa and lanceolate, sessile in tomentosa; glabrous beneath in speciosa and tomentose in tomentosa.
Calyx lobes shorter than tube in speciosa and longer than tube in tomentosa.
Calyx not ribbed in speciosa and 12 ribbed in tomentosa. 




lagerstroemia tomentosa, chandigarh : Attachments (8). 5 posts by 4 authors.
lagerstroemia tomentosa

photographed in the months of may and june
saw a few trees some with white flowers while some had with pale pink flowers

Thanks, …,
How to differentiate it from other similar species of Lagerstroemia

Pradeep Krishen has explained this aspect very well in his book Trees of Delhi.
I shall attempt to encapsulate some of the important ones.
Moderate sized tree with floppy branches and downy leaves.
Flowers are white or very pale pink, 40-50mm wide.
Fruit cup is saucer shaped and the fruit is ovoid.
Thin brown peeling bark has vertical fissures.

Do you mean to say the above features are of L.tomentosa.

The above flowers also look similar to L.indica. Has the book given any description about it?

Key to all species may be difficult but comparison with the common and obviously similar sp. L. speciosa is as below.

Bark smooth in speciosa and deeply cracked in tomemtosa
Leaves elliptic, petiolate in speciosa and lanceolate, sessile in tomentosa; glabrous beneath in speciosa and tomentose in tomentosa.
Calyx lobes shorter than tube in speciosa and longer than tube in tomentosa.
Calyx not ribbed in speciosa and 12 ribbed in tomentosa.
Though the flower colours vary, but they may be overlapping hence it is not a key character.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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