Alyogyne hakeifolia (Giord.) Alef., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 13: 12 1863. (syn: Alyogyne lilacina (Lindl.) Lewton; Alyogyne multifida (Paxton) Lewton; Cienfuegosia hakeifolia (Giord.) Hochr.; Cienfuegosia hakeifolia var. lilacina (Lindl.) Hochr.; Fugosia hakeifolia (Giord.) Hook.; Fugosia hakeifolia var. coronopifolia (Miq.) Benth.; Fugosia lilacinus G.Don ex Loudon; Hibiscus caronopifolius Miq.; Hibiscus hakeifolius Giordano; Hibiscus lilacinus Lindl.; Hibiscus multifidus Paxt.; Lagunaria lilacina (Lindl.) G.Don); Australia (Western Australia, South Australia) as per Catalogue of Life (Hibiscus hakeifolius Giordano);
Alyogyne hakeifolia is a flowering plant found in southern regions of Australia. The plant is similar to a Hibiscus and was assumed to be part of that genus for many years. It is known to have been cultivated in England since the mid nineteenth century. An erect shrub, up to three metres high, Alyogyne hakeifolia is densely covered in fine leaves. The species is known for its rapid growth, especially under favourable conditions. Flowering begins between May and August in its native habitat, and continues until February. The flowers are variously blue, purple, or various shades of creamy yellow; they become deeply coloured and papery when spent. Blooms appear profusely after the first or second year, are deeply cupped in form, and have five large petals which open to reveal the deep red centre. The plant can be distinguished from Hibiscus, another genus in the Malvaceae family, by the undivided stigma of the style. Widely distributed throughout south west Western Australia, Alyogyne Hakeifolia is also found further east in the Eremaean botanical province. The species has a preference for undulating plains of red sand, or rocky loams, and is also found on limestone in these regions. The natural variance of leaf form has been exploited in the selection of plants for the market. Broader and lobate leaves of some Alyogyne cultivars may have been hybridized with Alyogyne huegelii. The former name of Hibiscus hakeifolia and other synonyms are still given in some sources. (from Wikipedia on 26.7.15)
Malvaceae Fortnight: Alyogyne hakeifolia from California-GSJULY14/14 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)Alyogyne hakeifolia (Giord.) Alef. Syn: Hibiscus hakeifolius Giord. Differentiated by its finely divided slightly succulent leaf segments. Photographed from Sunnyvale, California
Plants From Australia 2018:: Alyogyne hakeifolia-NS April 2020-26 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) This is from Melton Botanical Garden.. Alyogyne hakeifolia.. |
Alyogyne hakeifolia (Australia)
Updated on December 24, 2024