Brachychiton acerifolius (Cultivated)

Brachychiton acerifolius (A. Cunn. ex G. Don) Macarthur, Cat. British Sect. Paris Universal Exhib. 116. 1855 (Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 9:198. 1857; W. Macarthur & C. Moore, Cat. coll. bois. indig. 6. 1855, nom. inval.) (Syn: (≡) Sterculia acerifolia A. Cunn. ex G. Don (basionym));
Common name: Australian Flame Tree, Flame Bottletree, Flame Tree, Flame
Kurrajong, Illawara Tree, Illawara Flame ; 

Family: Malvaceae
Genus:                 Brachychiton
Species:               B. acerifolius
This also called Illawarra flame tree, is from Australia,
But I found it in Sandiego, Souther California , driving past  park… could stop only for a few seconds… and grabbed these pictures… came home took me a while to track down what it was.. this intensely crimson tree is not so common…  looking through images of hundreds of red flowered tree yielded results…   it’s a Brachychiton acerifolius…  the story ended there, I had a beautiful curiosity on my hands, so what… but then I joined eflora … and one day Mr Raman submitted one to ID from Bangalore… lo   !!!!   And he even sent me some seeds.. I have planted 6 of these , will update when I have something to show …

What a beauty! A great avenue tree really.

Oh what a beauty!. Thanks for sharing. Thoughts came to mind….
The tree shares some characters with our native Firmiana colorata.
Both have acer like leaves. Flowers same colour and pattern (Tepals) though size shape differs. Both from Malvaceae (Sterculiaceae

Malvaceae week 0905- 9112011 UD 024Brachichiton acerifoliusIt had occured to me too. Except stigma is smaller.

…that’s what I thought this week when the Firmiana came up…

Australian Flame Tree is a large tree native to subtropical regions on the east coast of Australia.  
It is famous for the bright red bell-shaped flowers that often cover the whole tree when it is leafless. This tree is tolerant of temperate climates and is now cultivated world-over for its beauty. However, the maximum height of 40 m is reached only in the original, warmer, habitat. It usually grows to be about 20 m.  
Leaves are variable, either entire or with 5-7 deep lobes. It sheds its leaves after the dry season.
The spectacular flowering occurs in late spring and new foliage is ready for the summer rains. In areas where the winter is not particularly dry, this natural rhythm may become somewhat erratic and the tree may flower only partially. Flowers are scarlet bells with 5 partially fused petals.
The pod-like fruits are dark brown, wide, boat-shaped and about 10 cm long. They contain masses of thin bristles that stick in the skin, as well as yellow seeds. These are nutritious and were eaten by Aborigines after toasting

Nice photographs and reporting. Can you please provide the location of the tree in Bangalore and also the date of photograph.

Its on 12th main, indiranagar, near ESI hospital

Its Full Bloom Now

I have seen only one of this tree, and that also vanished.

Pained by seeing it gone suddenly.
People burn the flowers and leaves right next to the tree and the trees fall down.
People cut the trees because they want more parking space, or the building name is not visible.
We seems to be completely ignorant of nice things around us.

…, by chance is this tree still there where you had mentioned (near ESI Hospital, Indiranagar, Bangalore) ? If yes, I would love to get some seeds and try to multiply it. Please let me know. Thanks a lot

The fell down, and a new tree has come up but hasn’t flowered yet.



Need to Identify this Tree: This I have photographed long back, but could not identify it.
I have few more trees which I will post one after another.

This tree is in 12th main, indiranagar, Bangalore 

oho !! wow !!
this is Brachychiton acerifolium
Family: Sterculiaceae
Flame Tree

I have only seen it flowering once, in mid-summer, just driving by Sandiego, USA
took me while to track its identity…local people did not know what it was….

This is a native of Australia … rarely seen in the north american parks,  not planted as street trees….
In Calcutta we have never seen it….
Since three members of the Sterculiaceae thrive in India, I can see it would do well in Bangalore… and hopefully elsewhere..


SL 89 041213 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. 

Can you please identify this tree with red flowers on drpping inflorescence. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.

This looks similar to Brachychiton acerifolius posted by … from Bangalore.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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