Brachychiton australis (Cultivated)

Broad Leaved Bottletree; Bottletree; Large Leaved Bottletree; Broad-leafed
Bottle Tree
A native of Australia, cultivated in Pakistan and elsewhere as per Flora of Pakistan




Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Brachychiton australis – Broad Leaved Bottle Tree: Broad Leaved Bottle Tree is a deciduous tree, with somewhat bottle shaped trunk. Its other relatives have strongly bottle-shaped trunks. 

Leaves are palmately lobed with 4.5-12 cm long stalks. Leaf blade is deeply palmately 5-7-lobed, 6-10 cm long, 10-16 cm broad, smooth on both sides. Lobes are broadly ovate, rhomboid, lance-shaped or somewhat rectangular, all ending in a sharp point. Flowers are borne in short racemes.  
Flowers are white to cream, velvety, becoming rusty when dry. Flower stalks are 5-10 mm long, jointed. Sepal cup is bell-shaped, white, 1.5-2 cm long, 1-1.5 cm across, lobed half way down; lobes are lance-shaped. There are no real petals. Stamens are hairy, ovary velvety, 2-3 mm long. Styles are free, joining above. Follicles are shortly stalked, oblong-triangular, 5-7.5 cm long, hairless




Tree for ID : Delhi : 121212 : AK-2: Tree seen in a garden in Delhi on 6/12/12.

A cultivated tree, no flowers or fruits when picture was taken.
Very unusual shaped leaves.

It looks like Aleurites moluccana

Thanks for a possible id. The leaves look different.
The name suggested by you, on searching, resembles a tree in Kenya I had photographed and posted earlier.
It was lying unidentified for a long time.

This is not Aleurites moluccana

The leaves resemble a tree I had seen in Lalbagh, Bangalore on 26/7/2012, Brachychiton australis, Syn Sterculia trichosiphon.

Kindly validate.

Yes it is Brachychiton australis

Updated on December 24, 2024

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