Corchorus tridens L., Mant. Pl. 2: 566 1771. (Syn: Corchorus burmanni DC.; Corchorus patens Lehm.; Corchorus senegalensis Juss. ex Steud.; Corchorus tridens var. euryphyllus Domin; Corchorus trilocularis Burm.f. [Illegitimate]); . Almost throughout the year; Pantropical as per BSI flora of India; . Flora of Panipat: Corchorus tridens from a village near Samalkha Panipat Haryana: Attachments (9) Corchorus tridens from a village near Samalkha Panipat Haryana Small herb wildly growing in a roadside area Pls validate Corchorus tridens L. SN Aug31 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Corchorus tridens ? : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. Yes, Corchorus tridens as per comparative images and keys in Flora of Pakistan at Corchorus Corchorus trilocularis L. or Corchorus tridens L. ?? I too agree with … Which one …? Both are same … Thanks, …, for the id. Both are different as per keys and details in Flora of Pakistan. Pl. see efi pages at Corchorus trilocularis and Corchorus tridens Can you count the no. of stamens as per keys with your original images Thank you …! It is synonym and only difference is the author! Thanks, … But when we talk here about these two names (without author citations), then it generally means that we are talking of accepted species and not synonyms. Requesting ID: Herb from Moyar (Nilgiris, TN) (P1-S1-D10-12): 1 image. From dry thorn area. Can anyone please identify it, at least to genus? This appears to be Corchorus tridens L. [Malvaceae]. I too agree with … . Malvaceae: Corchorus trilocularis L.: 1 image. location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997 . References: |
Corchorus tridens
Updated on December 24, 2024