Grewia hirsuta Vahl, Symb. Bot. 1: 84 1790. (syn. Grewia montana J.König ex Wight & Arn.; Grewia obliqua Juss.; Grewia pilosa Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Grewia roxburghii G.Don; Grewia tomentosa Roxb. ex Wight & Arn. [Illegitimate]; Grewia trichodes Voigt); . India: Fairly common in deciduous forests. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as per BSI Flora of India; . Nagbala, Kukurbicha • Assamese: huktapata, hukta-pata • Bengali: kukurbicha • Hindi: kakarundah, kukurbicha, phrongli • Kannada: udipe, dadachelu, gandaudipe, chikkudipe • Khasi: soh synting • Marathi: govli • Oriya: kakarolim • Sanskrit: gudasarkara, nagabala • Tamil: kalunnu, tavidu, tavadu, tavuttai • Telugu: chimachipuru, jibilike, chitti jana, jibilika; . Grewia hirsuta (Nagbala, Kukurbicha) – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Grewia hirsuta (Nagbala, Kukurbicha) on 30/8/09 in Narshapur forest near Hyderabad, AP. One realises the beauty after going through the minute details in a photograph. Fruiting Plant for ID | 24Jun10AR03 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Appears to be some Grewia species. Without flowers difficult to comment on the species. Precisely this shrub is Grewia hirsuta, I could taste the Honey-sweet of these fruits when we were in field works; common in dry deciduous forests. First I hesitated to eat this fruit owing to its hirsuite nature, but it is really good. Local Tamil name: Thaen kallai [seeds of honey] I agree with … Thanks for the ID. Grewia hirsuta. Check the link below for some beautiful flowers of G. Hirsuta (courtesy- …) efi thread alvaceae week: Grewia hirsuta fruits: Name: Grewia hirsuta Vahl. Family: Malvaceae (previously placed under Tiliaceae) Location: Sathyamangalam RF, TN Date: 12 Dec 2008 Altitude: 900 -1000 ASL Local Tamil name: Thean Kallai (Honey capsules); fondly devoured by herbivores and Bears especially… Also refer: efi thread Adding flower of the same species. This location is at Chennai (Nanmangalam RF; Alt c.10 m) on 21 Oct 2008 Malvaceae week : Grewia hirsuta.: Grewia hirsuta. Another Tiliaceae member now included in Malvaceae. Presently flowering on Vetal Tekdi Pune. . Malvaceae fortnight :: Grewia hirsuta :Pune : SMP35 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. Grewia hirsuta Pune Indeed, really beautiful!! Its G. hirsuta, noticed because of uni-sexual flowers, missing pistil in it.
Found in Bangalore Yes Grewia hirsuta. 26th September 2014 Apparently look like Grewia hirsuta, though most of the times I have seen it in unisexual flowers, there are bisexuals too!! Thank you very much … I will wait for the fruits and post them soon. Here are the fruits observed on the same plant today- Attachments (4). I think it is Grewia hirsuta, too. Nice pictures! Thank you … for follow up!! Yes it is Grewia hirsuta !!! Agree with … Grewia hirsuta Tiliaceae
Kindly identify this shrub/ bush photographed at the herbal park, Tiruvannamalei, Tamil Nadu in September 2014. Grewia hirsuta! Agree with … Grewia hirsuta Please help me identify this plant. is it Trema? or Grevia? It looks like Grewia hirsuta. It is Grewia laevigata [G.serrulata]. It is Grewia serrulata … id is correct. attaching same flower Here is a link for some details & vernacular names of Grewia laevigata (G.serrulata) : Beautiful pictures from both … What are your locations of these plants? I took this photograph in the Hyderabad University campus in Gachibowli. I used to see a lot of Grewia trees on Vetal hill/Hanuman Tekdi In Pune. What about Gavali (Grewia helicterifolia syn G polygama). Pl. check & let us know pl. Here is a link for details: Here is … reply in another mail: “… has corrected it as Grewia hirsuta. According to him…….
Please help me identifying the attached plant images. Habit: Small shrub. Unarmed Leaves : Alternate, Oblong, elliptic, finely serrate. Flowers : not in flowering. Fruits: 4 lobed – 4 seeded, reddish purple when ripe Really sorry for poor image quality. Is this from Rhamnaceae ? Grewia sp details of habitat, location and season of fruiting etc would be helpful! Thanks for your response. Following are the additional details. Location: Talegaon Dabhade, District Pune Habitat: Road side, fallow land Fruiting / flowering season: Difficult to guess since the berries are dry and must have been on the plant for more than 1 month or so. (8.3.14) Seeds : 4 nos Leaves resemble to that of Zizyphus sp. interms of venation, appearance etc. Not sure if this will be helpful. It could be Grewia serrulata Thank you for the possible id. Am convinced about Grewia sp. The thing going against G.serrulata is the berries in G.serrulata are deeply 2 lobed. In this case the berries are distinctly 4 lobed. I guess I will have to wait for the flowers for the id to be conclusive. I have seen them 4 lobed in G. serrulata, but best to wait for the flowers, as you said I will also go with Grewia serrulata DC.. But also check with images at Grewia bracteata Roth For me its Grewia hirsuta! . Shrub for id_ Hyderabad Flora: 4 images. This shrub was observed in the wild at Velamala, Hyderabad in July 2021. It was rocky terrain with scrub vegetation. Shrub height-4 feet Flowers were observed. Is it a Grewia sp? Please help in the id. Grewia hirsuta ? Yes, It’s Grewia hirsuta I guess correct ID ! Yes from me also. Yes Grewia hirsuta. Thanks … It was growing wildly and beautifully in rocky terrain and sandy soil.
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Grewia hirsuta
Updated on December 24, 2024