Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd., Sp. Pl. 3: 729 1800. (Syn. Cavanilla acerifolia (L.) J.F.Gmel.; Dombeya acerifolia (L.) Gaertn.; Pentapetes acerifolia L.; Pterospermadendron acerifolium (L.) Kuntze); . India: Throughout warmer regions; often cultivated; Continental Asia, introduced elsewhere as per BSI Flora of India; . ter-oh-SPER-mum — from the Greek pteron (wing) and sperma (seed) a-ser-ih-FOH-lee-um — referring to leaves like that of maple tree . commonly known as: bayur tree, dinnerplate tree, maple-leaved bayur tree, maple-leaved lancewood, torch tree • *Assamese*: moragos • *Bengali*: মুচুকুন্দ mucukunda • *Hindi*: कनक चम्पा kanak champa, मुचकुन्द muchkund, पद्म पुष्प padma pushp, परिव्याध parivyadh • *Konkani*: श्रीपाद shripad (for *P. diversifolium*) • *Malayalam*: ചെറുകൊന്ന cerukonna, മലഞുടലി malanjutali • *Marathi*: कर्णिकार karnikar • *Oriya*: mushukundo • *Sanskrit*: कर्णिकार karnikar, मुचुकुन्द muchukunda • *Sikkim*: hathipaila • *Tamil*: வெண்ணங்கு vennangu • *Telugu*: matsakanda . Native to: India, Myanmar . As per efi thread: 1. P. acerifolium has 25 cm long peltate leaves and 15 cm long flowers. Flowering now in Kolkata. All pictures taken on 10/2/07 in Kolkata. It has very large leaves which are also quite variable in shape & size. Here is one link with flowers: Trees of Delhi- Flowers appear in March, with some trees still in flower at the end of April. Beautiful Trees & Shrubs of Calcutta- Flowers in early spring (Feb.- March) & continues up to early summer (Feb.- April) Thanks for the pictures. Here in Florida (USA), I haven’t seen any with rounded leaves, only ones with lobed leaves. Since it does not seed in the US, I think most here are cutting-grown from a few lobed clones. Malvaceae week : Pterospermum acerifolium: Malvaceae week : Pterospermum acerifolium Muchkund मुचकुंद The flowers are used to treat headache. It acts as haemostatic and used to treat piles. It is benenficial in skin diseases and acts as analgesic. The useful part of the plant is flower. . Malvaceae fortnight :: Pterospermum acerifolium : Pune :SMP24 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images. Pterospermum for ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 150712 : AK-1: A small tree with dried flowers and fruit pods. Pictures taken at Lalbagh, Bangalore on 15/4/12. Thank you for confirming this id.. I know Pterospermum acerifolium in Jijamata Udyan, but these dried flowers looked little smaller in size. So thought of confirming. There are few Pterospermum acerifolium trees at this place. I observed that large black ants eat buds and tender leaves of this tree. I saw very few flowers of this species at this place because of this phenomenon. Can anybody tell me why the ants are attracted to the buds of this tree species ? Hooghly Today : unknown big tree with big leaf, flowers and fruits : Attachments (13). 3 posts by 2 authors. This is a medium to big tree found in rural area. I think the tree can self propagate, for i saw some of them growing nearby area. The leaves, flowers and fruits are proportionately big. Pterospermum acerifolium Thank you very much … It is KANAK-CHAMPA in Bengali. Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this tree at Lalbagh, Bangalore :: 22012014 :: ARK-16 : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors. Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Lalbagh, Bangalore in November 2013. How about Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. ? Thanks for the prompt feedback …, so those are Kanak champa fruits… But I think they were larger than Kanak Champa fruits…. Spporting … Thank you … and … for the ID…. . Pterospermum acerifolium : 2 posts by 2 authors. I am looking for root properties of Pterospermum acerifolium, like, about what depth roots travels and their water requirements. Unable to find any literature regarding roots of the Pterospermum. It will be great help if one can suggest me papers or other literature regarding same. Hooghly2015Mar_sk08/08: Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) This is from Singur and a person who collects flowers each year says flowers are used medicinally. Earlier one of my upload was identified by … nice yes it has antidiabetic (hypoglycemic activity) in flowers and anti diabetic (hypoglycemic) and anti-inflammatory activity in the leaves mainly. But it makes me nervous about the mounded dried flowers at the base of the tree, if that’s how they collect the flowers, God save the poor patient. looks like how the street sweepers collect the fallen leaves and flowers in my neighborhood for the garbage trucks. Thank you Didi, and yes the person was picking up both the dried and newly dropped flowers. IDREQUEST5415 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) – 1 Mb each. This pics were clicked at YEOOR Sanjay Gandhi national park, Thane. Can some body help with identification? This should be Pterospermum acerifolium… Malvaceae Fortnight :: Pterospermum acerifolium ::Mumbai :: PKAJUL62: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Pterospermum acerifolium at Mumbai. Malvaceae Fortnight: Pterospermum acerifolium from Delhi-GSJULY48/51 : 1 post by 1 author. Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. Sp. pl. 3(1): 729, 1800 Syn: Pentapetes acerifolia L Common names: Dinner plate tree, karnikara tree, kanak champa, muchakunda, Bayur tree, maple-leaf bayur tree Tree with alternate, maple-like lobed large leaves, rust colour below; flowers white fragrant at night; fruit a rusty woody capsule with winged seeds. Photographed from Delhi University campus. . Malvaceae Week: Pterospermum acerifolium from Delhi: Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. Sp. pl. 3(1): 729, 1800 Syn: Pentapetes acerifolia L Common names: Dinner plate tree, karnikara tree, kanak champa, muchakunda, Bayur tree, maple-leaf bayur tree Tree with alternate, maple-like lobed large leaves, rust colour below; flowers white fragrant at night; fruit a rusty woody capsule with winged seeds. Photographed from Delhi University campus. I Think leaves of this plant used for making Pattals so Name Dinner Plate Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 40 :: Pterospermum acerifolium : NS August 25/25 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) This huge tree, often planted as avenue, was shot from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (Haryana).. Pterospermum acerifolium…. [efloraofindia:33238] Pterospermum acerifolium : Attachments (2+ 3+ 2 + 1). 17 posts by 11 authors. Pterospermum acerifolium . Nice photographs … Here are more (3), especially fruits to complete the series. Nice pictures …. The photos are beautifully captured. I too have a few pictures (3) of the same and an additional information. there is another tree which according to my information is named Pterospermum xylocarpum. it is an exact copy of Pterospermum acerifolium except the size of everything. in first look any one can think of it as a malnourished P. acerifolium only. however it is a different species. i dont know the main differences between the two but i was lucky enough to encounter both in my area (Chandigarh). I wonder whether the last picture belongs to the same species. The leaves looks different As you have correctly identified, the 3rd picture is Pterospermum xylocarpum. You can find the differences in the bracteoles, leaves as well as fruits. In this species the fruits have 5 sharp ridges/angles and the tip is pointed. Whereas, in the fruits of P. acerifolium the ridges as well as the tip are blunt, in addition to various other differences. I’m adding my pic (1) of Pterospermum acerifolium in Chennai.. However I have not been able to see any seeds. Does anyone have pics of the seeds? your plant doesn’t look like P. acerifolium. It may be Pterospermum diversifolium. I think this plant is Pterospermum diversifolium and shows no morphology similar to P acerifolium. P acerifolium has a peltate orbicular leaf. This is a typical case where the leaf/flower description is critical. Pterospermum acerifolium do well in Delhi. For BRT project 30000 grown up trees have become Shaid. Well grown Pterospermum trees, on Lodi Road and Lajpat Nagar Crossing, were also got copped off mercilessly. Many thanks for the correction. The flower has a lovely scent. Does that tally with the proper id? re:muchakunda : They are the flowers of Maple Twist [Pterospermum acerofolium] locally called Kanak Champa or Muchkunda. i feel it is correct, but other possibility is kanakchampa. what is the size of flower/ kanakchampa and muchkund are two dfferent trees. muchkund flowers are smaller while kanakchampa larger. kanakchmpa has yellow colour. As you must be aware, sometimes the same common name is used for many trees & plants. In that way, you may be right if some other plant/ tree has the same name. As per the books like Trees of Delhi & Beautiful Trees & Shrubs of Kolkata, both Kanak Champa & Muchkund, are common names for the posted flower, in Hindi & Bengali. what you say i accept, but related to the posted flower even me and my friend were also of the same opinion as it is the same tree . but latter when we refered the books we found that they r two different , as i receive the mail of my friend i will send you both the names. yes … As per Flora of Maharashtra state Dicotyledons Vol 1(BSI) Family:Sterculiaceae I think … also has a point as Pterospermum suberifolium is also called Muchkund in Sanskrit as per the following links: but saying “kanakchampa and muchkund are two dfferent trees” may not be appropriate with lots of common names being widely used for more than one tree. VALMIKI : OBSERVER OF NATURE: 1 correct image as above. In Ramayan of Valmiki MUCHKUNDA has been metioned. Scientifically the tree is Pterospermum acerifolium. In some places it is known as Kanak-champa. I saw the tree first at Pachmarhi ( M P ). Attaching an image of a flowering branch of the tree. CHIRABILVA has been mentioned by Valmiki in his Ramayan. Scientifically the tree is known as Holoptelea integrifolia. It is known as PAPRI or CHILBIL in Hindi. First time I saw this tree in Lucknow. I saw it again at Kanpur. Attaching an image of the tree. I am attaching a few pics of Pterocarpus acerifolium which I took at the Amrita University campus near Coimbatore last month in July. Searching the efloraofindia group, there does not seem to be any previous mention of this species. There seems to be a mistake. It should be Pterospermum acerofolium [Kanak Champa, Muchkund]. Will send my photographs of this later. My photographs of Pterospermum acerofolium. I too think that this is Pterospermum acerifolium of Sterculiaceae family. Not Pterocarpus, for sure. Pterospermum acerifolium yes kanakchampa Yes, Kanakchampa… Pterospermum acerifolium … Muchakunda in Bengali and Hindi refers to Pterospermum suberifolim… (not P. acerifolium …which is Kanak champa in most north indian vernaculars)… This is what I was trying to explain … in one of his Valmiki thread, that Muchkund and Kanakchapa are different. But as I don’t remember the Sc. Name and no one else objected I kept quite. Fair enough ! Am not good at local names, but Muchkund was the name on the sapling bought fom a Botanical garden in Pune. Also Muchkund is the name used by .. in his second volume of ‘More Flowers of the Sayadris’. Neither am I , I look up several classical texts and books… No problem. matter of fact ever since I started studying Ayurvedic medicine / herbs and learning binomial names and the reconciling them with the traditional and vernacular Indian names has been difficult… if not mind-boggling… often there is a lot of duplication with opposite meaning sometimes… to confuse the issue … Kalidas named something different from the person who wrote Kadambari…or Ramayana and those concerned with Mahabharata and those who wrote Shushrut and Charak texts originally all those thousands of years ago… AND then multiply it with the tribal names… when you begin to study some ethnobotany…. Phew!!! That’s why a spread sheet with binomial and vernacular names gets soooooo unweildy… yes you are right… about the colors…and the previous point, I seem to have missed the discussion… and No, you have the size of the flower mixed up… the P. suberifolium flower is about 1.5 to 2.0 inches long, and its fruit/capsule id 2 to 3 inches long… while…. P. acerifolium flower is about 5 inches long , the capsule is 5-6 inches long… that’s a quick way to differentiate… We have several p. acerifolium trees in the streets of my neighbourhood and the Dhaukira lakes… and have to go to the zoo to find the P. suberifolium… next spring I will go deligently and take pictures of both … would be interesting… In Mumbai one of it is in Jijamata Udyan. Just on the left where drinking water taps are. The other is planted on the road side from Kanjurmarg till a little further, on Eastern express highway on right when we move from Thane to Mumbai. Previously even I was under impression that both of them are only one plant. But once in VJTI in annual flower show I could see both seperate plants. If not mistaken the size and shape of leaves too differ. Pterospermum for ID : 060811 : AK-1: From the size and shape of the leaves & the size of the flower would think this is Pterospermum acerifolium [Kanak Champa, Muchkund] rather than Pterospermum xylocarpum [syn. P.suberifolium, Muchkund]. Pterospermum acerifolium Photo is of Pterospermum acerifolium, this plant is there outside the garden, behind the museum, Pterospermum suberifolium is in front of the Director office of Victoria garden Malvaceae week :: Pterospermum acerifolium: ter-oh-SPER-mum — from the Greek *pteron* (wing) and *sperma* (seed) a-ser-ih-FOH-lee-um — referring to leaves like that of maple tree [image: Muchukunda (Sanskrit: मुचुकुन्द)] <…> Jul 16, 2008 along Ghodbunder Road near Gaimukh, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: bayur tree, dinnerplate tree, maple-leaved bayur tree, maple-leaved lancewood, torch tree • *Assamese*: moragos • *Bengali*: মুচুকুন্দ mucukunda • *Hindi*: कनक चम्पा kanak champa, मुचकुन्द muchkund, पद्म पुष्प padma pushp, परिव्याध parivyadh • *Konkani*: श्रीपाद shripad (for *P. diversifolium*) • *Malayalam*: ചെറുകൊന്ന cerukonna, മലഞുടലി malanjutali • *Marathi*: कर्णिकार karnikar • *Oriya*: mushukundo • *Sanskrit*: कर्णिकार karnikar, मुचुकुन्द muchukunda • *Sikkim*: hathipaila • *Tamil*: வெண்ணங்கு vennangu • *Telugu*: matsakanda Native to: India, Myanmar – [image: Maple-Leaved Bayur tree] <…>… Jul 16, 2008 along Ghodbunder Road near Gaimukh, Thane, Maharashtra – [image: Muchkund (Hindi: मुचकुन्द)] <…>… Dec 26, 2007 at Esselworld, Mumbai – … more views:… Common Garden tree here also I have one about a block from my home… in april the road is strewn with the banana peel flower… people collect them to dry and put in cupboards… why donot know … no scientific basis Pterospermum for ID :: Udaipur, RJ, April 2017 :: ARKJUN06 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) This was clicked near Udaipur, RJ in April 2017. The leaves indicate it to be Pterospermum acerifolium. Requested to please validate. Yes. Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. [Malvaceae]. Pterospermum acerifolium
Is this Anjeer Tree? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb or more. Can you tell me if this is Anjeer tree? No …, This is neither “Anjeer” nor any other Ficus.. Looks like Pterospermum acerifolium…!! Thanks for the response. We’ve the Karnikara (Pterospermum acerifolim) trees in our society as well, but it’s new and young leaves are completely different. It’s leaves don’t have these lobes at all, while all the leaves of the tree in the picture have penta-lobes mostly. Kindly suggest folks. I agree with … Kanak Champa (Pterospermum acerifolium)? – indiantreepix | Google Groups : srinagar uttarakhand date-9-9-18- Id : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) I’d plz Radhika, it is sapling of pterospermum acerifolium... kanak champa in bengali, and hindi. At first I would like to thanks you for identifying it… good to know the circumstances of its existence ID by … is correct. Dinner plate tree, native tree of India / Burma
Pterospermum acerifolium :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 12 DEC 19 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. Dattaji Salvi Udyan Thane Date: December 12, 2019 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. … family: Malvaceae 1st image is really enchanting. Thanks very much … The leaves are beautiful. The second is just for records; old versus new wood of the tree, top of leaves picture? seems you are correct. its interesting that somehow even pterospermum acerifolium also gets these water spouts sprouting from old parts of the trunk . 474 ID tree overgrown: 9 high res. images. Please ID tree overgrown, Location: bloomed at Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar Punjab INDIA Altitude: 700fsl Flower date: 15APR2023, 11.25am Habitat: garden Plant habit: tree overgrown, erect, branches, branchlets, hard woody stem 70 inches base circumference, rough brown flaked bark Height: 09 meters Leaves: alternate, palmately, acute, simple rough, serrated margins size upto:25×20cm Flower: axillary buds, off white Fruit: drupe green into brown, ovoid Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. [Malvaceae]. Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd. . References: |
Pterospermum acerifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024