Tilia vulgaris Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew. 3: t. 47 1813. (syn: Tilia acuminata Opiz; Tilia bohemica Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Tilia carnuntiae Braun; Tilia communis Gaterau; Tilia cordata f. vulgaris (Hayne) lg. Vassil.; Tilia cordifolia Besser; Tilia eriostylis Borb.; Tilia europaea var. bohemica L.; Tilia floribunda Rchb.; Tilia grandifolia f. praestabilis J. Wagner ex L.Z. Vöröss; Tilia hybrida ; Tilia intermedia DC.; Tilia officinarum Cr.; Tilia officinarum subsp. grandifolia (Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) Hayek; Tilia oxycarpa Rchb. ex Bayer; Tilia platyphyllos var. cordifolia (Bess.) Beldie; Tilia platyphyllos subsp. cordifolia (Bess.) Schneid.; Tilia platyphyllos subsp. eugrandifolia C. K. Schneider; Tilia pseudobliqua Simonk.; Tilia vulgaris Hill. (ambiguous synonym)); Albania, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Sicily, Sweden, England (introduced), Northern Caucasus (introduced), India (introduced), USA (c), Canada (c), Estonia (introduced), Uzbekistan (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life; Cultivated in Himachal Pradesh; Native of Europe as per BSI Flora of India; id pl : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Id pl of the big tree seen on 27th May, – inside the compound of forest department’s information centre near main market in Manali-Himachal pradesh. there were several such trees -may be planted-. in a row, Can there be two different plants- One Ficus tree & another climber ? All photos are of the same tree pl. it may be a Tilia sp. … is on the right track I saw many lime trees in England last summer. could not make them to be tilia cordata (the north american linden, used for chest complaints). but this may be one of the hybrids that is now widespread in england and Europe. I am not sure exactly which one. sorry. I too will look forward to some definitve id This is Tilia cordata I had photographed it during my visit to Manali. It is indeed Tilia platiphyllos. Thanks a lot … Tilia platyphyllos T. cordata and T. platyphyllos are very similar the latter being a large leaved tree. T. cordata has hairs in the vein axils on the lower surface which is not seen in the pictures here. So this is more likely to be T. platyphyllos You all are correct i guess but look at wide variety of lindens esp in england and Europe and this ( this is pdf you will have to open it in adobe). So how does one really make sure in three or four non- measured flattened objects? i wonder. Attachments (1)- Linden trees check list p0157-0164-2.pdf May be T. x vulgaris as per keys and details at BSI eFlora of India with details Yes, … It is Tilia x vulgaris. It is cultivated at some places in Manali and Shimla. Tilia europea is planted in Manali Arboretum, Distt Kullu, HP and has grown to a very tall tree. Nothing is heard about its cultivation in Himachal. Tilia cordata European introduction Thanks, … But it is T. x vulgaris as per keys and details at BSI eFlora of India with details HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-50 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (9) Requesting to please provide ID of this big tree captured in the premises of the Roerich Museum Trust, Naggar, HP in October 2014. Tilia sp. linden Likely T. cordata I am not sure it occurs in india wait for … Yes, I think this is Tilia cordata…most probably introduced.. FOI shows pics by … from Manali (HP) to confirm its presence in India… I hope, … can through light on the matter… Thanks … for the ID… This tree was in the premises of an institute which may have many international visitors, therefore there is a greater chance that it may be introduced. Waiting for … feedback and … can also let us know the location of his tree (if that is possible). …, could you please take a look at this? The leaves of the plants resemble to Tilia americana how would one know? for sure in these pictures. tilia americana leaves tend to 4 to 8 INCHES LONG Tilia cordata– Exotic tree introduced at Manali Arboratum, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. thank you that what year? May be more than 100 years back. Very tall trees are still in existence. Thanks, nice to know so a lot of them would be there by now by choice plantings or volunteered/ escaped etc. Choice plantings as collection of exotics- Tilia europea. PLANT 72 SMP JUN 09 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) A very big tree. Seen in Manali H.P. 23 Jun 2009 Heart shaped leaves. Flowers arising from an altered leaf like appeandage ? bract …. Tilia cordata, littleleaf linden, small-leaved lime … my photos at http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Tilia+cordata&w=91314344%40N00&s=int&z=m Yes, it is a Linden or limewood tree, There are 2 spp of Linden, T.chordata and T europea. This is likely T. chordata. May be T. x vulgaris as per keys and details at BSI eFlora of India with details |
Tilia vulgaris (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024