In Flora of India Vol-4 edited by P.K.Hajra, V.J.Nair & P. Daniel (1997)account of Meliaceae is written by S.S. Jain & S.S.R. Bennet. This document (Jain & Bennet, 1997) published by BSI differentiate Melia and Azadirachta as (partially modified here)- Trees with covering of simple hairs; leaves unipinnate; stigma 3-lobed; drupes 1-seeded; endocarp thin ……. Azadirachta (1 species only) Trees with dense covering of stellate hairs; leaves 2-3-pinnate; stigma 4-8-lobed; drupes 3-8-seeded; endocarp stony .. Melia ( 2 species)
Updated on December 24, 2024