Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels, Pflanzenr. IV. 94 (Heft 46): 236 1910. (syn: Cebatha hirsuta (L.) Kuntze; Cocculus aristolochiae DC.; Cocculus hastatus DC.; Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W. Theobald (ambiguous synonym); Cocculus hirsutus Diels (ambiguous synonym); Cocculus hirsutus Druce (ambiguous synonym); Cocculus holopeira-torrida Broun & Massey; Cocculus sepium Colebr.; Cocculus villosus (Lam.) DC.; Holopeira auriculata Miers; Holopeira laeviuscula Miers; Holopeira torrida Miers; Holopeira villosa Miers; Limacia villosa (DC.) W. Theobald; Menispermum hastatum Lam.; Menispermum hirsutum L.; Menispermum myosotis L.; Menispermum myosotoides L.; Menispermum myosuroides Hill; Menispermum villosum Lam.) as per Catalogue of Life; . Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels, H. G. A. Engler, Pflanzenr. IV. 94(Heft 46):236. 1910 (syn: (≡) Menispermum hirsutum L. (basionym)) as per GRIN; . India: In bush land and semi-desert scrubs, from plains to 1100 m. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; Tropical Africa and Asia as per BSI Flora of India; . South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa (Transvaal, KwaZulu-Natal), Botswana, Namibia,nSwaziland, Saudi Arabia (Asir), Bahrain, Oman (Mascat & Oman), Yemen (Tihama, W-Yemen), Pakistan (Sind, Pakistani Punjab), Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Myanmar [Burma], SW-Thailand as per Catalogue of Life; . commonly known as: broom creeper, ink berry • Bengali: huyer • Hindi: फ़रीद बूटी farid buti • Kannada: ದಾಗಡಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ daagadi balli, ದಾಗಡಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು daagadi soppu, ಕಾಗೆ ಮಾರಿkaage maari • Konkani: वासनवेल vasanvel • Malayalam: പാതാളഗരുഡക്കൊടി paathaalagarudakkoti, പാതാളമൂലി paathaalamuuli • Marathi: वासनवेल vasanvel • Oriya: musakani • Punjabi: ਫਰੀਦ ਬੂਟੀ farid buti, ਵੱਲੂਰ wallur • Sanskrit: अम्बष्ठः ambastha, दीर्घकन्द dirghakanda, दीर्घवल्ली dirghavalli,गारुडी garudi, महामूल mahamula, पातालगारुडी patalagarudi, प्राचीनpracina, सौपर्णी sauparni, सोमवल्ली somavalli, श्रेयसी sreyasi, स्थपनीsthapani, वनतिक्तकः vanatiktaka, वत्सादनी vatsadani, विद्धकर्णीviddhakarni • Tamil: காட்டுக்கொடி kattu-k-koti • Telugu: చీపురుతీగ chipuru-tiga, దూసరితీగ dusaritiga, కట్లతీగె katlatige • Urdu: فريد بوٿي farid buti ; . (230509SCS-1-4) Wild Creeper with berries – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 7 posts by 4 authors. 4 images. Saw this woody creeper covering an su-babul tree in Sonepat, Haryana today. My search in the books and the net have so far produced no results. ID request please. that is Cocculus villosus of menispermaceae Are the fruits edible? Did not any birds feeding on them. ‘Cocculus villosus’ is called ‘Vasan vel’ ‘वासनवेल’ in Marathi. Leaves are used to made Bhaji (boiled and eaten mixed with salt and chili peppers) in Marathvada and Khandes area of Maharashtra. The juce of riped berries were used to make a durable bluish-purple ink. Stems and roots – used as in febrile conditions, dysentery, heart trouble and urinary disorders. Thank you … for additional and useful information. Any idea about its Sanskrit name? Here are the other names of… Cocculus villosus… English – Broom Creeper, Ink Berry Sanskrit– Patalagarudga, Chilihindah पाताळगरूड, छिलिहिण्डः Hindi– Patalgarudi, Jaljamini पाताळगरूडी, जलजमनि Kannad– Sogadiballi, Dusariballi Malyalam– Patalgarudkkoti Tamil– Kattukkoti Telgu– Dusaratiga Thank you … I once again request all on this list to popularise the wonderful hobby of scientific ‘florawatching’ by giving/coining Common English Names as … does or by giving their local names as … and a few also provide. Coculus hirtusa: 3 images. Today at Kanakeshwar,Alibag Coculus hirtusa Marathi name: Vasanvel Common Ink Berry “Cocculus hirsutus” will be the spelling !! Cocculus hirsutus: 2 images. Species: Cocculus hirsutus Family :Menispermaceae Habit : Lianas, Straggler Habitat : Dry Deciduous Forest, Wastelands Leaf Arrangement: Alternate Leaf Shape :Ovate Inflorescence:Panicle, Axillary Flower Colour :Yellow Anther :2 – celled Stamen :6 Flowering Month:September-March At Kanakeshwar,Alibag 01 Feb,2010 More pics from Karnal roadside area. 8 images. Wild Climber for ID : Nasik,Maharashtra : AK-2: 1 image. Though the leaves are a bit different I think it is Cissampelos pareira ‘Pahadvel’ Menispermaceae I hope this should be Cocculus hirsutus from the same family… Thanks … I was completely wrong. I had actually Cocculus hirsutus in my mind for this species. Thanks for the ID. It is Cocculus hirsutus also called as Pahadvel. please find the images of another key medicinal plant from Ranpur. Name: cocculus hirsutus Family: Menispermaceae Habit: Climber Habitat: Wild in deciduous forest growing on Bamboo and Soymida tree Place of collection: Ranpur, nayagarh, Odisha I thought this to be Pachygone sp. Yes a very common but often dirty looking Menispermaceae member with inconspicuous flowers (Male and female different) also observed growing wild even in cities like Pune on roadside. forgot to add the fruits. Attaching the fruits of Cocculus hirsutus to complete the set. What is the size of fruit? the size of Cocculus is 1 to 1.5 cm. Hooghly Today : Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob.: Very nice pictures … Cocculus hirsutus. from Menispermaceae family. The male and female flowers are different in this family. The sepals are hairy, the leaves are villous/hairy too. Male flowers in short axillary panicles. As against:: the leaves at length are glabrous. Male flowers are in axillary fascicles and the sepals are glabrous too in Cocculus pendulus. Looking forward to find it from you some day. Climber for ID : SPC-030 : 10-05-2013 : Baroda : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. This looks like Cocculus hirsuitus – the Ink Berry Climber. Sending a few photographs. Cocculus hirsutus efloraofindia:”For Id 19022014MR1” climber with green flowers at Pune :19022014: MR-1 : Attachments (7). 5 posts by 3 authors. I think Cocculus hirsutus.. Yes Cocculus hirsutus पहाड वेल ARJUL53 Climber for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Cocculus hirsutus, I guess. Cocculus hirsutus पहाड वेल Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae & Nelumbonaceae Fortnight 11-24Oct.2014: Cocculus hirsutus (Menispermaceae) from Uttarakhand_DSR_2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Thanks … it is very well represented in plains.. Yes, probably one of the commonest species in the family. Yes …, it is common throughout India in plains but here in Uttarakhand I saw few plants in Pantnagar only. May be it will be common in adjacent plains. I have not seen it in Himalayan terrain in Uttarakhand. Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae Fortnight :SN 03 . : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob, male climber from Chandapura area of Bangalore Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae Fortnight :SN 05 . : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). MBNN Fortnight-sk08 Hooghly-sk-Oct-29 (Menispermaceae) Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7). I found this last year, not posted earlier. But what will be the accepted name – 2) or 3) ? Good pictures … I would prefer to go with GRIN… Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae Fortnight: Menispermaceae::Cocculus hirsutus?. SMP Oct 09 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6). Cocculus hirsutus Pune Yes …, nice pictures.. Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae Fortnight:: Menispermaceae:: – Cocculus hirsutus at Mumbai – -PKA1: : 1 post by 1 author. 5 images. Came across this climber with tiny flowers and globuse fruits in Mumbai.
MBNN Fortnight :: Menispermaceae :: Cocculus hirsutus from Kaithal-NS 11 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6). This is another frequent climbing herb of our area.. Sharing pics from my home district, Kaithal.. Cocculus hirsutus … ANNOV63 Cocculus hirsutus : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Bangalore outskirts November 2014 Beautiful macro … Creeper for ID, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh NAW-MAR17-02 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) … could be Cocculus hirsutus, not sure. Cocculus hirsutus, Minespermeceae 22082017BHAR1 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 Mb each. Found in Vandalur forest. Chennai. Cocculus species. Could be C.hirsutus. Compare the characters. May be Cocculus hirsutus Cocculus hirsutus of Menispermiaceae? Not sure though Slender twiner w purple juicy fruit– Pls ID GE-6Dec2012-1: Hello Friends,
Please help me to know: It looks like Cocculus hirsutus. Had also thought of the Ink Berry Climber [Cocculus hirsutus], but was not sure what the sheathed brown structures were. Sending one of my photographs of C.hirsutus for comparison. I think those hairy globose structures are infected (gall) fruits. Not sure though… Thanks to …: for the identification and introduction ot this family earlier unknown to me. Kindly identify this climber with pale green leaves, starting to shade out a Holoptelea integrifolia tree in a house in Hyderabad city, Telangana, photographed in January 2019. Check with Cocculus hirsutus
ID(dkb-25) – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Cocculus hirsutus :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 5 images. Yeoor Hills … part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Date: December 29, 2019 … Altitude range: about 100 ft (30 m) to 1575 ft (480 m) asl Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels . Posting some images for validation. A climber growing wild in Pune Maharashtra. I think it’s Cocculus hirsutus. Please validate Yes it’s, you’re right sir, . Climber for ID : Nasik : 30MAR21 : AK-15: 3 images. Cocculus hirsutus only . Cocculus hirsutus???: 4 images. For me the ID seems to be correct. It is common here climbing electric poles You’re right … Interesting. I also find this climber near Electrical pole, what could be the reason? . Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 18, 2008 · JUN23 DV36: 6 images. . Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 12, 2008 · JUN23 DV207: 2 images. . Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV434: 4 images. . Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. :: Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · JUN23 DV451: 2 images. Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · 11:42 AM IST :: about 12 m (39 ft) asl Many thanks to Shiwalee Samant for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. :: Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · JUN23 DV458: 10 images. Cocculus hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. Suruchi beach, Vasai :: Feb 23, 2023 · 10:56 AM IST :: about 12 m (39 ft) asl Many thanks to Shiwalee Samant for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Menispermaceae: Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels: 2 images.
, References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver. 1.1 BSI Flora of India GRIN, Flora of Pakistan & Flora of Nepal (Author citation different from The Plant List) |
Cocculus hirsutus
Updated on December 24, 2024