Mollugo cerviana

Hypertelis cerviana (L.) Thulin (syn: Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser.; Pharnaceum cerviana L.; Pharnaceum glabrum Steud.) as per Catalogue of Life;
Portugal, Spain, Sardinia (introduced), Italy, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Kiklades), East Aegaean Isl., Rhodos, Romania, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Cape
Verde Isl. (Santo Antao Isl., Sao Vicente Isl., Santa Luzia Isl., Ilha de Sao Nicolau, Sal Isl., Ilha da Boa Vista, Ilha de Maio, Ilha de Sao Tiago, Fogo Isl.), Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Senegal, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, E-D.R.Congo (Zaire), Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Angola, Socotra, South Africa (Transvaal, Free State, Cape Prov.), Namibia, Botswana, Turkey
(W-Anatolia, WN-Anatolia), Egypt (SE-Egypt), Iran (S-Iran), Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Asir, Nejd Desert), Yemen (Aden Desert, SW-Yemen,
Tihama), Qatar, Crimea, C- & E-European Russia, Ukraine, Siberia (W-Siberia), Kazakhstan, Georgia [Caucasus], Myanmar [Burma], Sri Lanka, India,
China (Xinjiang, Hebei), Mongolia, Pakistan (Sind, Karachi, N.W.Frontier Prov., Punjab, Swat, Chitral, Hazara), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit),
Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales), USA (introduced) (Arizona (introduced), California (introduced), New Mexico (introduced), Texas (introduced), Utah (introduced)), Hawaii (introduced) (Hawaii Isl. (introduced)), Galapagos Isl. (introduced), Peru (introduced), Ecuador (introduced), Venezuela (introduced), Mexico (introduced), Mauritius (introduced), La Réunion (introduced)
as per Catalogue of Life;

An erect slender annual herb upto 20 cm tall, with slender, cylindrical stems, branches unbellate, the nodes thickened; roots aromatic. Leaves in dense whorls of 4-8 at each node, sessile or subsessile, often glaucous; radical leaves 6-13 mm long, spathulate or linear-spathulate; cauline leaves 0.6-2 cm long and c.1 mm wide, narrow-linear, apiculate, 2-8 in a whorl. Flowers numerous, on stiff filiform pedicels to 1.2 cm long, usually in groups of 3 on long filiform axillary and terminal peduncles; sepals 2.5 mm long, elliptic-oblong, obtuse with white membranous margins. Fruit (capsule) rounded, equalling the sepals, dehiscing into 3 broadly ovate emarginate valves; seeds numerous smooth, yellowish-brown, without tubercular points. 

Flowering and fruiting: May-October
Sandy sea coasts and river banks

Fwd: [efloraofindia:177544] Identification please Identification please 161213 KB8 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Re posting with large pixel.
Date of Pic. taken-23.02.2013

Mollugo cervianaParpatak herb used in fever

Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser, Fam: Molluginaceae
Sir, you no need to have any doubt on it, it is an unique herb with tiny glaucous leaves and sevaral small flowers


Id request please. Id no.008 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 5 authors.
Date of Pic. taken- 23.02.2013

Some close up pictures may help, I can only guess a Mollugo sp.

It may be Mollugo cerviana.

Supporting …

Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser. Molluginaceae


Identification : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Place-Challakarae, Chitradurga, Karnataka
Habitat-Dry lands
Date of Pic. taken-23.02.2013

Mollugo cerviana


Molluginaceae: Hypertelis cerviana (L.) Thulin: 1 image.
synonyms: Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser., Pharnaceum cerviana L.
location/date: Chotannahalli, Tumkur Dist., Karnataka, July 1997

Updated on December 24, 2024

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