Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 1: 172 1788. (Syn: Metrosideros tomentosa A.Rich.; Nania tomentosa (A.Rich.) Kuntze); . Much branched tree with erect branches; leaves elliptic to oblong, 5-10 cm long, twice as long as broad, gray pubescent beneath; flowers orange-red, in dense cymose clusters; stamens 25-30 mm long. . Metrosideros excelsa (pōhutukawa, New Zealand pohutukawa,[2] New Zealand Christmas tree[3]) is a coastal evergreen tree in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, that produces a brilliant display of red flowers made up of a mass of stamens. The pōhutukawa is one of twelve Metrosideros species endemic to New Zealand. Renowned for its vibrant colour and its ability to survive even perched on rocky, precarious cliffs, it has found an important place in New Zealand culture for its strength and beauty and is regarded as a chiefly tree (rākau rangatira) by Māori.[4] The blossom of the tree is called kahika.[3] The pōhutukawa grows up to 25 metres (82 ft) in height, with a dome-like spreading form. It usually grows as a multi-trunked spreading tree. Its trunks and branches are sometimes festooned with matted, fibrous aerial roots. The oblong, leathery leaves are covered in dense white hairs underneath.[7] The tree flowers from November to January with a peak in mid to late December (the southern hemisphere summer), with brilliant crimson flowers covering the tree, hence the nickname New Zealand Christmas tree. There is variation between individual trees in the timing of flowering, and in the shade and brightness of the flowers. In isolated populations genetic drift has resulted in local variation: many of the trees growing around the Rotorua lakes produce pink-shaded flowers, and the yellow-flowered cultivar ‘Aurea’ descends from a pair discovered in 1940 on Mōtiti Island in the Bay of Plenty. Pōhutukawa wood is dense, strong, and highly figured. Maori used it for beaters and other small, heavy items. It was frequently used in shipbuilding, since the naturally curvy shapes made strong knees.[8] The pōhutukawa is popular in cultivation, and there are fine examples in most North Island coastal cities. Vigorous and easy to grow, the tree flourishes well south of its natural range, and has naturalised in the Wellington area and in the north of the South Island. It has also naturalised on Norfolk Island to the north. The pōhutukawa has been introduced to other countries with mild-to-warm climates, including south-eastern Australia, where it is naturalising on coastal cliffs near Sydney. In coastal California, it is a popular street and lawn tree, but has caused concern in San Francisco where its root systems are blamed for destroying sewer lines and sidewalks.[11] In parts of South Africa, the pōhutukawa grows so well that it is regarded as an invasive species. The Spanish city of La Coruña has adopted the pōhutukawa as a floral emblem.[12] Garden Tree For ID : California : 24OCT14 : AK-29 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) This was seen on 30th Sept,14 at the Golden Gate Bridge viewpoint in San Francisco. Cultivated, medium tree. Myrtaceae? the tree? Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of the entire tree. This could be a Metrosideros Species. I think yes Metrosideros excelsa only. Myrtaceae For ID : California : 03NOV14 : AK-7 :7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Myrtaceae tree seen in San Francisco on 1st Oct,14 at the Golden Gate Viewpoint on a slope. Tree with bright red flowers. not really flower that’s red… its the red stamen, zillions of them… when it is in full bloom, the tree is spectacular.. some cultivars have also appeared so… even though I am tempted to id it as Metrosideros excelsa Yes … Absolutely amazing! Many many thanks for the id. The other Myrtaceae, posted earlier from Golden Gate viewpoint could also be another species. There are no flowers on it. Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Myrtaceae : Metrosideros excelsa : California : 29DEC14 : AK-101 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) From San Francisco. Posted earlier, identified by … . Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Myrtaceae-Metrosideros excelsa from California-GSDEC81 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. New Zealand Christmas tree Much branched tree with erect branches; leaves elliptic to oblong, 5-10 cm long, twice as long as broad, gray pubescent beneath; flowers orange-red, in dense cymose clusters; stamens 25-30 mm long. Photographed from California . Small Tree For ID : California : 24OCT14 : AK-28 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Small tree seen in Golden Gate Park on 30th Sept,14. No flowers. Don’t know whether these are tiny buds or fruits. tree itself pic pl These are the only pictures I have. Could be Metrosideros Species? Yes. May be some cultivar of Metrosideros excelsa as per images and details herein and as per .
Please help with ID of this tree photographed from Las Vegas, 30-12-2010 Breaking the old thread which was mix up of two species Metrosideros ? Thanks …, I think yes May be Metrosideros collina ‘Spring Fire’ Also check Metrosideros excelsa |
Metrosideros excelsa (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024