Ligustrum ovalifolium (Cultivated)

California privet, Garden privet;
S. Korea, Japan as per WCSP;



Ligustrum ovalifolium from Kashmir, commonly planted in gardens. Photographed from Hazuribagh garden on June 16, 2010.
Common names:
English: California privet, Garden privet
German: Japanischer Liguster
French: Troène des haies



Ornamental Plant for ID : Pahalgam : 100912 : AK-3: An ornamental bush with variegated leaves seen in a garden at Pahalgam on 7/9/2011.

No flowers or fruits seen when the picture was taken.

Duranta repens?

yes looks like a variegated one… definitely flowers help me… to id this

Ligustrum vulgare I hope

looks like Camellia japonica Portuense Variegated

I have never seen Camellia or Duranta, but Ligustrum and its variegated cultivars are commonly grown.

I have already mentioned that there were no flowers or fruits on the plant, only leaves.
I am familiar with Duranta….so its definitely ruled out.
Leaves were thick and rubbery….does this help?

Found one more picture of the same plant taken in Pahalgam.
A small one, growing in the middle of Lupin plants.
I hope it helps. The branches were straight and upright.
Probably the flowering season was over when we visited in September.

also looks like Clerodendrum inerme not sure



Perhaps this should satisfy. It is common to see chimeric variegated shoots in shrubs, or variegated shrub/tree developing several normal green branches after few years.

… you have mixed up two plants in your latest photograph, the smaller variegated shrub (Ligustrum ovalifolium) hidden by some other plant, not able to fix yet.

The larger leaves are of Lupin, the smaller plant hidden in the middle of Lupin leaves is the same we were trying to identify…Ligustrum ovalifolium now identified by you.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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