Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii (A.DC.) de Juana, Bouteloua 24: 152 (2016). (syn. Ligustrum candolleanum Blume; Ligustrum candolleanum Decne. [Illegitimate]; Ligustrum neilgherrense Wight; Ligustrum obovatum Decne.; Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC.; Ligustrum perrottetii var. neilgherrense (Wight) Mansf.; Ligustrum walkeri var. tubiflorum C.B.Clarke); . Laccadive Is., S. India, Andaman Is. as per WCSP; . Andaman Is.; India; Laccadive Is. as per Catalogue of Life; . commonly known as: Nilgiri privet • Kannada: ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara • Konkani: कुंगीण kungin • Malayalam: പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu • Marathi: कुंगीण kungin, लोखंडी lokhandi, मेडसिंग medsing • Tamil: சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil, கோலி koli, புன்கு punku Names further compiled / updated at . lig-GUS-trum — an old name for privet … Dave’s Botanary ¿ per-ROT-tay-tee-eye ? — named for George Samuel Perrottet, Swiss-born French botanist and horticulturist … Flowers of India . commonly known as: Nilgiri privet • Kannada: ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara • Malayalam: പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu • Marathi: कुंगीण kungin,लोखंडी lokhandi, मेडसिंग medsing • Tamil: சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil, கோலி koli, புன்கு punku . Branchlets covered by lenticels is a character of Ligustrum (Oleaceae family) and ovate leaves are characteristics of L. perottetii A.DC. of Oleaceae family. ligustrum perrottetii: 4 images. ligustrum perrottetii a few weeks ago in mahabeleshwar a short tree or a tall shrub with fragrant flowers and glossy leaves
tree with green fruits mm1 13 03 2013 : 7 images. 6 posts by 5 authors. tree with green fruits, mahabaleshwar first week of march, 2013 small tree with fruits which were about 15mm long saw quite a few of these trees would very much appreciate an id Looks like Ligustrum perrottetii? I too thinks so many thanks for the id though I should have known it as I had photographed the flowers of this species in september 2012 attaching them in this mail yes this is Ligustrum perrottii I thought Ligustrum fruits turn black early. Surprised that not a single fruit is mature enough to be black here in the pictures. That would have made the ID easier. Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date :06.07.07 Location :Sirumalai hills, Dindigul dt, TN Altitude :3000ft Habitat :wild Habit :small tree Height :15 to 20 ft Leaves : Flowers :heady smell Sorry. There were no close up shots. This was taken long back. Can this be related to Murraya? Ligustrum perrottetii of Oleaceae? Thanks … The smell of the flowers was quite overpowering. Ligustrum neilgherrense var. obovata : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). The profuse flowering of this tree species as Ided by Dr. Almeida was seen predominantly last week (2.10.10) at Amboli, Maharashtra. As explained by sir the sticks are removed, slightly burned to get different coloured walking sticks. I could not understand the meaning of “different coloured walking stick”. Can you kindly explain it to me. Different colours of paint can be applied on the wood to match your clothes instead of just brown and white … ! Just like you like to have different coloured fruits all the time!! Hope your research is going well. One more important use I forgot to mention earlier is that this is a non-conventional seed oil plant and the quality of oil is similar to olive oil. . Names of Plants in India :: Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image. via Species > L > Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. … family: Oleaceae lig-GUS-trum — an old name for privet … Dave’s Botanary ¿ per-ROT-tay-tee-eye ? — named for George Samuel Perrottet, Swiss-born French botanist and horticulturist … Flowers of India commonly known as: Nilgiri privet • Kannada: ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara • Malayalam: പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu • Marathi: कुंगीण kungin,लोखंडी lokhandi, मेडसिंग medsing • Tamil: சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil, கோலி koli, புன்கு punku botanical names: Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. … synonyms: Ligustrum candolleanum Blume • Ligustrum neilgherrense Wight • Ligustrum obovatum Decne. … The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. lig-GUS-trum — an old name for privet … Dave’s Botanary roh-BUS-tum — robust … Dave’s Botanary ¿ per-ROT-tay-tee-eye ? — named for George Samuel Perrottet, Swiss-born French botanist and horticulturist … IPNIcommonly known as: Nilgiri privet • Kannada: ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara • Konkani: कुंगीण kungin • Malayalam: പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu • Marathi: कुंगीण kungin, लोखंडी lokhandi, मेडसिंग medsing • Tamil: சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil, கோலி koli, புன்கு punkubotanical names: Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii (A.DC.) de Juana … homotypic synonyms: Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. … heterotypic synonyms: Ligustrum candolleanum Blume • Ligustrum neilgherrense Wight • Ligustrum obovatum Decne. … POWO Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ Nilgiri privet
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ कुंगीण kungin
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ कुंगीण kungin, मेडसिंग medsing
लोखंडी lokhandi
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil
கோலி koli
புன்கு punku
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~ Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep Islands, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu; endemic
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at Both Malayalam and English names and spellings are correct. ANDEC10 Ligustrum perrottetii : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8) Nelliyampathy, Kerala November 2014
Ligustrum perottetii – 181214 – RK-1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Lalbagh, Bangalore – 14/12/2014 Tall shrub Common name – Nilgiri Privet
Agumbe :: large shrub FOR ID :: DVJAN52 : 2 posts by 1 author. 5 images. Agumbe … Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka Date: 26 DEC 2014 … Altitude: about 700 m asl ID please. Many thanks to … for the ID … Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. … at my flickr photostream.
129-TSP-ID-13DEC2016-3: A medium sized tree @ Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,for ID :10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Habit: A medium sized tree Habitat: Wild, Shola forest Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700 msl Date: 05-11-2015 At the outset (based on the fruits) the tree looks like Spondias dulcis. But not sure as the photographs are not clear. Are there any more photos clearly depicting the foliage and flowers etc. for proper ID It is tree belongs to the family Oleaceae- Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxb.(= Linociera ramiflora (Roxb.) Wall.) Its Ligustrum perrotetii I do not see the plant. Both are closely related plants. I agree with … Thanks … Noted the ID. 11122017BHAR01 species from Kolli hills : 20 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4) Found in Kolli hills of Eastern ghats. Small tree. Fruits remind me of Oleaceae A species of Ligustrum It is Ligustrum gamblei Ramamoorthy; ref Flora of Tamilnadu & Carnatic by K.M.Mathew Chionanthus mala-elengi (Dennst.) P.S. Green It is not Chionanthus mala-elengi (Dennst.) P.S. Green. Pl check this photograph at Comparative photographs in the web do not tally with Ligustrum gamblei Ramamoorthy To me also look different from images at http://www.biotik Can it be Ligustrum perrottetii A. DC as per images herein. It seems you are correct; for lack of clear flower picture and measurements it is difficult to judge at first glance sometimes. You may be right. But it is difficult to judge in the absence of the comparative photographs to verify. Ligustrum gamblei Ramamoorthy SN July 10 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3). Ligustrum gamblei Ramamoorthy; Oleaceae from Conoor area of Nilgiri, Tamilnadu Never seen this. Thanks for sharing this species. Is this the same as Ligustrum Perrottetii (or neilgherrense). Found at Nilgiris, 1300 MSL on a steep mountain slope. Attachments (1) The following may be relevant: 1. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) in Southern India – Jstor by PS Green – 1990 – Summary: Ligustrum (Oleaceae) in southern India. P. S. GREEN. Summary. A critical review of the material in the Kew Herbarium of Ligustrum from the Western Ghats, including some recent collections, has led to the conclusion that only one species, L. perrottetii A.DC., should be recognised, although one or two aberrant forms need to be studied in the field. 2. From Biotik: Requesting plant id: please find attached photos for id. Date/Time- 06.11.2010/ 13.00 – yes, looks like Ligustrum perrottetii A. DC. ID of Tree in Amboli,Sindhudurg Dist, Sahayadri Hills Maharashtra. 15-Sep-2017 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Date: 15-Sep-2017 Local people call it Kapasi. It attract many butterflies. Please find attached pictures. Does not have better picture than this. Please help find id. Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. [Oleaceae]. Ligustrum??021209PKA2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Seen this in Mahabaleshwar, MH in March 2020. I guess this is Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii based on efi pics. Requested to please validate. Thanks, …, for the wonderful presentations. I also think close to Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii as per comparative images at Ligustrum . Amboli, MH :: Tree with fragrant white flowers for ID :: ARK2021-091: 6 images. Looks close. . References: |
Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii
Updated on December 24, 2024