Habenaria rariflora A.Rich., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. II, 15: 70 1841. ; Spreading Flowered Habenaria • Marathi: चिरे हबॆअमरी Chire habe-amri; Leaves Linear lanceolate to oblong lanceolate.1-4 flowered inflorescence. Flowers White. pedicellate, bracteate. Capsule ribbed 2-3 cm. Beak 0.2-0.4cm long. Stalk 0.4cm long. Apart from Leaves another important point to be checked for differentiating this from H.grandifloriformis is antheres which are rounded at tip while they are distinctly tricuspidate at tip in H. grandifloriformis Habenaria for ID: Photographed this plant at Matheran on 24th July ’11. These were blooming in good numbers along the slopes of Sunset Point. Please help with the identification. H. rariflora. Pls note leaves not flat on the ground and lateral lobes of lip longer than wider midlobe to rule out H. grandifloriformis.
Habenaria rariflora: Name: Habenaria rariflora
Habenaria rariflora :: Purandar: Habenaria rariflora :: Purandar Thank you for pointing out the anther related observation. Untill now I was only considering the leaves. Just to add that Habenaria rariflora was flowering at Matheran till July only. In August, there was no single herb that I could have observed. At Purandar, it is flowering now which is good news to me. If looked minutely, all pollinarium have lobes in Habenaria, atleast whatever I have seen so far. But you need to separate them properly to observe then use needle to separate the lobes. I had read about Habenaria diphylla on the group itself. I couldn’t understand the last sentence Habenaria diphylla is found with both kind of leaves but still they are same The leaves of Habenaria rariflora and H. grandifloriformis, both types are found in Habenaria diphylla, but people dont differentiate them (leaf variant of H. diphylla) into two species or varieties. Yes their flowers are same, BUT, flowers itself varies a lot. Some times the sidelobes of lip are totally missing, some times small or sometimes they are long filiform. Can Habenaria diphylla have one type of leaves only on one plant or it can be found with both types of leaves in single plant? One type of leaf in one plant! Kas week : Habenaria rariflora SMP: Habenaria rariflora
Habenaria rariflora in Sciophytes habit Matheran, Maharashtra : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 6 authors. This is first time that I am observing this species on tree trunk.
There are two ways to think. Is Habenaria rariflora not a sciophyte? Or this is first interesting report of it being sciophyte? A better term should be Habenaria rariflora growing as EPIPHYTE!! Even while growing in grasses many orchids get shade due to grasses including few species of Habenaria, Zeuxine, Eulophia etc. But interesting pic that a Habenaria is growing on tree trunk. There are few more examples from this group playing such games…. but not sci Indeed the habit described by Fr. Santapau in Orchids of Bombay is ‘Lithophytic, rarely terrestrial or epiphytic herbs’.
Orchid For ID : Lonavala : 300713 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors. An Orchid seen yesterday on 29/7/13 growing wild on a mountain at Karla, near Lonavala. Habenaria species? This is Habenaria rariflora. Probably the most discussed orchid on eflora.
Yes Habenaria rariflora.
Requesting ID of this orchid – Lohagad : 24082013 : ARK-01 : August 2013 : Attachments (6). 6 posts by 4 authors. Requesting to please ID this orchid captured at Lohagad near Pune in August 2013. Can this be Habenaria rariflora?? Yes – Habenaria rariflora same as the one posted by you earlier from Karla Thank you … for the quick ID. This was my first sighting of any orchid in the wild, the orchid that you are referring to might have been posted by someone else Affirmative. This looks like H. rarifolia to me too. Yes Habenaria rariflora Orchidaceae Fortnight: Habenaria rariflora: AVD04 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors. Habenaria rariflora Mostly Lithophytic. Often confused with H.grandifloriformis. But can be easily differentiated from leaves. Location: Lohagad Maharashtra Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria rariflora :: SMP 02 : 2 images. 4 posts by 4 authors.
Habenaria rariflora Fort Purandar
Yes Habenaria rariflora. This is pretty.
Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria rariflora :: Tung fort :: DV25 : 2 images. 6 posts by 5 authors. Habenaria rariflora A.Rich. Dear friends, please validate the ID. at Tung fort on 31 JUL 11 Very good habitat picture. The leaves….. linear lanceolate clearly different than those of H.grandifloriformis. Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria ¿ rariflora ? :: Tikona fort :: DV46 : 2 images. 5 posts by 4 authors. Habenaria ¿ rariflora ? Dear friends, I strongly believe this plant to be Habenaria rariflora … please validate. at Tikona fort on 23 JUL 11 Yes Habenaria rariflora. Beautiful as always.
Yes it is. Leaves are typical
Orchidaceae Fortnight:: Habenaria rariflora | Matheran : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Matheran, Maharashtra July, 2012 Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria rariflora:: at Lonavala :: PKA63 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 4 authors. Habenaria rariflora from Lonavala.
Yes Habenaria rariflora Orchidaceae Fortnight: Ground orchid SS_08 : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 4 authors. Another ground orchid from Bangalore Location: Nandi Hills, Bangalore, Karnataka Habenaria rariflora Yes H. Rariflora, where did u get this in Bangalore Sinhagad, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKAUG-10 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4). Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Sinhagad, Pune in Aug 2014. Habenaria… Habenaria rariflora 🙂 id pl-UP-Aug-5 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Which Habenaria ? id pl. Seen at Kas. H. punchganensis sorry sir this is H. rariflora H rariflora to me sir! ANOCT02 Habenaria rariflora : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6). Nandi Hills, Bangalore 1st October 2014 identified by … ANOCT02 Habenaria rariflora : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (3). Attachments (3)
Habenaria grandifloriformis for validation : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(5) Submitting images of a specimen which I believe is Habenaria grandifloriformis for Id validation. Date/time: 13-09-2014/ 7-22 PM Location: Bababudangiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700msl Habitat: Wild, occurring amidst grass land. Habit; A Terrestrial herb In most of the Habenarias images of leaves are important. I do think it is Habenaria grandifloriformis, but please share pics of better resolution next time. This is probably Habenaria rariflora looking at the leaves to extent visible. Agree better image with leaves would help confirming the id. identification no 180615sn1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Please identify this Habenaria sp. date/time:aug14 location:aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune habitat:wild plant habit:herb height:about 1-2 ft. Habenaria rariflora Looking at the leaves it has to be Habenaria rariflora and not Habenaria grandifloroformis the flowers of which are similar. Habenaria rariflora -at Matheran- PKA-Aug06 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Habenaria rariflora at Matheran. A nice Habenaria not seen here in the Himalaya. Habenaria rariflora A.Rich.
Photographs taken by Sandip Gavade, Research scholar, Dept. of Botany, SUK Its Habenaria rariflora…………
This was spotted on a hill near Satara, Maharashtra in Oct 2015. Is this Habenaria rariflora?
I can’t see the leaf but this should be Habenaria rariflora
Habenaria rariflora ? : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Location – Lonavala (Maharashtra) Date – August 2019 Yes ! Correct ID!
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Habenaria rariflora
Updated on December 24, 2024