Benstonea foetida

India to Thailand as per WCSP;

Assam; Bangladesh; India; Myanmar; Thailand as per Catalogue of life;

Shrubs with stilt roots. Leaves spirally arranged; linear-lanceolate, acuminate, spiny along the margins and midrib below, glabrous, to 1.5 m long. Spadix branched, spathe ovate, acute. Male flowers in 5-6 cm long catkins; filaments 1 cm long. 

Flowering and fruiting: September-March
Evergreen forests
South India




MS May,2017/02 Pandanus for ID : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Lengpui, Mizoram
Altitude : ca 400 m.
Date : 14-01-2014
Habit : Perennial herb, up to about 1 m. high
Habitat : Wild

Is it Pandanus unguifer ??????

It is not pandanus ungifer
It is looking like pandanus furcatus with some variations.

Thank you sir. The size is very small, i.e., plant size (1 m high) and fruit size (about 7 to 10 cm dia.)

Can you please send leaves tip photo so it will confirms ungifer or others.

Sir, I’ll try to send you its leaves tip photo.

We compared with our collections and arrived at following conclusions.
 – matches close to Benstones foetida (Benstonea is a new  genus recently added in Pandanaceae; earlier it was Pandanus). For  confirmation we need fruit parts of this species



Benstonea Callm. & Buerki (Pandanaceae): characterization, circumscription, and distribution of a new genus of screw-pines, with a synopsis of accepted species by Martin W. Callmander, Porter P. Lowry II, Félix Forest, Dion S. Devey, Henk Beentje & Sven Buerki- Candollea 67(2) : 323-345 (2012)

Catalogue of life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  India Biodiversity Portal  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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