Piper betle L., Sp. Pl. 28 1753. (Syn: Artanthe hexagyna Miq.; Betela mastica Raf.; Chavica auriculata Miq.; Chavica betle (L.) Miq.; Chavica blumei Miq.; Chavica chawya C.DC.; Chavica chuvya Miq.; Chavica densa Miq.; Chavica siriboa Miq.; Cubeba melamiri Miq.; Cubeba seriboa Miq.; Macropiper potamogetonifolium (Opiz) Miq.; Piper anisodorum Náves ex Fern.-Vill.; Piper bathicarpum C.DC.; Piper betel Blanco [Spelling variant]; Piper betle var. densum (Bl.) C.DC.; Piper betle f. densum (Bl.) Fosb.; Piper betle var. fenixii (C.DC.) Quisumb.; Piper betle var. macgregorii (C.DC.) Quisumb.; Piper betle var. mariannum (Opiz) C.DC.; Piper betle f. marianum (Opiz) Fosb.; Piper betle var. siriboa (L.) C.DC.; Piper bidentatum Stokes; Piper blumei (Miq.) Backer; Piper carnistilum C.DC.; Piper chawya Buch.-Ham.; Piper chuvya Miq.;Piper densum Bl.; Piper fenixii C.DC.; Piper macgregorii C.DC.; Piper malamiris L.; Piper malarayatense C.DC.; Piper marianum Opiz; Piper philippinense C.DC.; Piper pinguispicum C.DC. & Koord.; Piper potamogetonifolium Opiz; Piper puberulinodum C.DC.; Piper saururus Burm.; Piper siriboa L.; Piperi betlum (L.) St.-Lag.); . Sunda Isl. (I), Taiwan (I), Java, Jamaica (I), Lesser Antilles (I) (Guadeloupe (I), Martinique (I)), Seychelles (I), Mauritius (I), Madagascar (I), trop. E-Africa (I), Fiji (I), Christmas Isl. (Austr.) (I), India (I), Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives) (I), Maldives (I), Philippines (I), Sri Lanka (I), Vietnam (I), trop. Afr. (I), Northern Marianas (I) (Agrihan (I), Alamagan (I), Sarigan (I)), Southern Marianas (I) (Saipan (I), Rota (I), Guam (I)), La Runion (I), Andamans (I) (North Andamans (I), Middle Andamans (I), South Andamans (I), Little Andaman Isl. (I)), Nicobars (I) (Car Nicobar Isl. (I), North Nicobars (I), Central Nicobars (I), Great Nicobar Isl. (I), Little Nicobar Isl. (I)), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Laos (I), Bhutan (I), Sikkim (I), Nepal (I), New Guinea (I), Solomon Isl. (I), Moluccas (I), Micronesia (I) (Yap (I), Fais (I), Pohnpei (I)), Palau Isl. (I) (Babeldaob (I), Angaur (I), Sonsorol (I)), Singapore (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I) as per Catalogue of Life; . Common name: Betel Vine, Betel • Hindi: पान Paan, Nagar-bel • Kannada: Ambaadi yele, Veeleyada yele • Malayalam: ബീടലാ Beetla, Vettila • Manipuri: ꯀ꯭ꯋꯥ Kwa • Marathi: खाव्याचे पान Khavayache-pan, naagavaela • Nepali: पान Paan • Sanskrit: ताम्बूल Tambula, नागवल्ली Nagavalli • Tamil: வெத்திலை Vettilai, Akilatam, Vetrilai • Urdu: Desi paan دیسی پان • Mizo: Panruang . Piper betle L. from Hooghly: I found this plant in a garden, under shades of various bigger trees and it was clinging a CHAMPACA tree. And when there is PAAN there must be betel nut ! And the damselfly asked me to capture her too! Species : Piper betle L. Habit & Habitat : cultivated climber having roots at nodes Date : 16/10/12, 3.15 p.m. Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly) We have munched these leaves yesterday, and i think these are locally called SADA PATA (ordinary betel leaf) PAAN, leaves are bigger than the MITHA PATA variety which we see in PAAN SHOPs. Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Piperaceae- Piper betle from California-GSSEP03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Piper betle L., Sp. Pl. 1: 28. 1753. Betel pepper, Paan leaf Photographed from Indian store in California A very popular plant, so we have people who chew this in USA also.. may be mostly Indian.. thanks Sir.. yes, … Its nice to see the plant itself. DEAR ALL: But it fills me with foreboding. may be we may get fined sooner or later for the pan pichkari .. Salman Rushdi made the west aware of that bad habit in a wide scale. (you may recall he went on and on about such uncouth behaviors’ in his booker of the booker book. Indians are fined against it in numerous countries including very vigorously in Singapore to name one. I always hope that some uncouth human does not do in California, because in Little India in Queens NY several immigrants were already warned by authorities..to put it mildly. Please look up : At least one council (locality) in England has banned it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/london/8580076.stm I quote from it : “Brent is not the only part of London which has been blighted by this. Neighbouring Ealing Council has also faced similar problems and there are reports of problems in places like Leicester and Birmingham.” Its very shameful when we encounter such posters. But its our own fault that our country men (and women) do it. Ex president KALAM talked of it https://archive.org/PresidentKalamS/0089.txt. so much for my pet peeve. Attachments (1). I beg you pardon … and …, but I fully agree with … The latest nuisance in this ‘pichkari’ series is GUTKA. Only a five minutes stay in a railway station or at a bus stop will inevitably prove this pichkari habit! Several of my students had started to spit it even in their classroom! However, we were successful to get them rid of this bad habit. It has now spread like an epidemic, affecting people irrespective of age-class-caste-religion! I agree in toto, I usually talk with people how bad it feels when we see the walls of Public Places made dirty by PAAN lovers, I sometimes feel helpless.. luckily we have very few people of this kind in our area.. Thanks … for detailed information and … also for further raising the issue and sharing his experience.. Yes …, I too beg pardon of … But Paan spit is such a nasty habit. Though sometimes I eat pan after dinner if the host offers and enjoy it or as a medicine for my chest problems. But do detest the spitting. It is not only pan but tobacco chewers also spit all over. yes One person at a time is what I do… i describe the cancer the tobacco in gutka and mouth mucous membrane and tooth decay and damage strong alkali and chemicals in paan cause. ANd other addictions that these things bring in in their wake. Usually these are poor labor intensive workers taxi drivers rickshaw wallahs sundry other labor folks sometimes teachers students or even some univ professors… In spite of this discussion I look forward to all the piper betle submissions of all those myriad varieties and cultivars and regional horticultural adventures. Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight :: Piperaceae :: Piper betle :: MNP :: ARKSEP-06 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). First 2 are Piper betel, third one is Piper longum Thank you … for the correction in ID…
TSPNOV2015-77-121: Images of Piper betle (Piperaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) It is my pleasure to share few images of Piper betle (Piperaceae) the Pan patta..! of Tarikere fame. Habit: A climber Habitat: Cultivated Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl Date: 27-05-2015 and 13-06-2014 Location: Kalimpong, WB, India Date: 10 May 2018 Altitude: 4100 ft. Habit : Cultivated Which Piper is this ? Piper longum L. ?? Can we get help from … ? To me look somewhat different from images at Piper longum Most probably its a variant of the cultivated P. betle (betle leaf) Piper betle L. Nepali Name: पान Paan. Paper on Anatomy of Piper: One of our papers has just been published Pipers are always difficult for me to identify. This paper will help people like me to learn a lot about Pipers. Photos are exceptionally beautiful. Hoping to find many more from you in future. Looking forward for more SEM studies. Do something on Orchid pollinia if possible. Dr. M. S. Mulgaonkar from our college has worked on orchid pollinia, SEM, annd further pollen grains. … you probably know more about ‘La lot’, the Vietnamese betel leaf (Piper sarmentosum). Its very close to our Indian betel vine (P. betle) and has similar usage. Morphologically they are similar and difficult to distinguish. So we tried anatomy for the purpose. Yes …, I am aware of P. sarmentosum….have collected it from Arunachal Pradesh too. Your detailed study on these species will surely help in identification. The SEM are fantastic… esp of the petiole fracture and the trichome . Piper betle from Hosaya village, Bedur road, Hassan for validation-GS14022022-2: 3 very high res. images. Piper betle for validation photographed from Hosaya village, Bedur road, Hassan, Karnataka, 26-9-2015.
. References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal Wikipedia Useful Tropical Plants PROSEA |
Piper betle (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024