Piper betleoides C.DC., Candollea 1: 186 1923. (syn: Piper betleoides var. glabrifolium C. DC.); . Bhutan, Sikkim, India (Darjeeling) as per Catalogue of Life; . Climbing shrub, stems weakly striate when dry, glabrous or minutely puberulous. Leaves membranous, lower ones broadly ovate-cordate, upper ones ovate to ovate lanceolate, 9-17 x 4-7.5cm, acuminate, base strongly asymmetric, unequally cojrdateon both sides, 5-veined at base, with 2-3 further veins arising 1.5 2.5cm above base, veins prominent adn sometimes sparsely puberulous beneath, lower surface minutely gland-dotted; petioles 1.42.0cm; stipules conspicuous, 1-1.4cm, subpersistent, adnate to petiole; axillary buds absent. Male spikes 4.5-6 x 0.2-0.3cm, on slender peduncles 2.5-3.5cm, bracts peltate, short-stalked, stamens juat exserted beyond bracts, anther cells erect on short stout filments. Female spikes 2.5-3.5cm, on slender peduncles 2-4cm, stigmas 4(-5). Fruiting spikes swollen, 8-10mm broad, drups 2mm, densely aggregated. Fl. April-July Subtropical forests. (Attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE. 1984 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal) .
Piper boehmeriifolium photographed in Kalimpong, West Bengal. Not sure if wild or cultivated. I am not sure as per GBIF. Yes it is Piper borhmeriifoliim It is Piper betleoides C. Dc, not P. boehmeriaefolium SK553 09 JUN-2017:ID: 14 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Kali mirch? I think Piper sp. Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi ??? We do not have this species (Piper kadsura) so far in efi. Also it is not distributed in India as per Flora of China. Was it cultivated ? Can it be Piper cubeba? It was also found in a roadside and all fruits are dangling downwards. I could not guess. It is very difficult to identify Piper spp. from photos. Piper kadsura does not occur in India. It is a Chinese / SEA species. Most probably it is male plant of P. betleoides C. DC although found in most of the places of north east (including north bengal & Assam) but rarely reported. Mostly reported in other names. Thank you … By the way could it be Piper pedicellatum ?? Thanks, …, …, the expert on this family. If you are not agreeing with his id of P. betleoides, pl. let us know the reasons. .. has just shown probability only not confirmed so I suggested. could it be that one as per google image. That means it is definitely P. betleoides C. D. SK1278 11 JUL 2018 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) – around 600 kb each. Location: Kalimpong, WB, India Date: 10 May 2018 Altitude: 4100 ft. Habit : Cultivated Piper betleoides C. DC ?? I also feel closer to images at Piper betleoides It is P. betleoides C. DC. male plant SK 2649 05 July 2020 : 9 posts by 2 authors. 5 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Chalnakhel, Pharping Date: 28 June 2020 Elevation: 1500 m. Habitat: Wild Which Piper? Thanks, …, I think it may be very difficult to id Piper based on leaf only. Yes …. I had suggested accordingly! Its look Piper betleoides C. DC Thank you …! Distribution in Nepal is not mentioned anywhere! Please try to collect more parts for final ID. If you get fl/fr please send me. OK sir. But it has not flowered yet. What is the phenology ?
. SK 3982 21 June 2024 – Piper: 6 very high res. image. Date: 12 June 2024 Elevation: 1407m. Habit: Wild I have been following this sp. and never found fruiting and flowering ! the vegetative branches of P betleoides . “Piper betleoides C. DC .: Edible source of betel‐scented sesquiterpene‐rich essential oil” by Dr Siddhartha Saikia: Any special reason for posting here? Just to make it easy for ID to compare the images given in the article. . References: |
Piper betleoides
Updated on December 24, 2024