Bacopa hamiltoniana

Bacopa hamiltoniana (Benth.) Wettst., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3b): 77 1891. (syn: Bacopa hamiltoniana var. angustisepala Hepper; Bacopa hamiltoniana var. hamiltoniana ; Cardiolophus decussata (Benth.) Griff.; Herpestis hamiltoniana Benth.; Mella hamiltoniana (Benth.) Pennell; Monniera hamiltoniana (Benth.) Kuntze; Monniera hamiltoniana (Benth.) T.Cooke);
India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Madagascar, Mozambique, Zambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory
Coast, Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, Chad, Burkina Faso,
Mali, Congo (Brazzaville), Benin
as per Catalogue of Life;

Stout herbs, erect or decumbent at base, stem simple or branched. Leaves to 2.5 x 0.5 cm, linear lanceolate, acute, base truncate, entire, subsessile. Flowers sessile, axillary; bracteoles linear, subulate. Calyx 4 mm long, 5-partite, 2 outer lobes brodly ovate, 3 x 3 mm; inner 3 x 1 mm, lanceolate. Corolla bluish-pink, slightly longer than the calyx; upper lip emarginated. Stamens didynamous; anthers white. Ovary globose, 3 mm aross, 2-celled, ovules many in each cell; style dilated at apex. Capsule globose, 3 mm across; seeds narrowly oblong, yellowish-brown.

Flowering and fruiting: October-February
Along stream banks
India, Myanmar and West Africa



Bacopa hamiltoniana (Benth.) Wettest, Fam: Plantaginaceae
collected from Calicut area. Author is indebted to Dr. Pradeep of calicut university.

Thanks … for this post… I hope you will share the pics of live specimens…

Thanks, … for all the wonderful uploads & enriching efloraofindia.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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