Kashmiria himalaica

Kashmiria himalaica (Hook. f.) D.Y. Hong, Bot.
Not. 133
(4): 565 (1980) (Syn: Falconeria himalaica Hook.f.; Wulfennia himalaica (Hook.f.) Pennell);
NW-India as per Catalogue of Life;



Kashmiria himalaica (Hook.f.) D.Y.Hong [=Falconeria himalaica Hook.f.; Wulfennia himalaica (Hook.f.) Pennell] is a very rare species endemic to Uttarakhand (and probably Western Nepal ?).
It grows on rocky slopes, between rock crevices and below rocks.
Interestingly, it has two habitats known in Uttarakhand, one at Munsyari area where I photographed it, and another at Tungnath where … has photographed it this summer and loaded it on our group today.
I must say that the photographs of … are the first ever pics of this species on web.

Congratulations … Thanks for sharing these rare beauties. All your posts are really very informative and high-quality.
Please help in ID of this herb photographed from Tungnath mountain in Uttarakhand. 

Great find Sir! 

It is least photographed species. In fact no photograph of this species exist on any of the web source as I find after my search. It has only two record in Uttarakhand one at Tungnath and other at Munsyari area where I photographed it during June 2013. It is Kashmiria himalaica (Hook.f.) D.Y.Hong. (Scrophulariaceae) [=Falconeria himalaica Hook.f.; Wulfennia himalaica (Hook.f) Pennell].
As per Pannel it is endemic of Uttarakhand (and probably West Nepal).
It is now in Plantaginaceae.



08-102014GS2 herb for ID from Uttarakhand-GSOCT04 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).

This small herb was photographed from Tungnath, Uttarakhand at altitude of about 3400 m, please help in ID.

Herb from Tungnath is Falconeria himalaica Hk.f. (Scrophulariaceae).

Yes Sir

Kashmiria himalaica (Hook.f.) D.Y.Hong (Plantaginaceae) now.
Late flowering stage with elongated peduncle.

Kashmiria himalaica (Hook.f.) D.Y.Hong (Plantaginaceae) photographed again in Khalya alpine meadow near Munsyari (Pithoragarh) in Uttarakhand.
This west Himalayan endemic was in full bloom on rocky slopes in alpine meadows.
Photograhed in July 2015.

Beautiful!! New to me thank you for sharing

Thanks … for sharing this alpine species, new to me too..

Photographed by us from Tungnath in 2013. Identified by … only. 

Yes … Must be a thrill to find something not seen on the net before and I saw it yesterday on Flowers of India, your pictures

Really great. I was knowing about this plant only in literature. You showed it us in reality…




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver. 1.1 (Kashmiria himalaica (Hook. f.) D.Y. Hong)

The Plant List 2 (Wulfenia himalaica (Hook.f.) Pennell (Unresolved) syn. Falconeria himalaica Hook.f.)  
Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Wulfenia himalaica (Hook.f.) Pennell syn. Falconeria himalaica Hook.f.) 
Updated on December 24, 2024