Limnophila repens (Benth.) Benth., Prodr. 10: 387 387 1846. (Syn: Ambulia conferta (Benth.) Baill. ex Wettst.; Bonnaya punctata G.Don; Diceros stoloniferus Blanco; Gratiola lucida Heyne ex Wall.; Limnophila conferta Benth., Limnophila conferta var. dubia (Bonati) Bonati, Limnophila dubia Bonati; Limnophila serrata Thwaites, Limnophila sessilis (Benth.) C.E.C.Fischer; Limnophila stolonifera Merrill; Stemodia repens Bentham; Stemodia sessilis Benth.; Stemodia tenuiflora Benth.; Terebinthina punctata (G.Don) Kuntze); . China (Guangxi, Hainan), Bhutan, Darjeeling, Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (Penang Isl.), Myanmar [Burma] (Taninthayi, Yangon), Philippines, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of life; . lim-no-FIL-uh — Greek: límnee (pond), philos (friend) … Dave’s Botanary REE-penz — spreading, creeping … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: creeping marshweed • Bengali: মাইট্যা কেশরী maitya keshari • Hindi: कपूर kapur • Kannada: ಆಮರಗಂಧಿ amaragandhi, ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ maangannaari • Malayalam: മാങ്ങനാറി maangannaari • Marathi: सरपट तुरटी sarpat turati • Mundari: उलि अड़आ uli ara • Sanskrit: आम्रगन्धः amragandhah • Tulu: ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ maangannaari Names further compiled / updated at . Distribution: tropical Asia, Australia . Erect or procumbent herbs with strong aromatic smell. Leaves 1-2 x 0.4-0.9 cm, oblong to elliptic-oblong, base acute, margin crenate-serrate, apex acute, punctate on both surfaces, glabrous, penninerved, chartaceous, subsessile. Flowers axillary, solitary or in short racemes. Calyx c. 4 mm long, lobes lanceolate, hirsute, striate at maturity. Corolla violet-pink, rarely yellow, c. 5 mm across; tube 6-8 mm long, pubescent without and at throat within, longitudinally purple striped. Stamens 4. Stigma spathulate. Capsule 3-4 mm long, ellipsoid. Seeds angular, brown. Flowering and fruiting: July-December Waterlogged areas Tropical Asia Limnophila repens is distributed in tropical Asia (Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Australia. In India the species is seen in Assam, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Karnataka, Orissa, Sikkim, West Bengal (Cook 1996), Madhya Pradesh (Singh 1997), Maharashtra (Godbole and Prasad 2001), Tamil Nadu (Henry and Chitra. 1987), Andhra Pradesh (Sadasivaiah pers. comm.). It is an annual plant growing in marshy places, rice fields particularly in low lying areas (Cook 1996). It is a very variable aquatic herb growing in wet places (Henry and Chitra 1987) and moist sandy soil (Singh 1997). (From IUCN Red List (LC) . Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Stemodia sp.?? from Karnataka: -PKA12:: : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors. I had seen this small herb in a open grass field close to forest Cover near Shigekeri Village (North Karnataka). only species of stemodia in efi Stemodia viscosa Limnophila conferta Benth.; FBI. iv. 266 is a very variable plant, as can be seen in – . lim-no-FIL-uh — Greek: límnee (pond), philos (friend) … Dave’s Botanary REE-penz — spreading, creeping … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: creeping marshweed • Kannada: ಆಮರಗಂಧಿ amaragandhi, ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ mangannari • Malayalam: മാങ്ങനാറി manganari • Sanskrit: आम्रगन्धः amragandhah • Tulu: ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ mangannari botanical names: Limnophila repens (Benth.) Benth. … synonyms: Stemodia repens Benth. … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. December 17, 2012 … Bada Beach, Kumta lim-no-FIL-uh — Greek: límnee (pond), philos (friend) … Dave’s Botanary REE-penz — spreading, creeping … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: creeping marshweed • Bengali: মাইট্যা কেশরী maitya keshari • Hindi: कपूर kapur • Kannada: ಆಮರಗಂಧಿ amaragandhi, ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ maangannaari • Malayalam: മാങ്ങനാറി maangannaari • Marathi: सरपट तुरटी sarpat turati • Mundari: उलि अड़आ uli ara • Sanskrit: आम्रगन्धः amragandhah • Tulu: ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ maangannaari botanical names: Limnophila repens (Benth.) Benth. … homotypic synonyms: Stemodia repens Benth. … heterotypic synonyms: Limnophila camphorata Hook.f. … and many more at POWO Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ creeping marshweed
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ মাইট্যা কেশরী maitya keshari
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ कपूर kapur
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಆಮರಗಂಧಿ amaragandhi, ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ maangannaari
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ മാങ്ങനാറി maanganaari
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ सरपट तुरटी sarpat turati
~~~~~ MUNDARI ~~~~~ उलि अड़आ uli ara
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ आम्रगन्धः amragandhah
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಮಾಂಗನ್ನಾರಿ maangannaari
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~ *Andhra Pradesh, *Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, *Nagaland, *Odisha, *Sikkim, *Tamil Nadu, *Telangana, West Bengal
* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state ~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at The correct English spelling of Malayalam name is maanganaari. i couldn’t get the telugu name Thanks very much, …, for pointing out the error and for the appreciation. Will shortly correct it. Many thanks …; I too could not find any article listing any Telugu name for this species. Kannada names and their English transliteration are correct. . Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Limnophila repens near Kumta :: DV04 : 1 image. 2 posts by 2 authors. Beautiful flower. Not shared so far on the group. .
Please identify the weed plant. Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671 Date:. 31.12.2020, 11.30am Altitude: 1700fsl Habitat: wild aquatic/marshy Plant habit: creeping annual aromatic weak stem little hairy Height: 01 feet Leaves: aromatic opposite oblong apex zigzag sided Flower: diameter:3mm, violet non fragrant Limnophila sps ? Limnophila repens (Benth.) Benth. I too agree with …
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Limnophila repens
Updated on December 24, 2024