Platanus hybrida Brot., Fl. Lusit. 2: 487 1804. (syn: Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.; Platanus hispanica Mill. ex Münchh.; Platanus hispanicus Muenchh.; Platanus orientalis var. acerifolia Aiton); Europe (introduced), Slovakia (introduced), China (introduced), Korea (introduced), Northern Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia [Caucasus], Tajikistan (introduced), Madeira (introduced), Mauritius (introduced), Réunion (introduced), USA (introduced) (Massachusetts (introduced), New York (introduced), Pennsylvania (introduced)), Canada (introduced) (Ontario (introduced)), Australia (c), Bolivia (c) as per Catalogue of Life;
Platanus x acerifolia from Mussoorie : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Platanus x acerifolia found planted in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand. Blooming in April.
Tree for ID : Platanus Species : Washington DC : 08DEC17 : AK-07 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Platanus Species seen in Washington DC, at the end of June. Could be Platanus occidentalis? Platanus occidentalis would have more rigid leaves and solitary heads. This is P. racemosa. Thanks for the correction in id. Platanus occidentalis aka American Sycamore looks good. Please, working only with the images offered which do not show some necessary details to make a proper identification, I see the fruit is single or double rather than in bunches (P occidentalis = single fruit; or two frutis (sometimes three) per stem P. racemosa = multiple fruits per stem); geographical location, P racemosa occurs in the western part of the US; P occidentalis in the eastern part). A more likely possibility is the Platanus x acerifolia, common name London Plane, a hybrid which is commonly planted as a street tree in the eastern part of the US. Forgive me if this link is not acceptable. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT} Urban Forestry Administration (UFA) keeps track of street trees and has created a map. If the person who supplied the images kept a note of the address and/or the GPS location of this tree, one can zoom in on the map, click on the circles to see the identification of each tree. References: |
Platanus hybrida (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024