Ischaemum polystachyum

Ischaemum polystachyum J.Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 328 1830. (Syn: Andropogon arcuatus (Nees) Steud.; Andropogon bourouensis Steud.; Andropogon chordatus (Trin.) Steud.; Andropogon fasciculatus (Brongn.) Steud. [Illegitimate]; Andropogon mariannae Steud.; Andropogon medius Steud.; Andropogon paniceus Steud.; Andropogon submembranaceus Steud.; Argopogon vuilletii Mimeur; Ischaemopogon arcuatus (Nees) Griseb.; Ischaemopogon arcuatus (Nees) B.D. Jacks.; Ischaemum arcuatum (Nees) Stapf; Ischaemum chordatum (Trin.) Hack. ex Warb.; Ischaemum digitatum Brongn. .; Ischaemum duthiei Stapf ex Bor; Ischaemum fasciculatum Brongn. .; Ischaemum hirtum Hack.; Ischaemum intermedium Brongn.; Ischaemum junodii Hack.; Ischaemum lacei Stapf ex Bor; Ischaemum mellei Stent; Ischaemum nilagiricum Hack.; Ischaemum paniceum Chauv. ex Steud. [Invalid]; Ischaemum pilosum Nees ex Trimen [Invalid]; Ischaemum plumulosum Stapf ex Ridl.; Ischaemum polystachyum var. chordatum (Trin.) Fosberg & Sachet ..; Ischaemum purpurascens Stapf; Ischaemum rivale Hack.; Ischaemum stipitatum Chiov.; Ischaemum taborense Pilg.; Ischaemum tallanum Rendle; Ischaemum timorense var. chordatum (Trin.) Hack.; Ischaemum todayense Elmer; Ischaemum turneri Hack.; Microstegium rupestre (Ridl.) A.Camus; Pollinia rupestris Ridl.; Spodiopogon arcuatus Nees; Spodiopogon chordatus Trin.; Spodiopogon rivalis Thwaites ex Hack. [Invalid]; Spodiopogon rivalis (Hack.) Thwait ex Ferguson);
Angola; Assam; Bangladesh; Bismarck Archipelago; Borneo; Botswana; Burkina; Cameroon; Cape Provinces; Caroline Is.; China South-Central; China Southeast; Ethiopia; Guinea; India; KwaZulu-Natal; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaya; Mali; Maluku; Marianas; Mauritius; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; New Caledonia; New Guinea; Northern Provinces; Philippines; Queensland; Sierra Leone; Solomon Is.; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; Tanzania; Thailand; Vanuatu; Vietnam; West Himalaya; Zambia; Zare; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life;
Trop. & Subtrop. Old World: Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Bismarck Archipelago, Borneo, Botswana, Burkina, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, China South-Central, China Southeast, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, New Guinea, Northern Provinces, Philippines, Queensland, Réunion, Sierra Leone, Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
Common name: Paddle Grass

Ischaemum ciliare submission : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 500 kb each.
Ischaemum ciliare
Family – Poaceae
Habitat – Along marshy places and brooklets
Photographed at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh In October 2018
Altitude – 700metres asl

This one is Ischaemum duthiei (=Ischaemum polystachyum).
Ischaemum ciliare = Ischaemum indicum will have broad wings on either side of sessile spikelet and usually will have two racemes only.

Thanks … for correcting id and clearing differences.
Yes it matches Ischaemum polystachyum
Synonyms – Ischaemum duthie
I had earlier searched for the Ischaemum duthie as this species is also mentioned in Flora of H.P but couldn’t find this name on Google so I thought this to be Ischaemum ciliare generally based on its marshy habitat along brooklets.
Sir may you please tell the distribution (states) of Ischaemum ciliare in India…


Need grass ID — black soil: 4 images- 1 high res.
Bhopal, 28/1/2023

Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng ??

Ischaemum pilosum


POWO  Flowers of India
Updated on December 24, 2024

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