Rumex acetosa L., Sp. Pl. 337 1753. (Syn: Acetosa agrestis Raf.; Acetosa amplexicaulis Raf.; Acetosa angustata Raf.; Acetosa bidentula Raf.; Acetosa hastifolia Schur; Acetosa hastulata Raf.; Acetosa magna Gilib.; Acetosa officinalis Gueldenst. ex Ledeb.; Acetosa olitoria Raf.; Acetosa pratensis Garsault; Acetosa pratensis subsp. biformis (Lange) P.D.Sell; Acetosa subalpina Schur; Lapathum pratense Lam.; Rumex acetosa subsp. biformis (Lange) Valdés Berm. & Castrov.; Rumex acetosa subsp. planellae (Pau & Merino) Muñoz Garm. & Pedrol; Rumex acetosus St.-Lag.; Rumex acuminatus Campd.; Rumex agrestis Raf.; Rumex amplexicaulis Raf.; Rumex angustatus Raf.; Rumex bidentula Raf.; Rumex biformis Lange; Rumex bulbosus Campd.; Rumex commersonianus D.Dietr.; Rumex commersonii Campd.; Rumex hastatulus Raf.; Rumex hispanicus W.D.J.Koch; Rumex hortensis Vis. ex Nyman; Rumex micranthus Campd. ex Meisn.; Rumex mutabilis Campd. ex Meisn.; Rumex oblongus Campd.; Rumex olitoria Raf.; Rumex oxyotus Campd.; Rumex planellae Pau & Merino; Rumex pratensis Dulac; Rumex pseudoacetosa Bertol.; Rumex sagittifolius Campd.; Rumex stenophyllus Timb.-Lagr. & Jeanb.; Rumex triangularis DC.); . Temp. Eurasia, NW. Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Altay, Amur, Austria, Baleares, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Buryatiya, Central European Rus, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Chita, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East European Russia, Finland, France, Føroyar, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Ireland, Irkutsk, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krasnoyarsk, Krym, Manchuria, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, North Caucasus, North European Russi, Northwest European R, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Primorye, Qinghai, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russi, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Taiwan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey-in-Europe, Tuva, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, West Siberia, Xinjiang, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Alaska, Alberta, Aleutian Is., Argentina Northeast, Argentina South, British Columbia, Chad, Chile South, Connecticut, Haiti, Labrador, Maine, Manitoba, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New York, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Québec, Saskatchewan, Svalbard, Vermont, Wisconsin as per POWO; . Common name: Common Sorrel, Spinach dock, Narrow-leaved dock, Garden sorrel • Hindi: चुक Chuk • Kannada: Pundi • Nepali: अमिले घाँस, Amile ghans, हले Hale • Sanskrit: चुत्रिका Chutrika • Telugu: Chukkakura .
POLYGONACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14 May 2014: Rumex acetosa from Himachal GSG-10 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 1 image. Yes … Nice photograph Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex acetosa from California-GSMAY51 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Rumex acetosa L. Garden sorrel, used as vegetable Could not click it in India, although I had photographs of my herbarium specimens from Kashmir (I resisted temptation to upload them), but I could finally click them from University of California Botanical Garden this Sunday. (14.5.14) Thanks Sir for these nice pics, I lack many of them in my database… Polygonaceae for ID ABAUG2017/29 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10) On my last trip to the mountains on 16-17 August, I found this polygonaceae first at 3000m and then at about 3300m. There were very few plants scattered over the hillsides. I cannot place it. Please help identify it. Below Snowline and Ilaqa, Dharamshala, HP 3000-3300m 16-17 August 2017 Rumex sp., most probably R. acetosa (Polygonaceae) Thank you very much … It is very likely R. acetosa. VOF Week: Unid-U25– Polygonaceae sp?? at VoF: Rumex?? I hope Rumex patientia Very nice pics Not yet … We can request … to prepare one. He is our expert on this Group of plants. Thanks for allotting this work to me. I’ll surely try to make it when I get some free time. Very sorry for my low activity in the group as some urgent lab assignments have to be finished. Hoping to increase my activity soon. Thanks a lot … We badly need a simple key for our species of Polygonum s.l.
Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex patientia ?? at VoF .-PKA31: : : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3). Rumex sp. probably Rumex patientia as suggested by … during one of the discussion on this plant posted earlier.. Family: Polygonaceae . . N.B. These are the only photographs available for this plant.. To me it seems Rumex acetosa. can help by uploading photograph with leaves. Leaves are clearly hastate to sagittate in R. acetosa. Plus I think it is much more delicate plant. Rumex acetosa L. Fotos taken on 23.5.11 before mowing the lawn. Sauerampfer contains vitamin c and is one of the valuable ingrediants in salad. Fishers used to use it against Scurvy, as it is found everywhere even in barren place. It can also be cooked like spinat, with potatos. I find the panicle looks very decorative.
Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb77B for Id- JM: (5 messages, 4 pictures, 29.11.10); I think close to images at Rumex acetosa it is Rumex acetosa in my observations too. Yes. Rumex acetosa. . VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0135 :: herb bearing terminal raceme at Valley of Flowers: 2 AUG 12 Valley of Flowers … about 11200 ft Habitat: along forest trail on mountain slope Habit: herb, about 40 – 60 cm high; flower about 1.5 – 2 mm across Perhaps Rumex sp. Rumex acetosa i think Maybe Rumex acetosa. .
Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 3400 m. Date: 24 August 2021 Habit : Wild Rumex…??? I checked all the species listed in the Checklist of Nepal. . VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 0827 :: Rumex ¿ acetosa ? at Valley of Flowers: 2 AUG 12 Valley of Flowers … about 11200 ft Habitat: sloping meadow Habit: herb, about 1 m high; flower about 2 – 3 mm across None of your photographs show leaves of the same plant. It would help if leaves ((very distinctive in different species) show along with inflorescence. Not able to recollect why I did not capture leaves and stem of this plant. I understand – getting to ID especially when there are species close to each other, require photos showing key aspects which are not available this time. . Rumex acetocella in Flora of Peninsular india: Dinesh ji’s images of Rumex acetocella in Flora of Peninsular india are of Rumex acetosa L. as per images and details herein Rumex acetosella looks different as per images at POWO. Pl. correct. . |
Rumex acetosa
Updated on December 24, 2024