Rumex dentatus

Rumex dentatus L., Mant. Pl. 2: 226 1771. (Syn: Rumex dentatus subsp. klotzschianus (Meisn.) Rech. f.; Rumex × halacsyi Rech. f.; Rumex klotzschianus Meisn.; Rumex limosus Thuill.; Rumex nipponicus Franch. & Sav.);
Tunisia to Indo-China: Afghanistan, Albania, Assam, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Cyprus, East Himalaya, Egypt, Greece, Gulf States, India, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Korea, Kuril Is., Laos, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, North Caucasus, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qinghai, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sinai, South European Russi, Tadzhikistan, Taiwan, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Xinjiang, Yemen; Introduced into: Alberta, Arizona, California, Czechoslovakia, France, Great Britain, Illinois, Mali, Missouri, Netherlands, Ontario, Oregon, Spain, Texas, Uganda as per POWO;
Common name: Toothed Dock • Assamese: Jangali chuka • Hindi: Ambavati, Amrule, Ambavah, जंगली पालक Jangli palak • Sanskrit: Changeri • Nepali: वन पाते Ban Pate, बन पालुङ्गो Ban Palungo

Fruits & Vegetables Week: Rumex dentatus,:
Rumex dentatus, a weed of cultivation and growing in waste places is often used as vegetable, a rich source of Calcium, beta carotene, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Local Names
Hindi: Ambavah, amrule
Delhi: Lal bibi, jungli palak

It becomes a nuisance when it comes along with wheat. You might be aware that this is troublesome weed in wheat harvesting areas of our region. I actually didn’t know about it being used as a vegetable.

Since there has been a lot of discussion in another thread about the use of Alstonia scholaris wood for making slates for school children (hence the name scholaris), those who must have used wooden slates (Takhti) must be knowing that there are two ways of doing this:

1. First ways is to smear the surface of slate with a suspension of white clay, allow it to dry and then write with normal ink using wooden pen (kalam)…… black on white.
2. Second way includes moving slate over a flame of oil lamp in such a way that it gets covered with soot. The next step is to rub the fresh leaves of Rumex so that the soot sticks firmly on the slate, and then rub back of
inkpot on the slate to give it a shine (ghota). This black slate is then written on using the suspension of white clay………white on black

I used a real slate. I wish i had made my own slate the way you have described. My grandfather told us about Dhulpati. The used to spread dust over a plate and write in that. The wooden pen (kalam) you are writing about, is a wooden pen? My father used to use Boru, which is made from Bamboo.  But kalam ist different is it?  I don’t have a boru here with me and can’t post a foto of it. But i have the squeak sound of it in my ears.

The kalam I am talking about is usually made of cane (Arundo donax in Kashmir; Saccharum spp. in warm climate), oblique cut at one end with split tip like we have in ink pen.

As what I remember we had  both Boru and Tak in childhood. According to my memory Boru is made up of a reed grass/ bamboo whis is hollow, thin. It used to one internode ( as per present scientific knowlege) long. It had the slanting tip which had to be dipped in ink (Royal ink/ Camlin ink, if you remember) and then to be writen on the paper. The tip used to get warn off and we used to sharpen it. Tak was a solid rod of wood, on the tip of which use to be fitted a mtalic Nib, which was dipped in ink and written on paper. For this we used to carry ink bottles to shool and many a times spill it on uniforms, those days we never had Surf Exell. As per my undersanding Kalam is a urdu word which is used for pen like object with which we write. I donot knw seperate wors for Boru and Tak in Urdu or Hindi. As for slate we also used to have real slates which we use to shine(Ghota with the coal. Every sunday was that programme. On this we use to write with pencil of some cabonate.

I feels good to to peep into the past childhood. Yes you reminded me, from the hollow kalam (made from a cane which could be Arundo, Acorus, Saccharum, Bamboo, etc.) we migrated into early pens consisting of a solid wooden rod with a narrow tip into which we would fit a special metallic nib having nib at one end and ring at the other which would fit into the rarrow end of wooden rod. I don’t remember any special name for that (like your TaK) but have used them in plenty on paper, before we started using regular plastic pens.


Herb for identification 230412MK01:

Please help me to identify this herb found commonly in roadsides of Ooty town of Nilgiris. The leaves are of variable sizes of about 20 cm. Flowers clustered in nodes. Is this any Brassicaceae?
Date: 18 Sep 2012
Location Ooty, Nilgiris, TN
Altitude: c. 2000 m ASL

AP3- Wild Plant for id from Ambala Cantt Haryana:
please help me to identify this plant and its family…
photographs taken on 1 may 2012
place-ambala cantt
month- may
habitat- garden, roadside, fields
habit- herbaceous, erect

stem- herbaceous
height- about 50 to 60 cm
leaves- small, elongated, pointed

Rumex dentatus, Polygonaceae, known as Jangli Palak


wild herb in uncultivated land from Hooghly 03-05-12 SK-3:

Found this wild herb in an uncultivated land. It is a common herb and can be found around ditches too.
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : wild herb, uncultivated land
Date : 12-03-12 & 14-03-12 (showing Calotes versicolor)
Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB


Matheran herb for ID 300512:
got this small herb clicked at matheran near stream on 25th may`12. This was around 690+ Mtrs (MSL) altitude.

Should be Rumex dentatus…. Polygonaceae..


3-ft herb Hooghly 29-01-13 sk1:

This is a common herb in roadside ditches and wet places, locally known as BAN-PALANG (wild spinach).
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : about 3 ft tall, glabrous, stem fleshy like that of spinac
Date : 29/1/13
Place : Hooghly

This plant seems to be the same Rumex dentatus Linnaeus as in my earlier upload at

Yes …


SYMBIOSIS : 542 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Attaching an image of a Common Grass Yellow butterfly on the flowers of Rumex dentatus.

Attached images may be Rumex dentatus L collected from Aligarh (UP). Please ID the Species.
Date :13.04.2014
Location: Aligarh (UP)
Family :Polygonaceae
Genus & species : Rumex dentatus L (?)
Habitat: Grows wild on roadside
Habit : Herb

Yes, you are right …  This is a very common and noxious weed of our wheat crops

I think yes. Nice photographs …

A reply from … at Rumex (Polygonaceae) page with comparative images:
For R. dentatus I’ve attached the description I have (and the related R. pulcher) which is that it is an annual with 0 or few twiggy branches, the species having a “stiff” look. The last five R. dentatus photos on the page seem to depart from that description. The 1st pic of all those presented for R. dentatus does give a much more fitting presentation of those qualities to my mind. Beyond my reading I’ve no special experience of the species so others may know better.

I have gone through the images at our species page at Rumex dentatus L.

It appears in line with other observations at the page.
Fruits also match with others.
It is possible that there are many plants of the same species giving an impression that it is a single plant with spreading branches from the base.


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex dentatus from Kashmir-GSMAY16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Rumex dentatus, photographed from Srinagar, Kashmir


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex dentatus from Delhi-GSMAY15 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Rumex dentatus photographed from wastelands in Delhi.

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!

POLYGONACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14 May 2014: Rumex dentatus from Himachal GSG-11 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Kindly find below images of Rumex dentatus from lower belt of Himachal.
This is a noxious weed of the wheat fields and also occurs otherwise,
the entire plant turns reddish on maturity..
Rumex dentatus recorded from my place in Kaithal..
i hope this is rightly identified..

I think yes, good photographs

POLYGONACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14 May 2014: Rumex dentatus from Uttarakhand_DSR_20 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Rumex dentatus L. is a common herb in spring and early summers in Pantnagar.


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex punjabensis/maritimus from Gulmarg, Kashmir pl identify-GSMAY27 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8).
This another tall herbaceous Rumex species was found growing in Gulmarg meadow in Kashmir alt. 2500 m. The plant has valves which are entire but have 2-3 pairs of straight teeth towards base. The two species I can think are R. punjabensis and R. maritimus. Kindly help in exact identity.

All the photographs you have displayed are Rumex dentatus and it varietes which have been recently raised as sub species.

Wild Plant For ID : Srinagar : 13JUN16 : AK-17 : 5 posts by 3 authors.
A very common plant seen growing along the roadside.
Leaves looked very close to Spinach.
Local name was given as ‘Abij’ and was said to be edible.

See Rumex

I hope Rumex dentatus.

Rumex dentatus : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Sharing some pictures of Rumex dentatus shot at Kakani Nepal on 28
July 2016 at 6000 ft.

Thanks for the complete details.

Adding some pictures shot at Roshi River Nepal on 29 May 2015 at 3000 ft. Attachments (2)

SK630 09 JUL-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Location:  Gopaldhara, Darjeeling, India 
Date: 20 May  2017
Altitude: 6000 ft
Rumex dentatus L.   …??

I think matches with images at Rumex dentatus


at Radhanagari, on 27th March 2009; May 09, Sonepat, Haryana; 21/3/10- At Tollygunj Golf Club, Kolkata; from Delhi- March’10?; Balgarden, Srinagar on June 15, 2010; August 25, 2010: Pasarani Ghat, enroute Panchagani;
marsh land shrub Id: 4 images.
Please ID this plant seen yesterday 07/02/21 near confluence of Ramnadi and Mula river in Pune. is this Rumex sp. ?

Rumex dentatus!

Lamiaceae… : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
kindly find the Fortnight theme based plant from lamiaceae…for identification. It is clicked from Saurashtra and i have this pic only.

It’s very difficult to identify with such incomplete pictures.

Please follow the guidelines for proper follow up of your posts..
The picture posted here looks closer to Rumex than any Lamiaceae..

I hope Rumex dentatus

Rumex for sure!

Weed identification: 2 images.
Requested for identification
Shimla himachal pradesh
March 3,  2021

Rumex dentatus L.


I’d requested for this plant???: 3 images.
Location: pulwama
Date: 13/06/2022

Check Rumex sp. Family Polygonaceae

Pl. check

Appears close to images at Rumex dentatus L.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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