Heteranthera zosterifolia (Cultivated)

Heteranthera zosterifolia Mart., Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 1: 7 1824. (syn: Heteranthera osteniana Herter; Schollera zosterifolia (Mart.) Kuntze);
Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Bolivia; Brazil Northeast; Brazil
South; Brazil Southeast; Paraguay; Uruguay
as per Catalogue of Life;



ID request 25122017CP1 : 18 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Kindly identify this plant growing in Kaas, Maharashtra.

Please confirm the location once again. Looks like an aquatic cultivated plant. 

The plants were growing in the wild, in a swampy place either on the way to Kaas plateau or on the plateau itself.

It seems to exotic ornamental

I may be completely off the mark but could it be a member of Iridaceae; may be Aristea sp.?

I do not think so. Pl. see 

Do your images have a gps location by any chance? I haven’t encountered this at Kas over last 20 years.

May not be particularly in Kaas but definitely somewhere around Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Had gone there on an excursion in October, 2013, and the photos were taken then.

May be it is from Dr Yadav’s collection in Shivaji University.

Thanks …; got it identified by a student of Prof. S.R. Yadav. It is Heteranthera zosterifolia of Pontederiaceae family. Probably can be found in flora of Kolhapur.

Identified by Sandip Kisan Gavade.

Catalogue of Life gives its native range at Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Bolivia; Brazil Northeast; Brazil South; Brazil Southeast; Paraguay; Uruguay
Also could not find any records from India on google search. So may be cultivated or an escape from cultivation.

Could it have been introduced in India? I will try to find out. 

This plant is grown in a large pot placed on the left side of entrance to Botany dept of Shivaji University. It has not escaped else where.

Updated on December 24, 2024