Consolida ajacis

Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur, Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 4(3): 47 1853. (syn: Ceratostanthus ajacis (L.) Schur; Consolida ajacis (L.) Nieuwland; Consolida ambigua (L.) P.W.Ball & Heywood; Consolida gayana (Wilmott) Laínz; Delphinium addendum W.R.McNab; Delphinium ajacis L.; Delphinium ambiguum Mill.; Delphinium bithynicum Griseb.; Delphinium consolida Sibth. & Sm. (ambiguous synonym); Delphinium gayanum Wilmott; Delphinium nanum DC.; Delphinium ornatum Bouche; Delphinium pauciflorum D.Don; Delphinium peregrinum subsp. nanum (DC.) Graebner & Graebner fil.; Delphinium pubescens Griseb. (ambiguous synonym); Delphinium simplex Salisb.);
S. Europe to W. Himalaya and Central Asia: Afghanistan, Albania, Bulgaria, Corse, East Aegean Is., France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Kriti, Lebanon-Syria, North Caucasus, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sicilia, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Alabama, Algeria, Arizona, Arkansas, Assam, Azores, Bangladesh, Belgium, British Columbia, California, Canary Is., Connecticut, Czechoslovakia, Delaware, Denmark, District of Columbia, East Himalaya, El Salvador, Florida, Georgia, Great Britain, Guatemala, Honduras, Illinois, India, Indiana, Iowa, Ireland, Kansas, Kentucky, Korea, Libya, Louisiana, Madeira, Manitoba, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico Southwest, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Morocco, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New South Wales, New York, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, North Carolina, North Dakota, Norway, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Rhode I., Romania, South Australia, South Carolina, Sweden, Tennessee, Texas, Uzbekistan, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Western Australia, Wisconsin as per POWO (Delphinium ajacis L.);

Turkey (E-Anatolia, Inner Anatolia, NW-Anatolia: Bithynia), Cyprus (S-Cyprus), East Aegaean Isl., European Turkey, Iraq (NE-Iraq, SE-Iraq, Lebanon (coastal W-Lebanon), Syria (C-Syrian Desert), Egypt (Great Southwestern Desert, NE-Egypt, NW-coastal Egypt), Sinai peninsula (C-Sinai), Portugal (I), Spain (I), Gibraltar (I), Baleares (I), France, Corsica, Sardinia (I), Malta (I), Sicily (I), Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia & Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Kiklades), Crete, Crimea, Libya (I), Algeria (I), Morocco (I), Austria (I), Belgium (I), Slovakia (I), Switzerland (I), Germany (I), Poland (I), Romania (I), European Russia, Estonia (I), Belarus (I), Northern Caucasus, Georgia [Caucasus], Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan (Faryab), Pakistan (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I), South Australia (I), New South Wales (I)), Java (I), China (I), Korea (I), Colombia (I), Guatemala (I), El Salvador (I), Honduras (I), Costa Rica (I), Bolivia (c), Ecuador (I), Venezuela (I), Mexico (I), Mauritius (I), La Runion (I), Mozambique (I), Azores (I) (Sao Miguel Isl. (I), Terceira (I), Sao Jorge (I), Pico (I), Faial (I), Flores Isl. (I), Corvo Isl. (I)), Madeira (I) (Madeira Isl. (I), Porto Santo Isl. (I)), Canary Isl. (I) (Tenerife (I), Hierro (I), La Palma Isl. (I)), India (I), Jammu & Kashmir (I), Bhutan (I), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Vietnam (I), USA (I) (Alabama (I), Arkansas (I), Arizona (I), California (I), Connecticut (I), District of Columbia (I), Delaware (I), Florida (I), Georgia (I), Iowa (I), Idaho (I), Illinois (I), Indiana (I), Kansas (I), Kentucky (I), Louisiana (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I), Maine (I), Michigan (I), Minnesota (I), Missouri (I), Mississippi (I), Montana (I), North Carolina (I), North Dakota (I), Nebraska (I), New Hampshire (I), New Jersey (I), New Mexico (I), New York (I), Ohio (I), Oklahoma (I), Oregon (I), Pennsylvania (I), Rhode Island (I), South Carolina (I), South Dakota (I), Tennessee (I), Texas (I), Utah (I), Virginia (I), Vermont (I), Washington State (I), Wisconsin (I), West Virginia (I)), Canada (I) (British Columbia (I), Manitoba (I), Ontario (I), Quebec (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Larkspur, rocket larkspur, annual delphinium


Consolida ajacis I believe (syn: Delphinium ajacis)

Ranunculaceae Week: Consolida ajacis from Delhi and Kashmir:
Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur,  Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 4:47. 1853 “ajacei”
syn: Delphinium ajacis L.; Consolida ambigua auct.;
One of the popular garden ornamentals grown in both colder and warmer climates with flowers in different shades of purple, pink and white.
Photographed from Delhi and Kashmir
Common names: Larkspur; rocket larkspur

BLUE FLOWER ID……03​.04.2011..​….S.S…​..011:
I have studied this pic for ages.
At 1st I thought it was a Delphinium… but am not convinced. Help please.
Date/Time-……3rd April 2011. Afternoon

Location-…. Rinchenpong to Kalimpong. West Bengal.

Habitat- In garden

Plant Habit- Herbaceous

Height/Length-see pic

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-???

Inflorescence Type/ Size-see pic.

Flowers … Blue

Delphinium ajacis

This and other single carpelled species of Delphinium are now consolida
Consolida ajacis.

Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Delphinium ajacis-Larkspur :: NS 2015 Jan-22 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(3)
A common winter ornamental, comes in vivid colors.. sharing these pics from my place..

Yes a common winter or spring annual with beautiful colours.
Now known as Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur

Ranunculaceae Fortnight: SMP JAN 06 :: Yellowstone park : ?Delphinium for ID : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Please ID this Ranunculaceae meber … a herb observed in Yellowstone Park USA


I agree with … that leaves are important for identification However I believe the flowers you have uploaded may be Aquilegia nivalis

D. nivalis is endemic to Kashmir and not expected in USA
To me it appears to be the common larkspur Delphinium ajacis

Thanks … Thanks … for the possible ID.
I know you have a grasp on US plants too..
Actually I was reluctant to post the picture as nither is the quality good nor are the details present.
This is just for the Family fortnight and wanted to confirm the family. That’s all
Trying to increase my number…..(Joking)

Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 4:47. 1853ajacei
syn: Delphinium ajacis L.; Consolida ambigua auct.; 
One of the popular garden ornamentals grown in both colder and warmer climates with flowers in different shades of purple, pink and white. Photographed from Delhi
Common names: Larkspur; rocket larkspur

Attached is a picture of Consolida ajacis captured at the VJTI Flower Show, Mumbai in February 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID.

Yes …

SK982 17 FEB-2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Leh, India
Altitude: Around  11000 ft.
Date:  19 August 2014
Habit : Cultivated

Floral characters not very clear. Nevertheless, it could be a variety of Delphinium grandiflorum Blue Butterfly.  A guess.

Pl. also check if it helps: /species/m—z/r/ranunculaceae/delphinium

Looks like matching as suggested by … Your opinion please …

I checked up, but was not convinced.

My guess is Consolida ajacis, an ornamental species native to the Mediterranean, very rarely cultivated in Ladakh. Delphinium grandiflorum seem to have larger flowers

Thank you ! Consolida ajacis (L.)

Consolida ajacis (L.) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each.
Location:  Manju Park, Soureni, India 
Date: 6 May  2018
Altitude: 2900 ft
Habit : Cultivated

Garden Flowers for ID : Srinagar : 06AUG19 : AK-16 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Garden flowers seen in Srinagar during visit in April, 2016.
Cultivated flowers in the Moghul Gardens.
… had suggested Nigella damascena.
But on searching, his pictures of the same on Flowersofindia look different to me.
Could this be Consolida ajacis?
Or something else?

Please show me image on which I had suggested Nigella. This seems a cultivar of Consolida ajacis only.

Same five pictures I had sent you earlier. I had suggested whether it is Nigella Species.
Today, while going through my folders, I found these to look different.
So thought of posting for correction.

Could this be Consolida ambigua?

Consolida ambigua is a synonym of C. ajacis.

Thanks a lot for the clarification and your prompt answer.

Looks matching


PLANT FOR ID 20042013AMF01 : Attachments (3).  3 posts by 3 authors.

Plant found in doda ( J & K).
Alt. 3746.67 feet
Habit. Herb with purple flowers
Compound leaves pinnately disected

May be Consolida ajacis

I think there should be no doubt about its being Consolida ajacis



SK930 05 JAN-2018 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 MB.

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal 
Date: 6 April 2013
Altitude: 4400 ft.
From a flower show !

Any other photographs available ? 

Sorry only one!

Pl. Check /species/m—z/r/ranunculaceae/aquilaria species. 

Aquilegia vulgaris var. nivea (Baumg. ex Baker) Rchb.  ???

Not Aquilegia as it has single spur, single carpel, Consolida ambigua looks likely

Thanks, … You may be right as per images at Consolida ajacis


Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Delphinium carolinianum NSJ-Jan-07 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Delphinium carolinianum from Kalimpong, Apr 09


This is Consolida ajacis as per images and details herein.

Flowers for ID : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Attached herewith photos of flower which appear to be of Delphinium carolinianum from Ranunculaceae family. The photos were taken at Sikkim last month (April’09)
Pl confirm.


Link for Delphinium carolinianum: http://www.missouriplants.Delphinium_carolinianum.html (desc. well explained with pix).

This is Consolida ajacis as per images and details herein.


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Consolida ajacis for validation :: ARK2022-138: 6 high res. images.
This was at the Leh resort in August 2022.
Consolida ajacis
Saw this in 2 colours. Posting the remaining images in a separate messages.
Requested to please validate.

Yes, …, as per images at Consolida ajacis




Updated on December 24, 2024