Delphinium denudatum

Delphinium denudatum Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 40 1855. (Syn: Delphinium denudatum var. latifolium Qureshi & Chaudhri; Delphinium denudatum var. linearifolium Qureshi & Chaudhri; Delphinium pauciflorum Royle [Illegitimate]);
NE. & E. Afghanistan to W. Himalaya and NW. India: Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), India (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh), Pakistan (Chitral, Swat), Nepal, Afghanistan (Badakshan, Ghazni, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Parwan) as per CoL;
Common name: Jadwar • Hindi: Jadwar, Judwar, Nirbishi, Nirbisi, Nirvisi • Kannada: nirvishi • Malayalam: nirvasi • Marathi: nirvishi • Nepali: निरबिशी Nirbishi • Sanskrit: apavisha, avisa, avisha, nirvisa, nirvisha • Tamil: nirbasi • Urdu: jadwar
Perennial herb, up to 90 cm tall; basal leaves with up to 15 cm long petioles, blade suborbicular, 3-5 partite, lobes obovate, deeply laciniate into suboblong lobes; upper leaves successively smaller; flowers blue or violet in open panicle; spur up to 15 mm long; upper petals white with purple tip, lower blue or violet; follicles3, up t0 15 mm long with 2-3 mm long beak.


Flora of Nainital: Delphinium denudatum Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson from Nokuchiatal:
Delphinium denudatum Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson from Nokuchiatal

very nice larkspurs, are these cultivated / planted by design or wild?

Pure wild


Flora of Chakrata-2012: Delphinium denudatum:
This plant was in my wish list for a long time, finally got this on way to Budher caves on May 17, 2012. Hope my id is correct, this one should be Delphinium denudatum Wall. ex Hook. f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1:49. 1855…

One more…showing the leaf for reaching to conclusion..

Nice Catch. was also common in Nokuchiata;

this was not having any fruits…

Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Delphinium denudatum for validation from Chakrata:: NS 2015 Jan-23 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
This is wild Larkspur, flower colour varies from deep to light blue, recorded from Chakrata area, I hope the id is right as Delphinium denudatum…

D.denudatum to me too.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight: Delphinium denudatum from Uttarakhand-GSJAN32/32 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Delphinium denudatum Wall., ex Hook.f. & Thoms., Fl. Ind. 49, 1855
Perennial herb, up to 90 cm tall; basal leaves with up to 15 cm long petioles, blade suborbicular, 3-5 partite, lobes obovate, deeply laciniate into suboblong lobes; upper leaves successively smaller; flowers blue or violet in open panicle; spur up to 15 mm long; upper petals white with purple tip, lower blue or violet; follicles3, up t0 15 mm long with 2-3 mm long beak.
Photographed from near Naukuchia tal in Uttarakhand.



Delphinium denudatum
Photographed from Harwan Kashmir

Ranunculaceae Fortnight_Delphinium denudatum_Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
I hope it is Delphinium denudatum.
Grows wild at foothills in Kashmir Valley



*Delphinium sp. ABMAY01/01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
I found this in the under storey on my way back in the afternoon. The light was poor and I could not take good photographs. I will visit the plant again and take better photos in a day or two. It looks like a Delphinium but I am not sure of the species. Please advise.
Delphinium denudatum?
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1 May 2015

I think yes Delphinium denudatum

looks like it in pics on th e net
wiki says it grows at 8000 to 12000 feet
is it found in lower regions?
since … has photographed it, it obviously must, so is it a first sighting at lower ranges?

Thank you … I was confused about the leaf shape as the FOI site shows leaves of a different size and shape. But I haven’t seen the base of the plant to verify properly. FOI says it is found 1500m and above but says flowering occurs June to August.  Here is what Oleg Polunin &Stainton say in Flowers of the Himalaya;
And Col Collett in Flora Simlensis;
So we are alright with the altitude and the flowering time taking it collectively. I will try and photograph the base and the flowers properly tomorrow if the weather holds.

I revisited the plant today and took several photos for record. 5 images.

personally i would go with Polunin , only because he did the survey in late 20th century\
and he went with a team of dedicated photographers and I think if i am not mistaken with mappers..

He says the upper leaves are cut into 3 to 5 mm wide lobes, which your plant  has…
and the flowers are delphenium, and  correlate well with the description.
and the good old Col collett
many more decades before that
and god only knows who collected specimen for him and who drew his line drawings for him?
not all draftsmen they employed then were scientifically trained.
You have to read all those Plant Hunters books to develop a jaundiced eye for their scientific reliability.
i am hoping the Col is correct and you’ll find the lower leaves to match the ones in his bw line drawings
I wrote this  a week or so ago and draft saved loadshedding of electricity!!!
i forgot in the current family week’s cases
but  i still feel the same as when i wrote it so sending it
always read the old books except by Bentham or trained botanists
sent to india by east india co/… with a jaundiced eye

Here is my plant of D. denudatum from Naukuchia Tal with flowers resembling yours and basal leaf resembling FOI, and partially yours (which are not basal most)
Attachments (2)

Thank you … for sharing your images. We certainly have the same species.
Thank you … for your advice. I always try and refer to a few different sources before writing on the forum and then follow the advice from the experts here.

so these white splotches on the leaves present both your pictures from Dharamshala and Nukuchia Tal is a characteristic of the leaves in this case? or do other delpheniums have them?

I am not sure … if these spots are characteristic. I will leave it for … to answer. Here is phone photo of another delphinium leaf I photographed on Saturday. May be spots develop as the leaf matures.
I have a lot of material to share but am very busy at the moment. I will try and write this evening.

there is never any hurry at all. take your time and never any pressure

We have lost the plant I photographed last year due to the rerouting of water pipes on that area. I was quite distressed to find no other plant on the mountain paths despite looking carefully. Today, however, that changed and I found a lone plant with one flower at first. Later I found three other plants with four or five flowers on each and was happy. Here are some photographs. I just realised that in my excitement I didn’t think of photographing the basal leaves but I will correct that soon and visit that area in the next few days.

Delphinium denudatumJadwar, Larkspur
Above Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP
2000m approx.
22 May 2016.

Superb as usual

I first saw this plant at Chakrata, a span elapsed to see it again, but I think this is not rare, as I first imagined..
Thanks for sharing, and a plant lover feels happy to find a new or uncommon plant, I have a large number of taxa with me with either flowering or fruiting individuals wanted..thanks …!!

Thank you … I am happy to hear that this plant is not becoming scarce. Perhaps they thrive on slopes away from the paths and I see so few of them.

There is now a very high demand for its roots, known in trade as ‘Jadwar’ and locally ‘Nirbishi’ for making some anti-cancer(?) formulation. Unless it comes in cultivation its sighting will soon become rarer.

One of my students gave me one dried root (Jadwar) of this plant at Solan. It is used on dog bites by locals.
Also attaching two
photographs of Delphinium denudatum. Attachments (2)

Thank you … for finding more plants. the leaves bloches? and … for new information and pictures.
ANil I am surprised the root is so thick or so it seems several years’ worth of growth
i imagine?  SInce garden grown delpheniums are considered to be anuuals.
may be if garden is undisturbed they come back from the roots after the snow is gone.
… so now you task is increased !!!
i am still interested in those blotches on the “Lower”  leaves.
My new question is about the seed pods .and possibility of collecting seeds
for conservation efforts .

Thank you … I have always been of the opinion that plants should be cultivated and not collected in the wild for medicines required commercially. Wild plants can only sustain a small local population without dwindling in numbers irreparably. Hopefully good sense will dictate formation of a law prohibiting commercial exploitation of all wild plants.

Thank you … for the information and the photographs. I will ask around here if the plant is put to such use as well.

Thank you … I missed the leaves yet again. I am planning to walk there again soon and make photos of the basal leaves and also to check if some seeds have already formed. I will report back in a week’s time.

I managed to go for a hike this afternoon and photographed basal leaves of two different plants and seeds on one. Here they are for reference; 3 images.

so the white marks are definitely part of its life. and the seed pods are similar to those of garden variety larkspurs. may be you get some when they ripen?

I would love to spread these if I know the correct procedure. I will need advice from experts here.

look up how to plant garden variety of delphenium seeds and since this a “weed” a spontanoeous wild species, it may be even easier to propagate. only thing you may have to research is do the seeds need drying and then cold stratified? i just dont know.
People just buy seeds and start them indoors when it as still snow outside and then plant them out after the fear of frost was over mainly mid to late may. dont know if the seeds we bought were already cold treated ot not.

I found two flowers and a bud on the same location where the new water pipes were laid and I had little hope of ever seeing these again at that spot (I had noticed and photographed the basal leaves there in early March though). I am happy to report that a plant survived and I photographed it to share today.
Delphinium denudatum
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1800m approx.
23 April 2017.
Attachments (11)

Beautiful pictures indeed

On my walk the day before yesterday I found these white Delphiniums. I think they are D. denudatum only but please correct me if I am making a mistake.

Above Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP
1850m approx.
29 April 2017.
Attachments (3)

In this plant the leaves are clearly visible so I am posting here for reference.
Attachments (3)

Beautiful clicks, … It’s tuberous roots are known as JADWAR in trade. 

Both shades at the same place

Family: Ranunculaceae
Date: 24th May 2015
Place: Renuka Ji-Haripurdhar Route, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Herb


Flower ID:
Could someone please help me with the ID of this flower which looked like Pixie hats  to me? It was photographed on the way to Naukuchiatal (Uttarakhand). There were no leaves on the plant, just flowers.

Difficult to fix species without leaves but most probably Delphinium denudatum.

I think the characteristic spur of Delphinium is visible here….though not aware of species.

Thanks … for IDing the flower.


Ranunculaceae Week: Delphinium denudatum from Kalatope, Chamba, Himachal:
Delphinium denudatum is blooming right now all over our side of the mountain..

Id. Required for this Delphinium sp.: 6 images.
Altitude: 2100 meters.

Delphinium denudatum Wall.

Leaf structure is different.

Agrees with … this is Delphinium denudatum Wall.
The species shows heterophylly having different radical and cauline leaves, the radical/lower leaves are broader having five lobes while upper cauline leaves in same plant are three to five lobed with narrower linear segments.

to Jalori pass at Great Himalayan National Park on May13, 2009;For ID200609ET – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Delphinium sp for ID? at Dev Kyara- Uttarakhand-PKA18: 5 images.
Sharing few pics of Delphinium sp seen enroute Dev Kyara- Uttarakhand.
Requesting ID.

Delphinium denudatum Wall.
Leaf and habitat images would have been more helpful for correct ID !


I’d request for this species found at high altitudes of kashmir: 1 high res. image.

Delphinium denudatum Wall.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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