Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus (Introduced- USA/UK)

Ranunculaceae Week: Helleborus argutifolius cv Silver Lace from California:
Helleborus argutifolius Viv. cv. Silver Lace syn: Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus (Willd.) Tutin; H. corsicus Willd.
Herbaceous plant with spinescent-dentate leaf segments which are usually three in number, paler green above; flowers up to 7 cm across, pale green or suffused with purple.
Photographed from SFO Botanical Garden in California in July, 2008.
Common name:  Corsican hellebore, the cultivar is known as Silver Lace


Ranunculaceae Week: Helleborus sp. for ID 050511MK1:
Please help to ID this Helleborus sp. I am not sure that this plant is found in (temperate) India. I photographed this at Cambridge city of UK on last week of March, 2011. Please resolve this ID.
.. indicated in earlier post that this resembles H. niger.

A reply from my friend: “Helleborus argutifolius (known as the Corsican)”


Helleborus lividsus subsp. corsicus (Briq.) P.Fourn.: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Eden Project, Cornwall, UK
Altitude: 60m.
Date: 03 April 2022
Habit : Cultivated

Appears close as per images at POWO



Updated on December 24, 2024

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