Rubus acuminatus Sm., The Cyclopedia The Cyclopedia; 1802 Rubus no.43 1815. (Syn: Rubus acuminatus var. acuminatus ; Rubus betulinus D.Don; Rubus latifolius Kuntze; Rubus oxyphyllus Wall.; Rubus pilocalyx Kuntze; Rubus triflorus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don); . China (Yunnan), Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin) as per Catalogue of Life; . 1000-2300 m; Himalaya (Kumaun to Bhutan), Assam, Indo-China, W. China as per Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal . Large climbing shrub; stems glabrous, with few small recurved prickles. Leaves green when dry, ovate, 6-13 x 3-6cm, caudate-acuminate, base rounded or truncate, margins and apex serrate, reticulate beneath, sparsely pubescent only on veins beneath; petioles slender, 1.2-1.6cm; stipules subulate, 5mm, deciduous. Flowers in short little branched terminal panicles or racemes 6-10cm. Pedicels 8-12mm; bracts subulate, 6mm, entire. Calyx lobes triangular, 4-5mm, entire, glabrous with pubescent margins. Petals white, equalling calyx lobes. Fruit red, enclosed by calyx, drupelets 5-8. (attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE. 1987 as per Bhutan Biodiversity Portal) . Fwd: SK72AUG9-2016:ID 2 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 MB each. Sharing some pictures for identification please. Pictures were shot at Nagrakot Nepal on 8 July 2016 at 7000 ft. Rubus spp.?? More pics. Attachments (2) – 3 Mb each Can it be Rubus paniculatus ? This is how the plant is described in FLOWERS OF THE HIMALAYA by Oleg Polunin and Adam Stainton, “A RAMBLING CLIMBER DISTINGUISHED BY ITS LARGE SIMPLE OVATE-HEART-SHAPED FINELY TOOTHED LEAVES, AND TERMINAL BRANCHED CLUSTERS OF WHITE FLOWERS WITH NARROW PETALS WHICH ARE MUCH SHORTER THAN THE PALE SILKY-HAIRED CALYX-LOBES. FLOWERS 1-1.5 CM ACROSS. LEAVES 8-15 CM. INCLUDING LEAF-STALK OF 2-3 CM. ALL PARTS PLANT EXCEPT THE UPPER SIDES OF THE LEAVES AND OLDER STEMS COVERED WITH A DENSE MAT OF WHITE OR BUFF HAIRS; PRICKLES ABSENT OR FEW.” …, fruit of R paniculatus composed of many glossy black fleshy carpels. The fruit in the image is having red colour. It should be R.acuminatus, whose fruit is red. In that case all earlier posts of this mail is R. acuminatus ? Please suggest. Thanks, …, for the id. Seems to match with high resolution specimen of Rubus acuminatus at Thank you for the continuous follow up for establishing the correct ID. All posts belong to the same ID Rubus acuminatus Sm. Rubus acuminatus Sm. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 12 December 2017 Altitude: 6600 ft. Location: Nagarkot Date: 21 August 2018 Elevation:7000 ft. Habit : Wild Rubus acuminatus Sm. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 6 September, 2018 Elevation:65000 ft. Habit : Wild Mouth watering images. . References: |
Rubus acuminatus
Updated on December 29, 2024