Galium tricornutum Dandy, Watsonia 4: 47 1957. (syn: Galium borbonicum Cordem.; Galium kurramensis Nazim.; Galium spurium Huds. [Illegitimate]; Galium tehranicum M.Moussavi, A.Ghahreman & Attar; Galium tricorne var. laeve Texidor; Galium tricorne var. microcarpum Gren.; Galium tricornutum subsp. longipedunculatum Nazim.; Valantia spuria Pers.; Valantia triflora Lam.); Europe to W. Himalaya and Arabian Pen. as per WCSP; Afghanistan; Albania; Argentina Northeast; Austria; Baleares; Belgium; Brazil Northeast; Bulgaria; California; Canary Is.; Central European Rus; China North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Corse; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; East Aegean Is.; Egypt; France; Germany; Great Britain; Greece; Gulf States; Hungary; India; Iran; Iraq; Italy; Kirgizstan; Kriti; Krym; Lebanon-Syria; Libya; Madeira; Mauritius; Netherlands; New South Wales; North Caucasus; Norway; Oklahoma; Pakistan; Palestine; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Runion; Sardegna; Sicilia; Sinai; South Australia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tibet; Transcaucasus; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Victoria; West Himalaya; Western Australia; Xinjiang; Yugoslavia as per Catalogue of life; Galium tricornutum is a species of flowering plant in the coffee family known by the common names rough corn bedstraw, roughfruit corn bedstraw, and corn cleavers. It can be found across much of the northern hemisphere, where it has a wide native range and has become naturalized in many areas. This is an annual herb with trailing or climbing stems up to about 35 centimeters in length. It forms tangled masses or spreads thin. The stems are sometimes nearly square in cross-section. Leaves are arranged in whorls of 6 to 8 about the stem and are narrow, pointed, and bordered with prickles. Flowers appear in thin clusters of white corollas. The fruits are spherical nutlets hanging in pairs at the leaf axils. This plant is sometimes a weed of grain fields. (From Wikipedia on 26.6.13) Galium tricornutum from Srinagar, Kashmir. : Attachments (5). 1 post by 1 author. Galium tricornutum Dandy, Watsonia. 4: 47. 1957. Syn: Galium tricorne Stokes Common names: corn-cleavers; rough-corn bedstraw; three-horn bedstraw Species formerly known under the name G. tricorne Stokes, an illegitimate name. Weekly ascending annual herb retrorsely scabrid angles; leaves in whorls of 6-8, subsessile, elliptic to narrowly oblanceolate, 1-3 cm long, 3-6 mm broad with revolute margin, glabrous above, retrorsely scabrid beneath along midrib and along margin; flowers white in 3-5-flowered cymes, on up to 2 mm long pedicels; corolla rotate, 1.5 mm in diam; fruit subglobose, 3-5 mm with granulate to minutely tuberculate mericarps, Common as weed on roadsides. Photographed from Srinagar, Kashmir. |
Galium tricornutum
Updated on December 24, 2024