Galium verum subsp. verum

Galium verum L., Sp. Pl. 107 1753. (Syn: Galium affine Roth; Galium alpinum Schur, nom.illeg.; Galium approximatum Gren.; Galium atropatanum Grossh.; Galium bracteolatum Sennen; Galium caucasicum Lag.; Galium densiflorum Ledeb.; Galium densiflorum f. leiocarpum Printz; Galium gironae Sennen; Galium glabratum Klokov; Galium glabrum Hoffm., nom.illeg.; Galium leonis Sennen; Galium luteoverticillatum St.-Lag.; Galium luteum St.-Lag., nom.illeg.; Galium mauryi Sennen; Galium minutum L.; Galium ochroleucum var. approximatum (Gren.) Rouy; Galium officinale Gaterau; Galium pallidiflorum Schur; Galium pentandrum; Galium poligamum; Galium praecox A.Kern.; Galium pseudoverum Schur; Galium rubioides Suter (misapplied name); Galium ruthenicum Willd.; Galium ruthenicum f. setulosum H.Lindb.; Galium squarrosum Sennen; Galium sublutaeum; Galium sylvestre var. glabrum (Hoffm.) Nyman, nom.illeg.; Galium tenderiense Klokov; Galium tomentellum Klokov; Galium trichophyllum Wulfen, nom.illeg.; Galium tuberculatum C.Presl; Galium vernum subsp. alpinum (Schur) Nyman; Galium vernum var. ruthenicum (Willd.) Nyman; Galium verosimile Roem. & Schult.; Galium verum var. albidum Hartm.; Galium verum f. album H.Hara; Galium verum f. album Nakai, nom.illeg.; Galium verum f. angustifolium Wallr.; Galium verum var. compactum Touss. & Hoschedé; Galium verum f. crebrifolium Rouy; Galium verum f. intermedium (Nakai) Nakai; Galium verum var. intermedium Nakai; Galium verum var. japonalpinum Nakai; Galium verum var. lasiocarpum Ledeb.; Galium verum var. lasiocarpum Rouy, nom.illeg.; Galium verum f. latifolium Wallr.; Galium verum var. leiocarpum Ledeb.; Galium verum var. leiophyllum Wallr.; Galium verum var. littorale Bréb.; Galium verum f. luteolum Makino; Galium verum var. luteum (Lam.) Nakai; Galium verum subsp. maritimum (DC.) Adema; Galium verum var. maritimum DC.; Galium verum var. pallidiflorum F.Gérard; Galium verum var. pallidum Celak.; Galium verum var. praecox Nakai, nom.illeg.; Galium verum f. puberulum Serg.; Galium verum f. ruthenicum (Willd.) Rouy; Galium verum var. ruthenicum Nakai; Galium verum f. setulosum (H.Lindb.) Cajander; Galium verum f. subpubescens Serg.; Galium verum var. subulatum Tinant; Galium verum var. supinum Tinant; Galium verum f. tomentosum (C.A.Mey.) Nakai; Galium verum var. tomentosum C.A.Mey.; Galium verum f. trachycarpum (DC.) Regel; Galium verum var. trachycarpum DC.; Galium verum var. trachycaulis nom.superfl.; Galium verum var. trachyphyllum Wallr.; Galium verum f. trichanthum Ancev; Galium wettsteinii Ullep.);
Albania; Algeria; Altay; Austria; Baltic States; Belarus; Belgium; Bulgaria; California; Central European Rus; China North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; East Aegean Is.; East European Russia; Finland; France; Germany; Great Britain; Greece; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Inner Mongolia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Kamchatka; Kazakhstan; Kirgizstan; Krym; Lebanon-Syria; Manchuria; Missouri; Mongolia; Morocco; Netherlands; New York; New Zealand North; New Zealand South; North European Russi; Northwest European R; Norway; Pakistan; Palestine; Poland; Portugal; Qinghai; Romania; Sardegna; Sicilia; South European Russi; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tasmania; Transcaucasus; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Virginia; West Himalaya; West Siberia; Xinjiang; Yugoslavia as per Catalogue of life;
Temp. Eurasia, NW. Africa as per WCSP;

Galium verum (Lady’s Bedstraw or Yellow Bedstraw) is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Rubiaceae, native to Europe and Asia.

It is a low scrambling plant, with the stems growing to 60–120 centimetres (24–47 in) long, frequently rooting where they touch the ground. The leaves are 1–3 cm (0.39–1.2 in) long and 2 millimetres (0.079 in) broad, shiny dark green, hairy underneath, borne in whorls of 8–12. The flowers are 2–3 mm (0.079–0.12 in) in diameter, yellow, and produced in dense clusters.
This species is sometimes confused with Galium odoratum, a species with traditional culinary uses.
In the past the dried plants were used to stuff mattresses, as the coumarin scent of the plants acts as a flea killer. The flowers were also used to coagulate milk in cheese manufacture and, in Gloucestershire, to colour the cheese Double Gloucester.[1] The plant is also used to make red madder-like and yellow dyes. In Denmark, the plant (known locally as gul snerre) is traditionally used to infuse spirits, making the uniquely Danish drink bjæsk.
(From Wikipedia on 27.6.13)

Galium verum L., Sp. Pl. 107. 1753.
Common name: yellow bedstraw, Cheese rennet
A beautiful yellow-flowered species of Galium, common on dry hilly slopes at lower altitudes in Kashmir.  
Perennial herb with erect 4-angled smooth or slightly puberulent stems; leaves in whorls of 6-12, sessile, linear, 10-30 mm long, 1-2 mm broad, subleathery, glarous rather shining above, puberulent-tomentose beneath, leaves drying black, margin revolute; flowers fragrant, yellow, 2.5-3.5 mm in diam, in large paniculate cymes 30 cm or more long, pedicel 2-4 mm long; corolla lobes lanceolate, acute; mericarps ellipsoid to globose, 1-2 mm long, glabrous, rarely hispidulous.
Photographed from slopes above Cheshmashahi in Srinagar, Kashmir.

And. Just to complete… It belongs to family Rubiaceae

Thanks … Perhaps we will have to develop the habit of mentioning the family.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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