Saxifraga brachypoda D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(2): 378-379 378 1822. (Syn: Hirculus brachypodus (D. Don) Losinsk.; Saxifraga glandulosa Wall. ex Ser.);
VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF: Seen this herb at VOF on the rocky surface. Bot. name: Saxifraga brachypoda Family: Saxifragaceae. Really a good find Thanks … The related S. wallichiana (S. brachypoda var. fimbriata) with fimbriate petal margins and two callosities at petal base should also be expected in the area. VoF Week: Saxifraga brachypoda from way to H sahib: Saxifraga brachypoda from way to H sahib Pls validate Very good find Saxifraga filicaulis ABSEP2016/11 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. I found this growing not far below the highest spot I walked to. There were three stems bearing flowers on top of a rock. I think this is Saxifraga filicaulis. Please advise Saxifraga filicaulis—Slender-stem Saxifrage Above Ilaqa, HP 3300m approx. 03-04 September 2016 Saxifraga brachypoda to me. Thank you … for correcting me.
Saxifraga barchypoda ABSEP2017/01 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) I found this at about 3100m on my way to Ilaqa. It confused me at first as the barchypoda I had photographed above Ilaqa last year looked different. Reading the description in Flowers of the Himalaya by Oleg Polunin and Adam Stainton, I think my plant is Saxifraga brachypoda only. Moss like matting, single flowers, red anthers, needle-like leaves hairy on margins, glands on flower-stalks, all point to brachypoda. My last year’s post could also be Saxifraga brachypodoidea as per the illustration here. Please advise. Saxifraga bracypoda Between Triund and Snowline, Dharamshala, HP 3100m approx. 03 September 2017 References: |
Saxifraga brachypoda
Updated on December 24, 2024