Scrophularia edgeworthii Benth., Prodr. 10: 304 1846. ; . W. Himalaya as per POWO; . Common name: Edgeworth’s Figwort . Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (Description & Keys- Scrophularia calycina, edgeworthii, himalayensis (himalensis in the Plant List), polyantha, exserta, obtusa, robusta, petraea, dentata, scoparia, nudata, stewartii, suffruticosa, stenothyrsa, koelzii, scabiosaefolia, moniliformis, decomposita & striata) .
– It may be Scrophularia elatior as per FOI link: –S. elatior has long exserted filaments and corolla not that long. -But that is the only species of Scrophularia mentioned in Concise Flowers of Himalayas by Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton. Is there any species mentioned in FBI ? – There are eight species in Checklist of Nepal plants. Though not included in that, but Pennell clearly mentions that the species is related to S. elatior in which stamens are far exserted. -If I look at the keys in Flowers of Himalaya, the key says, Stamens 4, corolla irregular, not two lipped – Digitalis, Ellisiphyllum, Hemiphragma, Picrorhiza. Corolla two lipped – Scrophularia, Mimulus, Lindenbergia, Oreosolon, Euphrasia Frankly, to me this doesnt look like a two lipped corolla!!! or may be I am looking from the wrong angle. It does look 2-lipped, but more than that I am confused about white structure inside green corolla. What could it be? I thought those are anthers protruding out. In second pic, the flower on the left hand side, I wouldnt call it bi-lipped?? Are you sure?? I was talking about white petal like structure just coming out below upper most corolla (green) lobe. I can’t identify it. Yes, I am talking about that only, I think those are anther lobes. – I light of the fact that Kew List considers S. edgeworthii, S. himalensis and S. polyantha as unresolved names, it would be advisable to consider this S. elatior only. In view of discussions in the thread, should we settle it as Scrophularia edgeworthii ? Yes Scrophularia edgeworthii Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb63 for Id- JM: Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.). Acute calyx lobes without scarious margin and glabrous corolla take me to Scrophularia edgeworthii. I think it should be same as herb41 uploaded by .. : S. edgeworthii or S. elatior In view of discussions in the thread, Yes … VOF Week: ID Request1- Green flower at VOF: Seen this Greenish colour flower at VOF. Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 12:30PM Habitat: Wild Plant habit: herb Good to see this upload, … The same you had uploaded, identified S. himalayensis by …, but is S. edgeworthii. I have already compared the species. VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 0404 :: ¿ greenish-black-flowered ? herb along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail: 3 Habitat: mountain slope Very nice dark green petals…should be Scrophularia sp….S. himalensis? Thanks … for the lead. As per FOI web site, this looks like Scrophularia elatior . (http://www.flowersofindia.HimalayanFigwort.html). Firstly it is neither Scrophularia himalyensis nor S. polyantha, two closely related species characterised by rounded sepals with scarious margin. Here sepals are clearly ovate with acute tip and without scarious margin. To me both this plant as well as one on FOI are not S. elatior: 1. S. elatior is an Eastern Himalayan species distributed Nepal eastwards. 2. In S. elatior the stamens are far exceeding the corolla. Here it is hardly visible from corolla. 3. The plants S. elatior are glabrous to somewhat hairy above here they are prominently glandular pubescent. Both these plants (FOI and above plant), I hope identify with S. edgeworthii. According to Polunin & Stainton, Scrophularia elatior is distributed from UP (including present Uttarakhand) to Bhutan, at elevations 1600-3800 m. Stamens not protruding here, and in the plant at FOI is something to ponder about. However, the present status of Scrophularia edgeworthii apears to be doubtful. PS: The plant at FOI has hairless stem and leaves, but the inflorescence is glandular-hairy. This part agrees with the description of S. elatior at Flora of China. Nearly more than 30 percent Indian taxa are unresolved according to The Plant List. I think it is their problem, if they have not even listed most Indian plants, though already included in Index Kewensis and IPNI, or consider some unresolved. Pennell’s monograph on Scrophulariaceae of Western Himalayas is a very authentic study, and I think we should follow it unless there is concrete contradictory study. the attached pages may be of some help From Pennell’s monograph on Scrophulariaceae of Western Himalayas The bottom line seems to be that Scrophularia eliator and Scrophularia edgeworthii are very close to each other, the only notable distinguishing feature being the protruding stamens. Based on Pennell, one can settle on S. edgeworthii
Id Plz VOF: This looks similar to Scrophularia edgeworthii.(family: Scrophulariaceae) earlier discussed while it was uploaded by … and Myself VOF Week: Scrophularia edgeworthii from the Trek: Yes … Very good illustrative photographs. VoF Week: Scrophularia edgeworthii from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek: Thanks … for detailed well illustrated upload. Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Scrophularia edgeworthii from VOF- NS 17 : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors. Scrophularia edgeworthii :: Ghangaria-VOF, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKSEP-31 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) These small plants were seen aplenty along the Ghangaria-VOF trail and the Hemkund trails, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. These have been identified based on the pics available in efi to be occurring in that area. Kindly validate. Thanks, … Slowly slowly, you are becoming an expert. … its very good practice, i have noticed it recently, i love it. now that we have substantial cases in almost all families on our website. this is the way it should be. all members must start to do that. id their own pictures and send it in for 1: verification and 2: addition to our database Thanks, …, That is what is moving up the ladder or value chain for all of us. I go through the keys many time and try to understand the botanical terms through google search where ever, I feel stuck. That is learning through practical cases and it is more easily digestible. yes, … i see you going thru the cases, and judging from the corrections you suggest you have been doing a lot of studying. and i see you send the page link to some members, to id/find their own dx which trains them, many dont want to do their own research. yet its important for everybody to do that. everybody needs to learn to their own dx. its also a matter of self satisfaction and pride for them to id their own photos. I am glad … is doing it. am proud of her, i hope she knows that. Thanks, … That is how I try to save my time, which can be better utilized in revising the genera and species pages on efi site along with having comparative image, which in turn help our members and others. . References: POWO The Plant List Ver.1.1 Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (Description & Keys- Scrophularia calycina, edgeworthii, himalayensis, polyantha, exserta, obtusa, robusta, petraea, detenta, scorparia, nudata, stewartii, suffruticosa, stenothyrsa, koelzii, scabiosaefolia, moniliformis, decomposita & striata) |
Scrophularia edgeworthii
Updated on December 24, 2024