Symplocos glomerata King ex C.B. Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 3(9): 577 1882. (Syn: Dicalix glomeratus (King ex C. B. Cl.) H. Migo; Eugeniodes glomeratum (King ex C. B. Cl.) Kuntze; Symplocos wenshanensis Huang & Y. F. Wu in Y. F. Wu; Symplocos yizhangensis Y.F. Wu); peninsular Malaysia (Terengganu), Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China (Hainan, Hongkong, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Tibet, India, Bhutan, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin), Nepal, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
ANOTHER …..9th NOV 2011………S.S……. 041: 5 correct images as above. Another shrub, this one has with white flowers. Your assistance please. Date….. 13th April 2011 Late afternoon. Location-……In the ancient capital/ palace grounds/ garden at RABDENTSE. SIKKIM Habitat-Garden…… do not know it was planted or wild Plant….. Shrub, or maybe a tree? Height/Length-??? Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-… see pic. Inflorescence Type/ Size-…. see pic. Flowers Size/ Colour… white Just a wild guess, could this be some Litsea sp.?? he over all appearance of the plant resembles a Flacouritiaceae member ‘Casearia sp’ I fail to find any data that can help to ID the concerned species. Litsea monopetala (plant no. 31) – image of a berry of the above – http://www.zipcodezoo.Litsea_monopetala_2.jpg another link – Yet, taking cue from … i find :- somewhat similar leaves – http://en.wikipedia.Starr_Xylosma_hawaiiense.jpg similar flowers – one Casearia fruit – So, it is quite hard to me to choose one from the above Just a thought could this plant be Xylosma longifolia? One more probablity is that it belongs to Syzigium sp (Syzigium zeylanicum??) but unsure if their leaves ever have a serrate margins. The probability of a Myrtaceae member also occurred to me and i searched a lot on Syzigium too! Specially because the 4th image (041 13-04-2011 17-46-30.jpg) gives hint of hermaphrodite flowers and the 5th image (041 13-04-2011 17-46-54.jpg) clearly shows sub-marginal venation. On the other hand Litsea is a dioecious plant. Fruits (041 13-04-2011 17-45-42.jpg) are more like Michelia champaca, a Magnoliaceae member. But, i think, this plant in question cannot be a Magnoliaceae! Neither would i go for Myrtaceae, fruits are different and i think almost all flowers and fruits bear pedicel. So, only chance left to me is to vote for Xylosoma sp. I have tried to look on www for further help. But am unable to find any image for Litsea monopetala, that match the leathery leaf, with the curved veins (sort of in loops), small petalled flowers on very short stalks directly from the branches, which bear both buds and flowers together. etc. etc I believe that Xylosma can be ruled out as it has fruits that are small purple/black berries. So inspite of all your generous help I still feel that this is unresolved. I also checked out Syzygium zeylanicum, but did not feel this was a match either. This plant was in the grounds of an ancient Palace. I wonder if maybe it is a special plant befitting a Royal garden? How about Symplocos? Taking cue from … searched for Symplocos species, the results are –
But the problem lies in the tips of those berries. Symplocos seems to be having persistent calyx tips on their berries. This might be Ilex sp., like – Please find Plant ID for link below: Not sure about third image where leaf margins are entire and secondary veins are not prominent. Plant species: Symplocos glomerata King ex C.B. Clarke Family: Symplocaceae Key to identify this species: 1. Petals connate only at very base 2. inflorescences not terminal 3. Flowers in a more than 3-flowered inflorescence 4. Inflorescences a sessile cluster 5. Leaf blade glabrous 6. Leaf blade margin without glands 7. Stamens about 30 Native distribution: Asia temperate (China); Asia tropical (Bangladesh; Bhutan; India – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, West Bengal; Nepal, Indo-China, Malesia) Can it be Symplocos ramosissima ? as per rather than Symplocos glomerata as per I will also go with Symplocos glomerata as suggested by … Thanks Sir, for the updated information. Though I do not know this taxon I tend to agree with you.
Symplocos glomerata
Updated on December 24, 2024