Lantana montevidensis ‘Alba’

Lantana montevidensis ‘Alba’;




Lantana spp.
Photos of white Lantana taken during various times, in my neighbourhood. Gardening sites display cultivars of various species which bear white flowers in Lantanait is better I leave the ID just to genus level.
in Vaghbil on various dates
December 10, 2006
December 16, 2006
January 13, 2007
December 1, 2007

Lantana species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

first two pictures looks different but the last one is Lantana camara.

I agree with your view … Thank you for sharing. The site informs Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. is widely cultivated and hybridized with Lantana camara L., which itself is further cultivated.
Please also note the “note” under “origin” in site

I think it may be some hybrid based on Lantana camara subsp. aculeata or Lantana indica also

But difficult to say anything with these images. Side view of the inflorescence is required for id as per keys in Flora of Pakistan

Provided plant is erect in habit and not climbing in habit.

Thank you very much Garg ji for taking up this post.
These plants were growing in a plant bed, and they were not erect. Most of them dropped after being erect for about 1 – 2 ft.

In that case may be cultivar of Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. as per
I too had labelled it earlier as Lantana montevidensis. It must be so.
Thank you very much … for suggesting the ID.

Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured in a garden in Mumbai in February 2013.
Is this Lantana montevidensis?

efi page on Lantana montevidensis (Cultivated)

Not Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. as per images and details herein.
I think it may be Lantana camara subsp. aculeata or Lantana indica.

But difficult to say anything with these images. Side view of the inflorescence is required for id as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.

As per Lucid Central, this species has been widely cultivated as a garden ornamental. Various modern cultivars and hybrids, which are often sterile, are still planted as groundcovers in gardens. The most commonly seen include lilac-coloured and white-coloured cultivars that are similar to the typical form of the species, except that they are sterile. Sterile cultivars with golden-yellow flowers are also common, but these are actually hybrids involving Lantana montevidensis and Lantana camara . These hybrids are usually named after one of the two parent species (e.g. Lantana montevidensis ‘Pot of Gold’ and Lantana camara ‘New Gold’).




Lantana involucrata L. :  4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 MB each  

Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 22 August 2012
Altitude: 40 ft.



Attachments (1)- 2 Mb 

On further checking, I think it may be Lantana camara subsp. aculeata or Lantana indica.
But difficult to say anything with these images. Side view of the inflorescence is required for id as per keys in Flora of Pakistan.
Looks different from Lantana involucrata as per

I have doubts if Lantana involucrata is found in India as per details at Lantana

OK …!

As per Lucid Central, this species has been widely cultivated as a garden ornamental. Various modern cultivars and hybrids, which are often sterile, are still planted as groundcovers in gardens. The most commonly seen include lilac-coloured and white-coloured cultivars that are similar to the typical form of the species, except that they are sterile. Sterile cultivars with golden-yellow flowers are also common, but these are actually hybrids involving Lantana montevidensis and Lantana camara . These hybrids are usually named after one of the two parent species (e.g. Lantana montevidensis ‘Pot of Gold’ and Lantana camara ‘New Gold’).

Updated on December 24, 2024

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