Lantana ‘Dallas Red’;
Lantana sp. (or hybrid) from Eco Park, Kolkata : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) This species is not aculeate. It is ornamental, forming bed at various places in the park, having flowers of varied colours. It conforms the description provided in the link – shared by … in another thread – I have only these two photographs, recorded on my mobile, on 22-01-2020 Thanks, … Was it not erect ? It is not Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. as bracts look different from those at Lucid Central. No, Sir, it was not erect. Maybe a hybrid? It may be something like Lantana ‘Dallas Red’ as per Yes Sir. The stems look to be free from prickles. Prickly Lantana are very common but without prickles are less. Lantana camara ‘Dallas Red’ Multi-stemmed evergreen Low growing shrub with green foliage and red flowers with orange overtones and yellow centers, borne at ends of branches in clusters. Clicked from Fremont, California on 5-9-2017. References: |
Lantana ‘Dallas Red’
Updated on December 24, 2024