Curcuma caesia

Curcuma caesia Roxb., Asiat. Res. 11: 334 1810. (Syn: Curcuma kuchoor Royle; Curcuma malabarica Velay., Amalraj & Mural.);
India to Bangladesh as per POWO;


Zingiberaceae : Curcuma sp. ? for ID : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2 + 1 + 1).
Location : Lengpui, Mizoram. Altitude : ca. 400 m. Date : 05-05-2014.
Habit : Herb. Habitat : Wild.

I think this is Curcuma zedoaria

It may be C. zanthorrhiza or C. zedoaria. This can be confirmed only if the color of rhizome inside  and leaf nature are available. If the color of the rhizome is dark orange red and the leaf has dark purple patch along the midrib from base to top it would be C. zanthorrhiza. Whereas the rhizome is cream and a faint purple patch is seen along midrib it would be C. zedoaria. There are chances of C. caesia if the color of rhizome is dark blue inside.
Please check the details and send the photos again.

It is Curcuma caesia

If the plant is Curcuma caesia, the upper part of leaf should be hairy. Please check

DSCN0281.JPG- 7 MB

Same pic. of Curcuma

it may be Curcuma caesia if the rhizome is dark blue in colour.



Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Month: Zingiberaceae-Curcuma for id from Kalimpong :: NS Aug 50: 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
This species was recorded from Kalimpong…
Please suggest the id..

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.

It is Curcuma caesia or black turmeric. Pl. check the color of the rhizome. If it is blue it is confirmed.

Thanks … I can get it confirmed by contacting …

I think … is correct.



uid amit 4052016 : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
kindly identify the Curcuma sp. I am attching the images of its flowers. Leaves have purple stripes and rhizomes are aromatic and when cut they turn bluish black.

attaching image with leaves. Attachments (1)

please check Curcuma aromatica

Thanks … but I have learnt through some papers that C. aromatica rhizome are yellow in colour when cut. But my plant has bluish black colour when cut. Curcuma caesia also looks same as seen in google images

could be, … is on the right track the flower does match what FOI has but this dark reddish middle streak in the  leaf is alo seen in the salled Kali Haldi Curcuma caesia,
we had it growing at the hort for a couple of years about 10 years ago. but the flowers would be different… sort of dark pinkish with magenta tint similar to what the wiki shows.
Ultimate confirmation would be to look at the rhizome!!! if possible.

just saw your response. yes you got it. you said your cut rhizome is bluish tinted…. voila. got the diagnosis. i donot know of many other rhizomes that can be blue. it is the kali haldi curcuma caesia.

I support …

it is Curcuma caesia or black turmeric.

Oh, thanks to …, I didn’t notice the the key character.
Blue and yellow rhizome distinguishes C. aromatica and caesia


SK 2878 05 March 2021

Location: Central Nepal
Date: July 2021
Altitude: 800-1100m.
Habitat : Wild
Crurcuma …. ? Sent by a friend!

Curcuma caesia. Black turmeric.

Any usefulness and medicinal value, … ?


Black Turmeric:
Can anybody provide me the source or rhizome of Kaali Haldi (Curcuma caesia) in need for research work

How much quantity you need?

Kali or black haldi is availble in the govt. forest nursary in at Amarkantak in M.P.


Regarding identification of the curucuma sp. Collected from Mayurbhanj odisha: 4 high res. images.

Curcuma reclinata Roxb. or  Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe ???

Curcuma caesia Black turmeric?
Check the colour of the rhizome and flower.

Curcuma ferruginea Roxb. : 10 posts by 1 author. 9 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 12 May 2020
Altitude: 1300 m.
Habitat : Cultivated.

There are many species with purple patch on the leaves, but the rhizome and flower are the identification features.

Yes, but it is  from same rhizome you have ID earlier!

Same plant from SK624 07 JUL-2017:ID
4 images.

Curcuma ferruginea

Any beneficial and medicinal usage of this plant?

Not much reported uses.

Some images of young rhizome. It smells like common turmeric.

If the leaf is there, take some photos of the leaves on both the upper and lower side.  Photo of inflorescence would be more welcome.

It is the rhizome from my earlier post :

Any further opinion looking at the images of young rhizomes ?

Cross section images of  young rhizomes are deep  bluish in color whereas
full grown is paler . These all are from the same rhizome I have brought
from Soureni, Mirik,Darjeeling District.

close to C. caesia.


Updated on January 4, 2025

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