{"id":1192720,"date":"2011-02-05T08:15:53","date_gmt":"2011-02-05T08:15:53","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:54:53","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:24:53","slug":"anaphalis-busua","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/anaphalis-busua\/","title":{"rendered":"Anaphalis busua"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n

Anaphalis <\/i>busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.,<\/span> 275 1838<\/i>. (Syn: Anaphalis <\/i>araneosa<\/i> DC.<\/span><\/a>; Anaphalis <\/i>arenosa<\/i> DC.<\/span><\/a>; Anaphalis <\/i>busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) Hand.-Mazz.<\/span><\/a> [Illegitimate]; Anaphalis <\/i>semidecurrens<\/i> Wall. ex C.B.Clarke<\/span><\/a>; Anaphalis <\/i>semidecurrens<\/i> (Wall. ex DC.) DC.<\/span><\/a>; Antennaria <\/i>semidecurrens<\/i> DC.<\/span><\/a>; Antennaria <\/i>villosissima<\/i> D.Don<\/span><\/a>; Gnaphalium<\/i>busua<\/i> Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don<\/span><\/a>; Gnaphalium <\/i>busuum<\/i> Buch.-Ham.<\/span><\/a>; Gnaphalium <\/i>semidecurrens<\/i> Wall. ex DC.<\/span><\/a>; Gnaphalium <\/i>villosissima<\/i> D.Don<\/span><\/a>);
\nTall Pearly Everlasting \u2022 <\/b>Nepali<\/span>: \u092c\u0941\u0915\u0940 \u092b\u0942\u0932 Buki phool;
\n<\/b>Short leaves perennials with <\/span>often long auricled leaves with a decurrent base almost forming a wing, linear-oblanceolate, apex acuminate; heads many in corymbs; phyllaries 4-5 seriate, whitish, outer lanceolate obtuse, inner spathulate, acute; female florets filiform, bisexual ones tubular; achenes less than 1 mm long with thick setae<\/span>.


Asteraceae Week Part 1-Radiate heads: Anaphalis busua from near Baratkhai and Manali-GS12<\/a> : Attachments (4).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Anaphalis busua<\/b><\/i> (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) DC., Prodr. 6: 275. 1838<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

Syn: Anaphalis arenosa<\/i> DC.<\/span>
Short leaves perennials with <\/span>often long auricled leaves with a decurrent base almost forming a wing, linear-oblanceolate, apex acuminate; heads many in corymbs; phyllaries 4-5 seriate, whitish, outer lanceolate obtuse, inner spathulate, acute; female florets filiform, bisexual ones tubular; achenes less than 1 mm long with thick setae<\/span>.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Photographed from Chakrata Road and Manali<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

Thanks, …, for the wonderful images.<\/div>\n
I think matches with images of Anaphalis contorta<\/i> at<\/div>\n
Plant illustrations<\/a><\/div>\n
After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to Anaphalis busua<\/i> :<\/span><\/div>\n

Thanks a lot … I concur with your diagnosis.<\/p>\n




Anaphalis busua from Manali<\/a>\u00a0: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Uploading Anaphalis busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC. (Syn: A. araneosa<\/i> DC.) from Manali.<\/span> Smaller heads, Longer leaves and decurrent leaf bases are characteristic of this species.<\/span><\/p>\n

Thanks, …, for the wonderful images.<\/div>\n
I think matches with images of Anaphalis contorta<\/i> at<\/div>\n
<\/u>Plant illustrations<\/div>\n
After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to Anaphalis busua<\/i> :<\/span><\/div>\n
Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. (provisionally accepted name) ???<\/a> : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)<\/span><\/div>\n
Location: Pilot Baba Ashram, Bhaktapur , Nepal<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Altitude: \u00a05000 ft.<\/span><\/div>\n
Date: 26 September 2016<\/span>
Anaphalis contorta<\/i> (D.Don) Hook.f. (provisionally accepted name) \u00a0???<\/span>

Nepali Names:<\/span><\/span>\u092c\u0941\u0915\u0940 \u092b\u0942\u0932 Buki Phool \/\u00a0<\/b><\/span><\/span>\u092d\u0941\u0915\u094b Bhuko \/ \u092a\u093e\u0928\u094d\u0938\u0928 \u00a0Paansan<\/b><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


Thanks, …\u00a0 Pl. Check with the comparative images.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


I always explore all possible avenues before posting and come to conclusion to the nearest one to my knowledge.<\/p>\n

Thanks, …, for the wonderful images.<\/div>\n
I think matches with images of Anaphalis contorta<\/i> at<\/div>\n
Plant illustrations<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to Anaphalis busua<\/i> :<\/span><\/div>\n

Anaphalis contorta<\/em> :\u00a0<\/b>Stems erect or ascending
\nAnaphalis busua\u00a0<\/em> : Stems erect, (2-)5-6(-13) cm, with ascending or expanding branches
\nI feel this is more close to\u00a0<\/span>Anaphalis contorta<\/i>\u00a0(D. Don) Hook. f. !<\/span><\/p>\n


As per keys in Flora of Pakistan:
\n1 Leaves often long auricled and with a decurrent base,<\/strong> often short lived without a woody base or branched system. … Anaphalis busua<\/strong>
\n+ Leaves not or scarcely decurrent<\/strong> with a woody base or branched system. (2)
\nIn view, it is Anaphalis busua<\/em> (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) DC.<\/p>\n


there seems to be some mix up of Anaphalis<\/em> specimens in our posts. A. busua<\/em> is characterised by distinctly decurrent leaf bases. This is seen clearly in my specimen from Manali in this post<\/p>\n

Asteraceae Week Part 1-Radiate heads: Anaphalis busua from near Baratkhai and Manali-GS12 (google.com)<\/a><\/div>\n
Rest of messages from Baratkhai, I think don’t belong to A. not even A. contorta, because leaves are densely velvety beneath in A. contorta<\/em><\/div>\n
Similarly above images of … have no trace of decurrent base, although auricles are found. We may have to find better ID for them.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Indentification for HP Flora PB 100032 – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/a>\u00a0: 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

This plant was seen growing at a height of 1800 mtrs in the month of November.<\/span> Plz help with the identification.<\/div>\n
Looks like Anaphalis<\/i> Sp. (Asteraceae<\/i> family).<\/div>\n

I suppose Anaphalis busua<\/i><\/p>\n

Requesting ID of a shrub : 27032013: ARK-01<\/span><\/a> :\u00a0\u00a0Attachments (3). 5 posts by 4 authors.
\nRequesting ID of this <\/span>shrub<\/span> found <\/span>in Nainital in Nov 2012.<\/span><\/div>\n

Anaphalis<\/i> sp.<\/p>\n


Looks like Anaphalis busua<\/i><\/p>\n


May be <\/span>Anaphalis contorta<\/i> as at
Plant illustrations<\/a>
\nCan you post the original of the first image ?<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Or Can it be Anaphalis royleana<\/i> var. concolor<\/i> Hook.f. as per Nhm<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


I think more closer to images at Anaphalis busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n



Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus misc.): 110713 ARK-06 : Anaphalis busua from Almora, Uttarakhand – November 2012<\/span><\/a> :\u00a0\u00a0Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.<\/div>\n
Attached are pictures of Anaphalis busua<\/i> captured at Almora, Uttarakhand<\/span> in November 2012<\/span><\/div>\n
This was earlier posted here<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

May be <\/span>Anaphalis contorta<\/i> as at<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Plant illustrations<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

Can you post the original of the first image ?<\/p>\n


Or Can it be Anaphalis royleana<\/i> var. concolor<\/i> Hook.f. as per\u00a0Nhm<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

I think more closer to images at Anaphalis busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
SK338JAN23-2017:ID<\/span><\/a> :\u00a0\u00a03 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)<\/span><\/div>\n
Location:\u00a0Kalinchowk, Dolakha, Nepal<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Altitude: 8000 ft.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Date: 24 July 2014<\/span><\/span>

Anaphilis<\/i> ..???<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


Pl. check with images at <\/span>Anaphalis busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to Anaphalis busua<\/i> :<\/span><\/div>\n

SK817 23 OCT-2017:ID<\/a> :\u00a09 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Location:\u00a0 Deurali, Dolkha<\/span>, Nepal<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Date: 6 September 2017<\/span><\/div>\n
Elevation : 7700 ft.<\/span><\/div>\n
Anaphalis<\/i> ….????<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Pl. check comparative images at<\/p>\n<\/div>\n




To me looks different from species available so far at<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


May be either <\/span>Anaphalis busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a>or Anaphalis royleana<\/i> DC.<\/span><\/span><\/a> as per images herein.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Looks more close to\u00a0Anaphalis royleana<\/i> DC. but could not decide by myself. Any other members can help ?<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to <\/span>Anaphalis busua<\/i> :<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f.<\/a> :\u00a04 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Location: Chautara, Nepal \u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Date: 16 December 2017<\/span><\/div>\n
Altitude: 5600 ft.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Also check<\/div>\n
Enclosing some links to further validate the ID.<\/div>\n
Attachments (1)<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Enclosing some links to further validate the ID.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Attachments (1)<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
I would like to go with Anaphalis busua<\/i><\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
SK 2374 10 January 2020<\/a> : 7 posts by 2 authors. 5 images- 5 to 7 mb each.<\/div>\n
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India<\/span><\/div>\n
Date: \u00a027 \u00a0November 2019\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Elevation: 1350m.<\/span><\/div>\n
Habitat: Wild<\/span><\/div>\n
Anaphalis contorta<\/i> (D.Don) Hook.f. ??<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

I think more closer to Anaphalis busua<\/i> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a>than Anaphalis contorta<\/i><\/span> (D.Don) Hook.f.<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n



Id of Flower -ID10072020SH2<\/a> : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 905 kb.<\/span><\/div>\n
Flower for id pl<\/div>\n
Location -Bhutan<\/span><\/div>\n
Date – March 2018<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Appears Anaphyllis<\/em> sp to me…<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Looks like Anaphalis<\/em> sp.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

May be Anaphalis busua<\/em> (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a>as per comparative images at Anaphalis<\/em><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Another ID Please<\/span><\/a>\u00a0: 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)<\/span><\/div>\n
This is another one growing at 2750m on Phulchowki in Nepal.<\/span><\/div>\n

Is this an Anaphalis<\/em>?<\/p>\n




Maybe Anaphalis royleana<\/em> DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a>as per comparative images at <\/span>Anaphalis<\/em><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/p>\n


Yes, I believe that is correct. Especially one set of images look very similar. I will put it on my Phulchowki blog and see if at a future date someone corrects it.<\/p>\n


So far it is not recorded at Phulchoki and no herbarium record !<\/p>\n


I guess this is\u00a0Anaphalis busua<\/em><\/span>\u00a0(Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) DC<\/span>. !<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Not sure about A. busua<\/i> as per the image and its morphology…<\/p>\n


Check for A. contorta<\/i> or A. royleana<\/em><\/p>\n


Expert of Anaphalis<\/em> validated as\u00a0Anaphalis\u00a0busua<\/em><\/span>\u00a0(Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) DC.<\/span> !<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


May I request you for high resolution image along with side view, for verification as per Anaphalis busua<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n

I have two images from a place near the first image. I think this might help. It might be Anaphais\u00a0<\/i>royleana<\/i> from the photos I saw on your eflora site.<\/div>\n

2 images- 6 & 7 mb each.<\/p>\n


Yes, I agree with Anaphalis busua<\/em><\/span><\/a>\u00a0due to decurrent base of the leaves, almost forming a wing.<\/span><\/p>\n


Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/a> : 7 posts by 1 author. 7 images- 5 to 7 mb each.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur<\/span><\/span>
Date: 07 October 2020\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Elevation: 2232m.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Habit : Wild<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

SK 2816 02 November 2020<\/a>\u00a0: 5 posts by 2 authors.\u00a03 images- 6 to 7 mb each.<\/span><\/div>\n
Location: Kathmandu\u00a0Valley
Date: \u00a0October 2020\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Elevation: 2700m.<\/span><\/div>\n
Habitat \u00a0: Wild<\/span><\/div>\n
Anaphalis<\/i>\u00a0…. ??<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Anaphalis busua<\/i>\u00a0(Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a>\u00a0? as per comparative images at\u00a0<\/span>Anaphalis<\/i><\/span><\/a><\/p>\n


Thank you\u00a0\u2026<\/p>\n



Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/a>\u00a0: 5 posts by 1 author. 6 images- 3 to 7 mb each.<\/div>\n
Location: Kathmandu\u00a0Valley
Date: \u00a0October 2020\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Elevation: 2800m.
\n<\/span>Habitat \u00a0: Wild<\/span><\/div>\n
Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis 3 for id from Chakrata- NS 95<\/a>\u00a0:\u00a0Attachments\u00a0(3).\u00a0\u00a05 posts by 3 authors.<\/div>\n

Again an\u00a0Anaphalis<\/i>\u00a0sp. shot\u00a0from Chakrata<\/span>\u00a0in a different period of time\u2026. compared to\u00a0Anaphalis\u00a0<\/i>1\u00a0<\/b>posted for id\u2026 this looks similar to that one.. can this be sorted out?<\/p>\n


All\u00a0Anaphalis\u00a0<\/i>are really confusing. Its good that you have documented many of them so nicely that some day we will reach to conclusion.<\/p>\n


I also hope so \u2026 certainly I will keep a closer look this time to get any conclusive pics.. thanks for your nice words\u2026<\/p>\n


Anaphalis are indeed difficult to identify. Providing a key for identification of common species.<\/p>\n


Keys for common Anaphalis species in West Himalaya, based on Naithani (1984):<\/b><\/p>\n

1a. Involucral bracts acute, spreading in flowers<\/p>\n

2a. Head diameter 1.2-2.5cm<\/p>\n

3a. Leaves 1.2-5 cm long; involucral bracts ovate-lanceolate<\/p>\n

4a. Lower leaves spathulate half amplexicaule\u2026.A.cuneifolia<\/b><\/p>\n

4b. Lower leaves obovate-spathulate, contracted at base..\u00a0A.nepalensis<\/b><\/p>\n

3b. Leaves 5-10cm long; involucral bracts ovate-lanceolate acute\u2026A.triplinervis<\/b><\/p>\n

2b. Head diameter 0.6-0.8 cm<\/p>\n

5a. Stout roots, plants woody based, twisted, with many short branches having linear spathulate leaves, involucral bracts with a broad brown claw\u2026.A.xylorhiza<\/b><\/p>\n

5b. Root woody but stem not twisted, many, involucral bracts white \u2026.A.royleana<\/b><\/p>\n

1b. Involucral bracts, obtuse, erect in head<\/p>\n

6a. Lanceolate leaves<\/p>\n

7a. Leaves thin, lower surface cinnamon red or grey\u2026A.margaritacea<\/b><\/p>\n

7b. Leaves thick, lower surface white \u2026A.adnata<\/b><\/p>\n

6b. Linear leaves<\/p>\n

8a. Leaves 3.8-5 cm long<\/p>\n

9a. Basal lobe long, decurrent, involucral bracts elliptic oblong, 2-2.5 mmlong\u2026A.busua<\/b><\/p>\n

9b. Basal lobes narrow, apiculate, involucral bracts linear oblong, 4mm long \u2026A.virgata<\/b><\/p>\n

8b. Leaves 1.2-2.5 cm long, basal lobes short \u2026A.contorta<\/b><\/p>\n

HOWEVER, to follow keys plant specimens, rather than pics, are more desirable in addition to basic ground in Plant Taxonomy.<\/p>\n


Thanks a lot \u2026 for your efforts, I will try to make use of this data for my present posts.. and you are absolutely right in saying that only photographs cannot be decisive, identification can be achieved in field through actual examination of the specimens.. but some basic things should be there to keep in mind\u2026 thanks again for providing relevant points to look for while trying to distinguish different specimens of\u00a0Anaphalis<\/i>..<\/p>\n


I think it is close to the images and details at\u00a0Anaphalis busua<\/em>\u00a0(Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/a><\/p>\n

Tiny flowers from Meghalaya<\/a>\u00a0:\u00a0Attachments\u00a0(1). 2 posts by 2 authors.<\/div>\n

Please identify this\u00a0cluster of tiny flowers growing on a hillside<\/span>\u00a0in\u00a0Meghalaya<\/span>?<\/p>\n


This is an <\/span>Anaphalis<\/i> sp\u2026<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


I think it is close to the images at\u00a0Anaphalis busua<\/em>\u00a0(Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/a><\/p>\n


Yes …. I guess correct Id !<\/p>\n


Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis 1 for id from Chakrata- NS 93<\/a> : Attachments (5).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

6 posts by 4 authors.<\/div>\n

These pics were taken from Chakrata area<\/span>.. id please..<\/p>\n

All the species of Anaphalis<\/em> are beautiful. I would have loved to see some leaves here needed to go for ID.<\/div>\n

Anaphalis<\/i> have globular flower heads as every one knows with shiny papery involucral bracts which are usually white in our species. So what we see here white are bracts. There are only yellow disc florets <\/u>within it. So actually the genus will go to June episode.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

The involucral bracts are acute, spreading(1a. jpg) so just a guess that it could be Anaphalis triplinervis.<\/i><\/i><\/b><\/p>\n


Thanks a lot … for valuable inputs… perhaps, to keep away confusions … had included this in May List… but I hope this will keep floating in June also..<\/p>\n


efi page on <\/span>Anaphalis triplinervis<\/i><\/span><\/a><\/p>\n


I think\u00a0Anaphalis busua<\/em>\u00a0(Buch.-Ham.) DC.<\/a>\u00a0is most likely.<\/p>\n

Anaphalis busua from Manali-GS11102021-1<\/a>: 3 images.
\nMy Anaphalis busua<\/em> upload on our website (
Asteraceae Week Part 1-Radiate heads: Anaphalis busua from near Baratkhai and Manali-GS12 (google.com)<\/a>\u00a0is a mixture of specimens. Whereas one specimen from Manali (Manali 2) is true representation of the species, with distinctly decurrent leaf bases, the other Manali specimen (Manali 1) and Baratkhai specimens perhaps belong to some other species. I am sharing images of A. busua from Manali.<\/p>\n



The Plant List \u00a0<\/a>Flora of Pakistan \u00a0<\/a>Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal \u00a0<\/a>Flora of China \u00a0<\/a><\/span>Flowers of India \u00a0<\/a>Encyclopedia of Life<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC., 275 1838. (Syn: Anaphalis araneosa DC.; Anaphalis arenosa DC.; Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) Hand.-Mazz. [Illegitimate]; Anaphalis semidecurrens Wall. ex C.B.Clarke; Anaphalis semidecurrens (Wall. ex DC.) DC.; Antennaria semidecurrens DC.; Antennaria villosissima D.Don; Gnaphaliumbusua Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don; Gnaphalium busuum Buch.-Ham.; Gnaphalium semidecurrens Wall. ex DC.; Gnaphalium villosissima D.Don);…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[4826],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1192720","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-anaphalis"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1192720","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1192720"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1192720\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1192720"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1192720"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1192720"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}