{"id":1194727,"date":"2015-11-18T05:03:01","date_gmt":"2015-11-18T05:03:01","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T12:20:50","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T06:50:50","slug":"indigofera-glandulosa-1","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/indigofera-glandulosa-1\/","title":{"rendered":"Indigofera glandulosa ?"},"content":{"rendered":"
Indigofera glandulosa<\/i> ?;<\/div>\n
Images by Prashant Desai, Identification by\u00a0Satish Phadke\u00a0<\/span>(Inserted by J.M.Garg)<\/span><\/p>\n


ID-03062012-PR-2:<\/span><\/a> Plants from gujarat<\/span>
\nHabit Herb
\nFamily Papilionaceae<\/i>
\nLeaflet 3
\nFruit not Seen
\ncollected from cultivated field<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


It is indigofera hochstetteri<\/i><\/b><\/p>\n


Its Indigofera trifoliata<\/i> L.<\/p>\n

Indigofera trifoliata<\/i> L. in Torner Cent . Pl. 229.1756. & Amoen. Acad. 4: 327. 1759; FBI 2: 96 p.p; C 1: 335 p.p; WI 5: 182f. 113; S & J; Hans & William 2: 123. Raghavan 25.<\/div>\n
20-60 cm, perennial, suffruticose, woody, stoutherbs with white or grey-appressed hairs. Stem: much branched. Leaves : \u00b11.5cm long, tri-foliate compound; leaflets 0.8\u20132.6 x 0.5\u20130.9 glabrous aboveappressed-pubescent beneath, oblanceolate, emarginate, black gland dotted, basecuneate, margin entire, apex obtuse; petiole shorter than leaflets 0.6\u20131.2 cmlong, terminal leaflet sessile; stipules \u00b10.1 cm long, setaceous,linear-subulate. Inflorescence : about1 cm long, 6-10 flowered, sessile, dense racemes shorter than leaves. Flower : Pedicels 0.1\u20130.2 cm long. Calyx : \u00b10.3 cm long, hairy outside;lobes \u00b10.1 cm, setaceous, lanceolate, subulate. Corolla : 0.5\u20130.6 cm long, red or pink to flame-coloured; standard\u00b10.45 cm oblong-obovate, pubescent. Fruits: Pods 1-1.5 x 0.2 cm long, stout or not, slightly 4-angled, deflexed, narrowlywinged on angles, 4-6 seeded, thinly pubescent not torulose. Seeds : 4-8, \u00b10.2 cm across, cuboid,angular, black.<\/span><\/div>\n
FLS & FRS: Aug.-Sept.<\/div>\n
Dis. : Gujarat; Reported from Saurashtra; at Bharuch rare among grasses.<\/div>\n
The Indigofera hochstetteri<\/i> does not show trifoliate leaves .. its have around 5 leaflets..<\/span><\/div>\n

I think this is more likely to be a variety of <\/span> Indigofera glandulosa.<\/span><\/i><\/p>\n


Pods of the plant will assist in giving exact identity of the plant<\/p>\n


Indigofera glandulosa<\/i>\u00a0Roxb. ex Willd. !<\/p>\n






Id-180212-PR-2:<\/span><\/a> Id-180212-PR-2
\nPlant from North Gujarat<\/span>
\nFamily Papiolionaceae<\/i>
\nHabit herb
\nnear cultivated field
\n<\/span>leaflets 3
\nflower pinkish in axillary raceme
\nplant height 30 – 50 cm
\n<\/span>fruit not seen
\ni think its Indigofera sp<\/i>
\nBut not sure<\/p>\n


Looks like Indigofera<\/i> sp., may be Indigofera glandulosa<\/i><\/p>\n


I think … got it right. It looks like Indigofera glandulosa. <\/i>The hairs on the stem<\/span> is not visible in the picture. Please check the plant before confirm the id.<\/p>\n



Images by Aarti Khale (Inserted by J.M.Garg)<\/span><\/p>\n


Request for ID : 030410-AK-1<\/a>\u00a0: 1 post by 1 author.\u00a0Attachments (1)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Date\/Time : 6th of October, 2009\/ 4.19 pm<\/span>
\nLocation Place :\u00a0Nasik<\/span>…
\nFlowers Size : about 1\u00a0cm …\u00a0Colour :\u00a0pink<\/span><\/div>\n
Fragrance : not fragrant …
\nFound growing in the wild by the roadside<\/span>. Many of them all over the place<\/span><\/div>\n

… most probably Indigofera<\/i> species.<\/p>\n


This could be Indigofera glandulosa<\/i>.<\/p>\n


i hope the plant is Indigofera colutea<\/i> (Burm.f.) Merrill<\/p>\n


Do have a look at following Information from<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

“<\/span>FLORA OF THE PRESIDENCY OF BOMBAY by THEODORE COOKE, CLE<\/span>”\u00a0<\/span> about Indigofera glandulosa<\/i>..<\/div>\n
Indigofera glandulosa, Willd. Sji. PI. v. 3 (1800) p. 1227.<\/span><\/span><\/u><\/b><\/div>\n
Annual, 9-20 in. high, much-branched; branches long, slender, clothed with spreading hairs when young, not at all argenteo-canescent. Leaves 3-foliolate ; petioles 3\/8 \u00a0to \u00bd \u00a0in. long, slender, hairy ; stipules setaceous, minute. Leaflets 1\/2-1 by \u00bc- 1\/2 in., oblanceolate, rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate, green and with a few appressed hairs above, glaucous, appressedly hairy and copiously nigro-punctate beneath ; petiolules of the lateral leaflets 1\/20 \u2013 1\/16 long, those of the terminal leaflets, longer. Flowers in short axillary sessile heads \u00bc – 3\/8 in. long. Calyx 1\/12 \u2013 1\/10″ long, hairy outside; teeth long, setaceous. Corolla 2-3 times as long as the calyx. Pods 1\/5 in. long, pubescent, angled, the angles slightly winged and often toothed. Seeds 1-2, spherical, smooth and polished, sometimes mottled. El. B. I. v. 2, p.’,94 ; Dalz. & Gribs. p. 58 ; Woodr. in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 11 (1897) p. 421 ; Watt, Diet. Econ. Prod. v. 4, p. 3S6.\u2014Flowers : Aug.-Dec. Vern. Barbuda<\/span><\/span>.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Which difference do you want to point out to me ? Kindly highlight so that I can differentiate from the description I have provided anf that of you. I am trying co-related the two descriptions kindly take a look.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Indigofera glandulosa<\/span><\/i><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Indigofera colutea<\/span><\/span><\/i><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Annual, 9-20 in. high, much-branched; branches long, slender<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Erect or spreading herb, annual or short-lived perennial<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


clothed with spreading hairs when young, not at all argenteo-canescent<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


pubescent, hairs biramous and also multicellular, glandular<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Leaves 3-foliolate ; petioles 3\/8\u00a0 to \u00bd\u00a0 in. long, slender, hairy ; stipules setaceous, minute. <\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole c. 1.2 cm long, rachis up to 6 cm long<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Leaflets 1\/2-1 by \u00bc- 1\/2 in oblanceolate, rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate, green and with a few appressed hairs above, glaucous, appressedly hairy and copiously nigro-punctate beneath ; petiolules of the lateral leaflets 1\/20 \u2013 1\/16 long, those of the terminal leaflets, longer<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Leaflets 7-11, c. 7-14 mm long, c. 3-4 mm broad, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, apiculate, appressly pubescent on both sides<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Flowers in short axillary sessile heads \u00bc – 3\/8 in. long. <\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Inflorescence an axillary pedunculate raceme<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Calyx 1\/12 \u2013 1\/10″ long, hairy outside; teeth long, setaceous<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Peduncle up to 7 or 12 mm long. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long, pubescent, teeth c. 1.25 mm long. Corolla pink<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Corolla 2-3 times as long as the calyx.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Vexillum c. 4 0-4.5 mm long.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n


Pods 1\/5 in. long, pubescent, angled, the angles slightly winged and often toothed. Seeds 1-2, spherical, smooth and polished, sometimes mottled<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


Fruit c. 1.8-2.6 cm long, pubescent, hairs appressed as well as gland-tipped<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n

It is certainly NOT Indigofera colutea<\/i>, because the description provided by\u00a0… says ‘Leaves 7-11’ whereas the plant in the picture has 3-foliolate leaves<\/span>. I. colutea<\/i> has viscid glandular hairs all over.<\/div>\n

If anyone access to Dr. Sanjappa’s Revision, it will be easy to identify\/confirm the id. Fruits characters also essential.<\/p>\n


I think Indigofera trifoliata<\/i><\/p>\n


This is one of the following species:
\nIndigofera glandulosa<\/i> Roxb. ex Willd.<\/span><\/a>
Indigofera trifoliata<\/i> L.<\/span><\/a>
Indigofera trita<\/i> L.f<\/span><\/a>
\nPerhaps at least one or two more photos could have helped.<\/p>\n


Thanks for the interest shown … in this very old post of mine.
\nI had added a couple of pictures later.
\nHere they are…..
\nI have been very busy since Sept, unable to interact on our group.
\nHope to be able to find free time in a few days.




Request for ID : 030410-AK-1<\/a> :
\nA very old post of mine. …, you were absolutely right. Thanks a lot.
\n<\/span>Adding more pictures. Attachments <\/span>(2)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n




Indigofera glandulosa ?; Images by Prashant Desai, Identification by\u00a0Satish Phadke\u00a0(Inserted by J.M.Garg) ID-03062012-PR-2: Plants from gujarat Habit Herb Family Papilionaceae Leaflet 3 Fruit not Seen collected from cultivated field It is indigofera hochstetteri Its Indigofera trifoliata L. Indigofera trifoliata L. in Torner Cent . Pl. 229.1756. & Amoen. Acad. 4:…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[4914],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1194727","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-indigofera"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1194727","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1194727"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1194727\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1194727"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1194727"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1194727"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}