{"id":1195169,"date":"2011-03-02T04:23:44","date_gmt":"2011-03-02T04:23:44","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T13:15:43","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T07:45:43","slug":"flemingia-strobilifera","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/flemingia-strobilifera\/","title":{"rendered":"Flemingia strobilifera"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n
Flemingia<\/i> strobilifera<\/i> (L.) W.T.Aiton<\/span><\/a>\u00a0(syn. Flemingia<\/i> bracteata<\/i> (Roxb.) Wight<\/span><\/a>; Flemingia<\/i> fruticulosa<\/i> Benth.<\/span><\/a>; Flemingia<\/i> strobilifera<\/i> var. bracteata<\/i> (Roxb.) Baker<\/span><\/a>; Hedysarum<\/i> bracteatum<\/i> Roxb.<\/span><\/a>; Hedysarum<\/i> strobiliferum<\/i> L.<\/span><\/a>; Moghania<\/i> bracteata<\/i> (Roxb.) H.L.Li<\/span><\/a>; Moghania<\/i> strobilifera<\/i> (L.) J.St.-Hil.<\/span><\/a>; Moghania<\/i> strobilifera<\/i> (L.) Kuntze<\/span><\/a>; Moghania<\/i> strobilifera<\/i> (L.) Jacks.<\/span><\/a>; Zornia<\/i> strobilifera<\/i> (L.) Pers.<\/span><\/a>);
\n.\u00a0 \u00a0<\/span> \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 ..<\/span>
\nflem-MING-ee-uh<\/b> — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service<\/span> … <\/span>
Dave’s Botanary<\/u><\/a>
\nstroh-bil-IF-fer-a<\/b> — Greek: strobil<\/i> (cone), fera<\/i> (bearing)<\/span> …<\/span> <\/u>
Dave’s Botanary<\/u><\/a>
\ncommonly known as<\/b>: <\/span>
luck plant<\/a>, <\/span>wild hops<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Assamese<\/b>: <\/span>\u09ae\u09be\u0996\u09bf\u09df\u09a4\u09bf makhiyati<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Gujarati<\/b>: <\/span>\u0aaa\u0acb\u0aaa\u0a9f\u0acd\u0aaf\u0acb poptyo<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Hindi<\/b>: <\/span>\u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0942\u091f\u093e kanphuta<\/a> \u2022<\/span>Kannada<\/b>: \u00bf <\/span>\u0c95\u0cc1\u0cae\u0cb2\u0cc1<\/a> ? <\/span>kumalu<\/a>, <\/span>\u0ca8\u0cb0\u0cbf \u0cac\u0cbe\u0cb2\u0ca6 \u0cb9\u0cca\u0ca8\u0ccd\u0ca8\u0cc6 nari baalada honne<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Malayalam<\/b>: <\/span>\u0d15\u0d28\u0d32\u0d02 kanalam<\/a>, <\/span>\u0d15\u0d41\u0d2e\u0d3e\u0d7b\u0d1a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d3f kumaanchedi<\/a>, <\/span>\u0d15\u0d41\u0d2e\u0d32\u0d41 kumalu<\/a>, <\/span>\u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d32 ponthorila<\/a>, <\/span>\u0d24\u0d47\u0d30\u0d3f theri<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Marathi<\/b>: <\/span>\u092c\u0902\u0926\u0930 bundar<\/a>, <\/span>\u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0941\u091f\u0940 kanphuti<\/a>, <\/span>\u0915\u094d\u0932\u093f\u092a\u094d\u0924\u0940 klipti<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Nepali<\/b>: <\/span>\u092d\u091f\u092e\u093e\u0938\u0947 bhatmase<\/a>, <\/span>\u092d\u091f\u0935\u093e\u0938\u0940 bhatwasi<\/a> \u2022 <\/span>Telugu<\/b>: <\/span>\u0c28\u0c32\u0c4d\u0c32<\/a> \u00bf <\/span>\u0c2c\u0c26\u0c4d\u0c26\u0c41<\/a> ? <\/span>nalla baddu<\/a>
\nNative of<\/b>: China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, <\/span>Malesia<\/span>
\nHere are the keys from the
recent revision of Flemingia<\/a> by Manoj Lekahak ji and others:
\nKey to the species of subg. Ostryodium
\n1. Leaflets ovate or linear-lanceolate, apex acute … 2<\/span>
\n1. Leaflets cordate, apex acuminate …..F. chappar<\/strong>
\n2. Erect shrubs ….. 3<\/span>
\n2. Trailing shrubs ……..F. fruticulosa<\/strong>
\n3. Bracts persistent ……. 4<\/span>
\n3. Bracts caducous …….F. nudiflora<\/strong>
\n4. Plant tall up to 1.2\u20133.2 m in height; leaflets ovate with\u00a012\u201320 mm long petiole, lateral veins 7-8(-10) pairs ………..F. strobilifera<\/strong><\/span>
\n4. Plant tall up to 0.8\u20131 m in height; leaflets linear-lanceolate\u00a0with 2\u20134 mm long petiole, lateral veins 4-6 pairs ……………… F. bracteata<\/strong><\/span>

Plz id this shrub: pa68 – 26dec2012:<\/a>
\nPlz id this shrub of about 4 foot height<\/span> from Mankhurd region<\/span>. Along with the leaves there are some fluorescent green leaves of much smaller size.<\/span><\/p>\n


Its Flemingia<\/i> bracteata<\/i> (Roxb.) Wight<\/p>\n


Flemingia strobilifera<\/i> , Fabaceae<\/i> \ud83d\ude42<\/span><\/p>\n


Thank you … I saw on the net that both are synonyms.<\/p>\n



ANMAR14\/14 Flemingia strobilifera<\/a> : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (11)<\/span><\/div>\n
Family: Fabaceae<\/i>
\nDate: 6th March 2015
\nPlace: Aralam WLS<\/span>, Kerala<\/span>
\nHabit: Shrub<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Flemingia strobilifera in northern Western Ghats:<\/a><\/div>\n
Flemingia strobilifera <\/i> (L.) W.T.Aiton<\/div>\n
flem-MING-ee-uh<\/b> — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service
\nstroh-bil-IF-fer-a<\/b> — from the Greek strobil<\/i> (cone-like shape)<\/span><\/div>\n
Feb 12, 2011 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra
\ncommonly known as<\/b>: luck plant, wild hops \u2022 Assamese<\/b>: makhioti \u2022 Gujarati<\/b>: kasraut \u2022 Hindi<\/b>: clipti, \u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0942\u091f\u093e kanphuta \u2022 Kannada<\/b>: kumalu \u2022 Malayalam<\/b>: kumalu, kumbilteri \u2022 Marathi<\/b>: \u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0941\u091f\u0940 kanphuti, nundar \u2022 Telugu<\/b>: \u0c28\u0c32\u0c4d\u0c32\u0c2c\u0c26\u0c4d\u0c26\u0c41 nallabaddu
\nNative of<\/b>: China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia<\/span>
\nsome views<\/b>: Feb 12, 2011 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra<\/span><\/div>\n
between Feb 7 & 21, 2010 … at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park)<\/span><\/div>\n
Jan 10, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra<\/span><\/div>\n
Dec 15, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
\nFeb 2, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra<\/span><\/div>\n

This is the only Flemingia <\/i>which is unifoliolate<\/span>. All other species in Maharashtra are trifoliolate.<\/span><\/p>\n

Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Flemingia strobilifera :: n Western Ghats :: DVOCT77<\/span><\/a> : 1 post by 1 author.\u00a015 images.<\/div>\n
Flemingia strobilifera<\/i>\u00a0(L.) W.T.Aiton<\/div>\n
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 15, 2008\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on January 10, 2009\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on February 7, 2009<\/span><\/div>\n
at Yeoor Hills on February 7, 2010<\/span><\/div>\n
at Yeoor Hills on February 21, 2010<\/span><\/div>\n
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on February 12, 2011\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
at Prabalgad on January 28, 2012
\n<\/span>at Matheran on February 2, 2013<\/span><\/div>\n


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs\/Herbs : Flemingia strobiliflora:<\/a>
\nFlemingia strobiliflora
\n<\/i>Observed in Mulshi area January 2010<\/div>\n

Kas week: Flemingia strobilifera SMP:<\/a>
\nFlemingia strobilifera
\n<\/i>Not a typical Sept. plant of the plateau.
\nShown here just to include as an occurrence here.<\/p>\n

I use to remember it as Kanphuti<\/b>. Nice one.<\/div>\n



Plz id this herb: pa92 – 19feb2013:<\/a>
\nI am posting after long time now. Plz id this herb from Yeoor region<\/span>. It is flowering now and it is around one and a half feet height. Tks.<\/p>\n


This is Kanphati<\/b> [Flemingia strobilifera<\/i>]. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this.<\/p>\n

110713 ASP 97<\/a> : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
\nPlease ID this <\/span>small shrub<\/span>. Photo was taken<\/span> in Sri Lanka<\/span> In Jan 2013.<\/span><\/div>\n

Please check <\/span>Femingia strobilifera<\/i> ? … had already shared its beautiful flower in one of his post.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Yes, this looks like <\/span>Fl<\/span>emingia strobilifera<\/i>..<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n



kussunt :: Name of Flemingia strobilifera in Hindi<\/a>: 4 posts by 2 authors.
\nSomeone please help me with validating this Hindi name: <\/span>kussunt<\/b> for <\/span>Flemingia strobilifera\u00a0<\/i>and please provide it in Devanagari script. Referenced from internet and NISCAIR’s The Useful Plants of India.<\/span><\/div>\n

there is another name … kusrunt.<\/p>\n

Both kussunt<\/b> and kusrunt<\/b> may be googled, and they are found in worthy sites, as well as reference books.<\/div>\n
Attempts of both in various spellings in Devanagari script – do not fetch any single result.
\nOne of them could be a typo.<\/span><\/div>\n

These are what I found<\/p>\n

Hindi; Kussunt<\/b><\/div>\n
Mar.: Kanphute<\/b>, bundar<\/b><\/div>\n
Tel.: Nallabaddu
\n<\/b>Kan. & Mal.: <\/span>Kumalu<\/b>, <\/span>kumbilteri<\/b><\/div>\n

I am eager to get the Hindi names — kussunt<\/b> and kusrunt<\/b> validated by central and north Indian Hindi-knowing people familiar with this plant. One of the two might be a typo; but both are found on the internet and reference books as Hindi names for Flemingia strobilifera<\/i>. Ultimately, I need the valid name in Devanagari script.<\/p>\n



kasraut :: Name of Flemingia strobilifera in Gujarati<\/a> :\u00a0\u00a03 posts by 2 authors.
\nHelp me with validating this Gujarati name: <\/span>kasraut<\/b> for <\/span>Flemingia strobilifera<\/i> and please provide it in native script. Referenced from Flowers of India.<\/span><\/div>\n

Kasraut<\/b>” is mentioned as the Hindi name (from Oudh) of Flemingia strobilifera<\/i> in ‘Indian Trees’ by Dietrich Brandis [pg. 231] but I’m not aware of a similar name in Gujarati. I know of only one Gujarati name of this plant – \u0aaa\u0acb\u0aaa\u0a9f\u0acd\u0aaf\u0acb \/ Poptyo<\/b>. Hope this helps.<\/p>\n


It helps, …, immensely<\/i>.
\nMe too on searching the internet and dictionary resources, had got the feeling that the name kasraut<\/b> may not belong to Gujarati at all.
\nThanks very much for the name in Gujarati for Flemingia strobilifera.<\/i><\/p>\n


Names of Plants in India :: Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton<\/a> : 1 image. 5 posts by 3 authors.
via Species<\/a>\u200e > \u200e<\/span>F<\/a>\u200e > <\/span>Flemingia strobilifera<\/i><\/span> (L.) W.T.Aiton … <\/span>family<\/span>: Fabaceae<\/i><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

\u00a0\"Flowers<\/a> \"Discussions<\/a> \"more<\/a> \"more<\/a><\/div>\n
flem-MING-ee-uh<\/b> — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service<\/span> … Dave’s Botanary<\/u><\/a>
\nstroh-bil-IF-fer-a<\/b> — Greek: strobil<\/i> (cone), fera<\/i> (bearing)<\/span> … <\/u>
Dave’s Botanary<\/u><\/a>
\ncommonly known as<\/b>:
luck plant<\/a>, wild hops<\/a> \u2022 Assamese<\/b>: \u09ae\u09be\u0996\u09bf\u09df\u09a4\u09bf makhiyati<\/a> \u2022 Gujarati<\/b>: \u0aaa\u0acb\u0aaa\u0a9f\u0acd\u0aaf\u0acb poptyo<\/a> \u2022 Hindi<\/b>: \u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0942\u091f\u093e kanphuta<\/a> \u2022Kannada<\/b>: \u00bf \u0c95\u0cc1\u0cae\u0cb2\u0cc1<\/a> ? kumalu<\/a>, \u0ca8\u0cb0\u0cbf \u0cac\u0cbe\u0cb2\u0ca6 \u0cb9\u0cca\u0ca8\u0ccd\u0ca8\u0cc6 nari baalada honne<\/a> \u2022 Malayalam<\/b>: \u0d15\u0d28\u0d32\u0d02 kanalam<\/a>, \u0d15\u0d41\u0d2e\u0d3e\u0d7b\u0d1a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d3f kumaanchedi<\/a>, \u0d15\u0d41\u0d2e\u0d32\u0d41 kumalu<\/a>, \u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d32 ponthorila<\/a>, \u0d24\u0d47\u0d30\u0d3f theri<\/a> \u2022 Marathi<\/b>: \u092c\u0902\u0926\u0930 bundar<\/a>, \u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0941\u091f\u0940 kanphuti<\/a>, \u0915\u094d\u0932\u093f\u092a\u094d\u0924\u0940 klipti<\/a> \u2022 Nepali<\/b>: \u092d\u091f\u092e\u093e\u0938\u0947 bhatmase<\/a>, \u092d\u091f\u0935\u093e\u0938\u0940 bhatwasi<\/a> \u2022 Telugu<\/b>: \u0c28\u0c32\u0c4d\u0c32<\/a> \u00bf \u0c2c\u0c26\u0c4d\u0c26\u0c41<\/a> ? nalla baddu<\/a>
\nbotanical names<\/b>: Flemingia strobilifera<\/i> (L.) W.T.Aiton … synonyms<\/b>: Flemingia bracteata<\/i> (Roxb.) Wight \u2022 Flemingia fruticulosa<\/i> Benth. \u2022Hedysarum bracteatum<\/i> Roxb. \u2022 Hedysarum strobiliferum<\/i> L. \u2022 Moghania bracteata<\/i> (Roxb.)
H.L.Li<\/span><\/a> \u2022 Moghania fruticulosa<\/i> (Benth.) Mukerjee \u2022Moghania strobilifera<\/i> (L.) J.St.-Hil. \u2022 Moghania strobilifera<\/i> (L.) Kuntze \u2022 Moghania strobilifera<\/i> (L.) Jacks. \u2022 Zornia strobilifera<\/i> (L.) Pers. … The Plant List<\/i> (2010). Version 1<\/a><\/div>\n
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<\/div>\n

Photographed at Matheran on 02 FEB 13<\/span><\/p>\n


It is so beauutiful ..Incredible picture\u00a0… \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n


flem-MING-ee-uh<\/b>\u00a0— named for John Fleming, President of the Medical Board of Bengal<\/span> …\u00a0Dave’s Botanary<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


stroh-bil-IF-fer-a<\/b>\u00a0— Greek:\u00a0strobil<\/i>\u00a0(cone),\u00a0fera<\/i>\u00a0(bearing)<\/span> …\u00a0Dave’s Botanary<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


commonly known as<\/b>: luck plant, wild hops \u2022\u00a0Assamese<\/b>: \u09ae\u09be\u0996\u09bf\u09df\u09a4\u09bf makhiyati \u2022\u00a0Bengali<\/b>: \u09ac\u09b2\u09c1 bolu \u2022\u00a0Dogri<\/b>: \u092c\u0928 \u091b\u094b\u0932\u0947 ban chole \u2022\u00a0Gujarati<\/b>: \u0a95\u0abe\u0aa8\u0aab\u0ac1\u0a9f\u0ac0 kanphuti, \u0a95\u0ab8\u0ab0\u0acb\u0a9f kasraut, \u0aaa\u0acb\u0aaa\u0a9f\u0ac0\u0aaf\u0acb poptiyo \u2022\u00a0Hindi<\/b>: \u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0942\u091f\u093e kanphuta \u2022\u00a0Kannada<\/b>: \u0c95\u0cc1\u0cae\u0cb3\u0cc1 kumalu, \u0ca8\u0cb0\u0cbf \u0cac\u0cbe\u0cb2\u0ca6 \u0cb9\u0cca\u0ca8\u0ccd\u0ca8\u0cc6 nari baalada honne \u2022\u00a0Konkani<\/b>: \u092c\u094b\u0902\u0926\u0930 bondar \u2022\u00a0Khasi<\/b>: ka-khong \u2022\u00a0Malayalam<\/b>: \u0d15\u0d28\u0d32\u0d02 kanalam, \u0d15\u0d41\u0d2e\u0d3e\u0d7b\u0d1a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d3f kumaanchedi, \u0d15\u0d41\u0d2e\u0d32\u0d41 kumalu, \u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d32 ponthorila, \u0d24\u0d47\u0d30\u0d3f theri \u2022\u00a0Marathi<\/b>: \u092c\u0902\u0926\u0930 bundar, \u0915\u093e\u0928\u092b\u0941\u091f\u0940 kanphuti, \u0915\u094d\u0932\u093f\u092a\u094d\u0924\u0940 klipti \u2022\u00a0Nepali<\/b>: \u092c\u0930\u094d\u0915\u094c\u0928\u094d\u0932\u0940 \u091d\u093e\u0930 barkounli jhaar, \u092d\u091f\u092e\u093e\u0938\u0947 bhatmase, \u092d\u091f\u0935\u093e\u0938\u0940 bhatwasi, \u0926\u0941\u0935\u093e\u0930\u0947 duvaare \u2022\u00a0Telugu<\/b>: \u0c28\u0c32\u0c4d\u0c32 \u0c2c\u0c21\u0c4d\u0c21\u0c41 nalla baddu \u2022\u00a0Tulu<\/b>: \u0c95\u0cbe\u0c9f\u0ccd\u0c9f\u0cc1 \u0c92\u0c82\u0c9c\u0cbf\u0cb0\u0cc6 kaatu onjire<\/p>\n

botanical names<\/b>:\u00a0Flemingia strobilifera<\/i>\u00a0(L.) W.T.Aiton …\u00a0homotypic synonyms<\/b>:\u00a0Hedysarum strobiliferum<\/i>\u00a0L. \u2022\u00a0Maughania strobilifera<\/i>\u00a0(L.) J.St.-Hil. ex Kuntze \u2022\u00a0Zornia strobilifera<\/i>\u00a0(L.) Pers. …\u00a0heterotypic synonyms<\/b>:\u00a0Flemingia affinis<\/i>\u00a0C.Presl \u2022\u00a0Hedysarum celtifolium<\/i>\u00a0Salisb. \u2022\u00a0Maughania strobilifera<\/i>\u00a0f.\u00a0rubriflora<\/i>\u00a0Kuntze …\u00a0POWO<\/a><\/p>\n


Bibliography \/ etymology<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~<\/div>\n
luck plant, wild hops<\/b><\/div>\n