{"id":1213606,"date":"2011-03-21T08:52:52","date_gmt":"2011-03-21T08:52:52","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:50:16","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:20:16","slug":"piper-longum","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/piper-longum\/","title":{"rendered":"Piper longum"},"content":{"rendered":"
Piper<\/i> longum<\/i> L., Sp. Pl. 1: 29 29 1753<\/i>. (syn: Chavica longa<\/em> (L.) Karst.; Chavica roxburghii<\/em> Miq.; Chavica sarmentosa<\/em> Miq.; Piper latifolium<\/em> Hunter; Piper roxburghii<\/em> (Miq.) J.Presl.; Piper sarmentosum<\/em> Wall.; Piper turbinatum<\/em> Noronha);<\/div>\n
NE-India, Bangladesh,<\/span> Taiwan (I), China (I) (Yunnan (I), Fujian (I), Guangdong (I), Guangxi (I), Hainan (I)), Nepal (I), Sri Lanka (I),<\/span> Vietnam (I), Andamans (I) (South Andamans (I)), Nicobars (I) (North Nicobars (I)), Bhutan (I), Sikkim (I), <\/span>Myanmar [Burma] (I), Laos (I)<\/span> as per Catalogue of Life<\/a>;<\/div>\n
Long Papper, Indian Long Pepper or Indonesian Long Pepper \u2022 <\/b>Hindi: \u092a\u093f\u092a\u0932\u0940 Pipli \u2022 <\/b>Marathi: \u092a\u093f\u0902\u092a\u0933\u0940 Pimpli \u2022 <\/b>Tamil: \u0ba4\u0bbf\u0baa\u0bcd\u0baa\u0bbf\u0bb2\u0bc0 Tippili \u2022 <\/b>Malayalam: \u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d32\u0d40 Tippali \u2022 <\/b>Telugu: Pippallu \u2022 <\/b>Kannada: Kandan Lippili \u2022 <\/b>Konkani: \u092a\u093f\u092a\u0932\u0940 Pipli \u2022 <\/b>Urdu: Pipul \u067e\u06cc\u067e\u0644 \u2022 <\/b>Gujarati: \u0aaa\u0ac0\u0aaa\u0ab0\u0ac0 Pipari \u2022 <\/b>Sanskrit: \u092a\u093f\u092a\u094d\u092a\u0932\u0940\u00a0;<\/b><\/div>\n
Dioecious climber, often spreading; lower leaves long petiolate, ovate to reniform, upper sessile to clasping ovate to ovate-oblong; with rounded basal lobes; flowers small, in leaf opposed spikes; male spike 4-5 cm long, stamens 2; female spike 2-3 cm long, drupes globose 2 mm.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Piper longum<\/i> is an important Ayurvedic medicine… the fruits obviously… for various repiratory and gastrointestinal disorders… but the roots are used extensively as powder in various herbal mixtures
\nand as household grandma remedies for monsoon related digestive aids,\u00a0in Deepan Pachan.. in respiratory disorders,\u00a0in various mixtures for pain relief, and even as massage mixtures for plegia.. muscle weaknesses..<\/span><\/div>\n
As per efi thread<\/a>:
\nP. nigrum<\/em> belongs to section Eupiper;<\/span> P. longum<\/span><\/em> and P. hapnium<\/em><\/span> Ham. to section Chavia;<\/span> and P. cubeba<\/em> to section Cubeba<\/span> and are differentiated as under<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Section Cubeba: Spikes solitary;\u00a0fls dioecious; female bract peltate; fruit with a long stalk- P. cubeba belongs here- climbing; stem round; leaves ovate oblong, acuminate, 4-6.5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm long; berry with\u00a0long stalk.- obviously not my plant.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Section Eupiper: Spikes solitary; fl dioicios or polgamous; fruit sessile, forming interrupted spikes; bracts and bracteoles adnate to axis- P. nigrum belongs here-Glabrous climbing and rooting plants; leaves coriaceous, ovate oblong; petiole 1.2-4 cm; leaf blade rounded and oblique at base, sometimes cordate; nerves\u00a05-9 (2 pairs near base, more higher); spike\u00a0variable in length; leaf width upto 2\/3 0f length, which again varies; bracts wholly adnate without raised margins- again not our plant.<\/span><\/div>\n
Section Chavica: Spikes solitary; fls dioiecious; female bracts orbicular, peltate; fruit sessile, in cylindric or globose spikes. P. hapnium<\/em> and P. longum<\/em> belong here.<\/span><\/div>\n
P. hapnium<\/em> is hoary plant, has stout warted branches; petiole 8-12 mm long; leaves oblong-lanceolate, 6-10 cm long, 4-5 cm broad, 7-nerved, leaves usually pubescent beneath, older leaves rugose; peduncles longer than leaves-\u00a0it does not match our plant.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
P. longum<\/em> is glabrous creeping plant, branches angular; lower leaves with\u00a02.5-7 cm long petiole; bladeovate-cordate, acuminate, 5-9 cm long, almost as broad; upper leaves sessile and amplexicaul,\u00a0narrower. female spike 1.2-2 cm.<\/span><\/span>

Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Piperaceae- Piper longum from Delhi-GSSEP01<\/a> : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Piper longum<\/i><\/span>\u00a0L., Sp. Pl. 1: 29. 1753<\/span>.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Long pepper, Indian long pepper<\/b><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Dioecious climber, often spreading; lower leaves long petiolate, ovate to reniform, upper sessile to clasping ovate to ovate-oblong; with rounded basal lobes; flowers small, in leaf opposed spikes; male spike 4-5 cm long, stamens 2; female spike 2-3 cm long, drupes globose 2 mm.
\n<\/span><\/span>Photographed <\/span>from Herbal Garden<\/span>, Delhi<\/span><\/div>\n

Thanks, …, for making a wonderful beginning.<\/span><\/p>\n


Nepali Names : \u092a\u093f\u092a\u094d\u0932\u093e Piplaa \/ \u0917\u091c \u092a\u093f\u092a\u094d\u0932\u093e \u00a0Gaj Piplaa<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Hooghly-sept-sk05 : Piperaceae Fortnight : sk01 : Piper sp. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
\nThis <\/span>wild Piper<\/i><\/span> is common<\/span> in village thickets<\/span>, photographed today, <\/span>in Hooghly district, West Bengal.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Seems to be Piper longum<\/i>.<\/p>\n


Looks the male plants of the P. longum<\/i> the plant in the other mail<\/p>\n


Thanks once again to …, and for the other post too<\/span><\/a> which was a repeat of a 2012 upload- efi thread<\/a><\/p>\n

Piper longum<\/i> male plant<\/span><\/div>\n

Hooghly-sept-sk07 : Piperaceae Fortnight : sk03 : Piper sp.3 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
\nThis again <\/span>in Hooghly District, West Bengal<\/span>, in another village, recorded <\/span>in October, 2012.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Male plant of Piper longum<\/i> Roxb.<\/span><\/p>\n

Piper longum<\/i> again<\/div>\n

Hooghly-sept-sk06 : Piperaceae Fortnight : sk02 : Piper sp.2 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
\nThis <\/span>Piper<\/i>\u00a0was recorded in October, 2012, again <\/span>in village thicket,<\/span> in Hooghly district, west Bengal.<\/span> Kindly identify this species.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Could be Piper longum<\/i>.<\/p>\n


This is our Ayurvedic Pipli<\/b> the Piper longum<\/i> Roxb.\u00a0Nice to see in wild.<\/p>\n


Piper longum<\/i>.<\/p>\n


Thank you …, my heartiest thanks to …
\nMy earlier post was at\u00a0


Piper longum<\/i> female plant<\/p>\n


This seems <\/b>Piper longum<\/i>\u00a0(long pepper, Pippali<\/b>, one of the three pungents) only<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight :: Piperaceae :: Piper longum :: MNP :: ARKSEP-04 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
\nAttached are pictures of <\/span>Piper longum<\/i> captured\u00a0<\/span>at MNP<\/span> in March 2013.
\n<\/span>Requested to please validate the ID.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


It is Piper longum<\/i><\/p>\n


To me it seems to be Piper longum<\/i>.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Piperaceae-Piper for id from Dehradun -NS SEP 10 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
\n<\/span>This was a climbing herb, I am sorry for not having clear pics, but I hope this is a <\/span>Piper<\/i> species, please help me to get proper identification..
\n<\/span>Recorded <\/span>from Botanical Garden of Forest Research Institute,<\/span> Dehradun<\/span>….<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Its look like male plant of P. longum<\/b><\/span> from the subsessile terminal leaves (petilole distinct in lower leaves).<\/span> However need to be verified with the leaves of vegetative branch and its female plant. The inraspecific variations creates confusion in identity of many Pipers.<\/div>\n



Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight: Piperaceae-Piper longum from Yamunanagar -NS SEP 05 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
\nThis species was recorded <\/span>from a herbal Park<\/span> in Yamunanagr district of Haryana<\/span>, I hope this is rightly identified as <\/span>Piper longum<\/b>… please provide your inputs..<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Thanks for posting ‘Thippali’; Indian long pepper-Piper longum<\/i>. Pls see my pic of the plant labelled the same. There are very many differences. May be they both are the variants or any one of the two the Javanese long pepper- Piper retrofactum<\/i>. Experts pls help. Attachments (1).<\/span><\/p>\n


Thanks … for raising the doubt, yes plant posted by you is entirely different, a straggler by habit, leaves also differ.. let’s hope to get expert comments..<\/p>\n


Yes it is Piper longum<\/b> only, auriculate leaf base, short cylindrical spike are the characteristic features.<\/span><\/p>\n


Yes Sir, this is P, longum<\/i> L. as have already been confirmed by … … plant seems to be <\/span>P. cubeba<\/i> L.f.<\/span><\/a> –<\/span><\/p>\n
