most of the pictures published in Macro Photography teaching books are taken with the help of Tripod to get the maximum depth of field.<\/span><\/p>\n
\nYes … Tripod is recommended for macro photography, but during last three months that I have used it, I find it difficult to spare so much tome when you are in field and have to grab more than 100 plants or so in different angles. I manage (canon 550d and 100 mm macro) with holding my hands as stable as possible to click close ups. I take multiple photographs, so that one or two in focus can be short listed.<\/p>\n
\nyou seem to have access to good books, … but…
\nI am not sure what you mean to say by .”” F 32 providing very good depth of field so most of the picture is in sharp focus. “” …. good meaning a lot of depth of field?<\/p>\n