Its not ALTANTIA.., But ATLANTIA<\/em>. (Like Atlantia monophylla<\/em>). please verify …<\/p>\n
\nI agree a member of Rutaceae<\/em>. But <\/span>Altantia<\/em> ? Is there a genus ?<\/span><\/p>\n\n
I hope the plant is the attached photo\u00a0is Atalantia buxifolia<\/em> (Poiret) Oliver ex Bentham, Fl. Hongk. 51. 1861. because of the unique notch at the tip of the leaf which absent in A monophylla<\/em> commonly found in India.<\/p>\n
\nThis tree is <\/span>Atalantia monophylla<\/i> (L.) Correa, as the retuse tip and the leaf shape confirms. <\/span>…, Presence of unique leaf notch is the characteristic feature of\u00a0<\/span>Atalantia monophylla<\/i> (L.) Correa.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n
I Agree with … <\/span>The plant is definitely <\/span>Atalantia monophylla<\/em> (L.) Correa.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n
The key character for A. monophylla<\/em> of calyx irregularly lobed and split to the base on one side<\/span> can not be seen in the picture. Flowers are not seen crowded in axillary fascicles, they are in racemes. <\/span>Leaves are not bright green. I hence feel that the plant (with the limited info available) can be said to be A. racemosa<\/em> Wight. I have been searching for A. monophylla<\/em> in W. ghats for last several years but have not found one as yet. I would be keen to see myself if some one can show.<\/p>\n
I have seen some Atalantia monophylla<\/i> in the southern part of Western Ghats. i.e. areas closer to Nilgiris. The locations were relatively mid-altitudes.<\/p>\n
\n\n\nA. monophyla<\/em><\/p>\n |