{"id":1229792,"date":"2011-02-12T13:32:34","date_gmt":"2011-02-12T13:32:34","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T13:18:13","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T07:48:13","slug":"calyptocarpus-vialis","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/calyptocarpus-vialis\/","title":{"rendered":"Calyptocarpus vialis"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n
Calyptocarpus<\/i> vialis<\/i> Less., Syn. Gen. Compos. 221. 1832. 221 1832<\/i>.<\/span>\u00a0(Syn. <\/span>Blainvillea<\/i> tampicana<\/i> (DC.) Benth. & Hook.f.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Calyptocarpus<\/i> tampicanus<\/i> (DC.) Small<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Oligogyne<\/i> tampicana<\/i> DC.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Synedrella<\/i> vialis<\/i> (Less.) A.Gray<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Zexmenia<\/i> hispidula<\/i> Buckley<\/span><\/a>);<\/span><\/div>\n
USA (Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas), Mexico (Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Coahuila, Colima, Ciudad de Mexico, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatan, Zacatecas), Venezuela (Distrito Federal), Bahamas, Cayman Isl., Cuba, Hispaniola, ?Belize, Midway Isl. (I), Australia (I) (Queensland (I)), Java (I), Hawaii (I) (Midway Isl. (I), Kauai (I), Oahu (I), Molokai (I), Lanai (I), Maui (I)), India (I) (Maharashtra (I), Uttar Pradesh (I)), <\/span>Taiwan (I)<\/span> as per Catalogue of Life<\/a>;<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Straggler Daisy, Prostrate Lawnflower, Hierba del caballo, Horseherb;<\/b><\/div>\n
As per efi thread<\/a>:<\/div>\n
Here are features which will never fail you
\n1. Calyptocarpus<\/i> has low growing, procumbent to ascending, mat forming habit often rooting at nodes, rarely rising more than 15 cm<\/span>, <\/span>Synedrella<\/i> tall erect habit up to 80 cm tall.
\n<\/span>2. <\/span>Leaves the most crucial are not longer than 3 cm, pale green, thinner,\u00a0faint 3 basal vein and broadly ovate<\/span>. <\/span>In contrast leaves of Synedrella<\/i> are longer than 3 cm, dark green in colour, more prominent basal veins and ovate to elliptic in shape.
As per efi thread<\/a>\u00a0:<\/div>\n
Apart from trailing habit and smaller leaves I don’t find any consistent character.<\/span> Both (Calyptocarpus vialis<\/b><\/i><\/span> and <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/b><\/i>)<\/span> <\/span><\/span>may or may not have three basal veins, heads may be more than one in both.<\/span><\/div>\n
As per efi thread<\/a>\u00a0:<\/div>\n
Synedrella<\/span><\/b><\/i>: Plants annual, erect or ascending, not rooting at nodes; heads aggregated; disc florets 4-12; cypsellae of ray florets with lacerate winged margins.<\/span><\/div>\n
Calyptocarpus<\/span><\/b><\/i>: Perennial, prostrate or decumbent, rooting at nodes; heads solitary at each node; disc florets 10-20; cypsellae of ray florets not winged<\/span><\/div>\n
Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i><\/p>\n


Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Calyptocarpus vialis-<\/i>\u00a0right one\u00a0& Synedrella\u00a0nodiflora-<\/i>\u00a0left\u00a0one<\/p>\n
Calyptocarpus vialis-<\/i> left ones\u00a0& Synedrella\u00a0nodiflora-<\/i>\u00a0right\u00a0ones<\/p>\n


Confusion between Calyptocarpus vialis and Synedrella nodiflora solved (for me atleast)-GSSEP05\/123<\/span><\/a> :\u00a04 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Confusion between Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i> and Synedrella nodiflora<\/i> solved (for me atleast).
\nI was lucky to find both on same day in Bangalore and appreciate crucial differences between two.<\/span><\/p>\n

Perhaps no two plants are as confused by most of us as these two. Many differentiate the two by prominent three veins from base, but they occur in both although thinner in Calyptocarpus<\/i>. Heads of two look similar, involucre bracts of Calyptocarpus<\/i> are 4 in two whorls, In Synedrella they range from 2-5 and may be in one or two whorls. Achenes are with two diverging awns in Calyptocarpus<\/i>, in Synedrella<\/i> most florets (disc) have similar 2-awned achenes although few (fertile ray) have achenes with scales (which you are likely to miss.
\nHere are features which will never fail you
\n1. Calyptocarpus<\/i> has low growing, procumbent to ascending, mat forming habit often rooting at nodes, rarely rising more than 15 cm<\/span>, Synedrella<\/i> tall erect habit up to 80 cm tall.
\n<\/span>2. Leaves the most crucial are not longer than 3 cm, pale green, thinner,
\nfaint 3 basal vein and broadly ovate<\/span>. In contrast leaves of Synedrella<\/i> are longer than 3 cm, dark green in colour, more prominent basal veins and ovate to elliptic in shape.
\n<\/span>3. All heads in Synedrella<\/i> are in sessile clusters<\/span>, but in Calytocarpus<\/i> there are always a few on long peduncles bearing solitary head, in addition to several sessile in cluster.
\n<\/span>Here are some photographs for illustration.<\/span><\/p>\n


Thank you very very much … for this clarity.
\nWill check my uploads at flickr and eFI soon and do any necessary correction.<\/span><\/p>\n

Thanks a lot … i used to wonder for elongated stalk of inflorescence, in some Synedrella<\/i>! but i was looking Calyptocarpus<\/i>– which was not taught to me.
\nWonderful experience!<\/div>\n
In \u2026 post at Synedrella nodiflora :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19<\/span><\/a> , one can see a few flowering heads on long peduncles. So the following\u00a0portion of the key has to go away:<\/div>\n
All heads in <\/span>Synedrella<\/span><\/i> are in sessile clusters<\/span>, but in Calytocarpus<\/i> there are always a few on long peduncles bearing solitary head, in addition to several sessile in cluster”<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Here are characters I have uploaded on Facebook Groups last month<\/div>\n
Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>: prostrate perennial herb, rooting at nodes; leaves ovate, 2-4 cm long; heads usually solitary on up to 15 mm long peduncle; heads 6-7 mm long, achenes 3-4 mm long, oblanceolate, with two spreading awns in ray florets as well disc florets.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>: erect or ascending annual herb; leaves elliptic, 3-10cm long, heads usually 2-4 together, sessile or subsessile; heads more than 1 cm long; achenes dimorphic, those of disc florets like Calyptocarpus vialis but narrower, those of ray florets with triangular scales.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
I don’t find any distinctly pedunculate head in \u2026 upload, they may be subsessile.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Based on above discussion and comparative images I think the upload by\u00a0… as Synedrella nodiflora<\/i> is actually Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>, upload by … is alright.<\/p>\n


Thanks, \u2026 Pl. see the last image by \u2026 at Synedrella nodiflora :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n


… the last image at that \u2026 requests you to see in my post: <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19<\/span><\/a> is clickable and will lead to photopage in flickr. Further clicking on the photo on that page will zoom it and you will be able to pan the photo for details.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


I think you may have to re-asses your images from Yeoor Hills. Whereas your image on Flowers of India seems alright, the images here show ray florets on longer stalks, plus longer peduncle as pointed out by … Both eFlora of China and eFlora of North America\u00a0 clearly mention sessile to subsessile heads in this species. Yours does not look like Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i> as leaves are clearly different, more like Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>.<\/p>\n

Thanks very much \u2026, Yes, images from Yeoor Hills posted at <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19<\/span><\/a> are labelled as <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>. It is just as you are asserting. I hope there is no confusion.<\/span><\/div>\n
Thank you …,<\/div>\n
You are right. The prostrate hairs on the leaves seen in the picture by …, is another indicator that it could rather be Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>. The species is corrected on the site now:<\/div>\n
On the other hand, the two images sent by you to FOI, as Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i> (attached here), appear to be of Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
request for identification – 03012011PC1<\/a>:
\nAre all the\u00a0five photos those of Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>? Found growing wild in JNU campus<\/span>.<\/div>\n
Very small herb, growing to a height of 12 cm. Mostly procumbent but some erect branches are present.<\/span><\/div>\n
In the first three photos two heads are present together and the serrations in the leaves are not distinct. In the last two\u00a0photos (from a different patch) heads are smaller, appear to be present singly and the serrations are more distinct.<\/div>\n

efloraofindia:”For Id 19092011MR1\u2019\u2019 peculiar yellow flower with 4 petals Pune<\/a>:
\nRequest for identification Date\/Time-Sep 2011<\/p>\n

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune<\/span><\/div>\n
Habitat- Garden\/ Urban\/ Wild\/ Type-I do not know garden\/wild
\nPlant Habit- Tree\/ Shrub\/ Climber\/ Herb- \u00a0herb<\/span>
\nHeight\/Length- hardly 5 cms tall there were many such plants near each other each with a single flower at the tip
\n<\/span>Leaves Type\/ Shape\/ Size-green
\nFlowers Size\/ Colour\/ Calyx\/ Bracts- yellow \u00a0with 4 petals about 2cms across<\/span>
\nFruits Type\/ Shape\/ Size Seeds-Not seen<\/div>\n

This is Synedrella vialis<\/i> (Less.) Gray its a small prostrate herb<\/span>, while Synedrella nodiflora<\/i> (L.) Gaertn. is a erect herb.<\/span><\/p>\n


May be the following link of a previous discussion in our group would be helpful. efi thread<\/a><\/p>\n

I think the two species belong to two different genera<\/div>\n
Calyptocapus vialis<\/i> Less (syn: Synedrella vialis<\/i> (Less) A. Gray; Calyptocarpus tampicanus<\/i> (DC.) Small): straggling daisy <\/b><\/div>\n
Synedrella nodiflora<\/i> (L.) L. Gaertn (syn: Verbesina nodiflora<\/i> L.): <\/span><\/div>\n


Here is the key to differentiate the two genera (Based of Flora of Taiwan and Flora of North America) Synedrella<\/i><http:\/\/efloras.org\/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=100&taxon_id=132087<\/span><\/a>>
\nSynedrella<\/i>: Plants annual, erect or ascending, not rooting at nodes; heads aggregated; disc florets 4-12; cypsellae of ray florets with lacerate winged margins.<\/span><\/div>\n
Calyptocarpus<\/i>: Perennial, prostrate or decumbent, rooting at nodes; heads solitary at each node; disc florets 10-20; cypsellae of ray florets not winged<\/span><\/div>\n

…\u00a0I found that it is also called Lonestar flower<\/b> quite an apt name.<\/p>\n



Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads:- 02052013MR4 is this herb Calyptocarpus vialis from Pune for ID \u2014MR04<\/a>\u00a0:\u00a0\u00a04 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.<\/div>\n

June 2012<\/span><\/p>\n

Another sprawling wild herb<\/span> with triangular leaves and yellow flowers<\/span><\/span> at Pune<\/span><\/p>\n

Requesting to validate if this is Calyptocarpus vialis
\n<\/i><\/span>Id help- <\/span>


Thanks … for uploading both, often confused plants<\/span>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Calyptocarpus vialis from Delhi-GS42<\/a> : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 4 authors.
\n<\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/span><\/i> from Delhi<\/span>,<\/span> I hope all are correctly identified.<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

I could not distinguish between Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i> and Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>…so similar they are..if anyone has any distinguishing features, please share..<\/p>\n


The flowersofindia site mentions A prominent difference is that the leaves of Cinderella Weed have 3 parallel veins flowersofindia<\/span><\/a>\u00a0Also I found the pdf file attached helpful to understand the differences. You will have to scroll 6 pgs down to see these plants in the file.<\/p>\n


Thanks Sir for the pdf file, got few points..clarity needs actual examination..hope to find them both soon..<\/p>\n


Kindly highlight the significant differences, which would be helpful for all.<\/p>\n


Apart from trailing habit and smaller leaves I don’t find any consistent character.<\/span> Both may or may not have three basal veins, heads may be more than one in both.<\/span> Frankly from photographs I am never confident about these two species.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n



Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads:- 02052013MR3 is this Calyptocarpus vialis from Pune for ID \u2014MR03<\/a>\u00a0:\u00a0\u00a07 images.3 posts by 2 authors.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Aug 2012<\/span><\/p>\n

A sprawling wild herb <\/span>with triangular leaves and yellow flowers<\/span> <\/span>at Pune<\/span><\/p>\n

Requesting to validate if this is Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i><\/span><\/p>\n

Id help- link<\/a><\/span><\/div>\n

Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Synedrella nodiflora? from Chakrata, Morni and Dalhousie- NS 92<\/a> : Attachments (8). 5 posts by 4 authors.
\n<\/span>I had identified all the posted pics as <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>… hereby enclosing different pics <\/span>from Chakrata, Dalhousie and Morni<\/span> (name of the place suffixed after every picture)…. I was sure for them to be <\/span>S. nodiflora<\/i>, until I had seen <\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>…..kindly validate\/correct..<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


I am confused.<\/p>\n


For me thie photographs look like Calyptocarpus vialis. As o<\/i>ur expert\u00a0 … has said it is always very confusing. Nevertheless, the flowers are very small and petioles are also almost nil in Synedrella nodiflora<\/em><\/span>.<\/p>\n

for id. request BRS 521<\/a> : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 4 authors.<\/div>\n
Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. confirmation.<\/div>\n
Location: IFGTB Campus, Coimbatore<\/span><\/div>\n
Date: 08.11.2013<\/span><\/div>\n
Habitat: Garden
\n<\/span>Habit: Herb<\/span><\/div>\n

It may be<\/span> Calyptocarpus<\/b><\/i> <\/b>vialis<\/b> <\/i>(= <\/span>Synedrella vialis<\/i>).<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Yes, this is Calyptocarpus vialis<\/b> <\/i><\/span>Less. [Synedrella vialis<\/i> (Less.) A.Gray; Straggler daisy], from NW.Himal., Uttk., UP, Raj., Mah., Karn. and Ker.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this wild plant at Lalbagh, Bangalore :: 07012014 :: ARK-07<\/a> : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.
\nRequesting to please ID this <\/span>shrub captured <\/span>in Lalbagh, Bangalore in November 2013.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Looks like Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i><\/span> (<\/span>Straggler daisy<\/b><\/span>) (<\/span>syn. Synedrella vialis<\/i><\/span>). Some times difficult to distinguish the species from <\/span>Synedrella <\/i><\/span>nodiflora. <\/b><\/i>Hence carefully check the characters and then decide the species..<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Thank you\u00a0… again and thanks to … as well for the ID…<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Asteraceae Herb for id from Chakrata:: NS June 21<\/a>\u00a0: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

This sub-erect herb<\/span> was shot from Chakrata area..<\/span><\/div>\n
I am inclined to place this under Calyptocarpus vialis <\/i>(until I came to know of this taxon, I treated this as nothing else but Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>, but now I am confused)..<\/div>\n
Please give your opinion..<\/span><\/div>\n

I think yes.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation :: ARKJAN-23\/23<\/a> : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Requesting to please validate ID of this ground covering plant<\/span> from the Kangra fort<\/span> near Dharamshala, HP<\/span> in October 2014.
\n<\/span>I hope this is <\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>.<\/span><\/div>\n

It is straggler’s daisy\/ horse herb: Calyptocarpus vialis<\/b> <\/i>(syn <\/span>Synedrella vialis<\/i>, <\/span>Synedrellopsis grisebachii<\/i><\/span> ).<\/span><\/i><\/span><\/p>\n

ID request 131015SG<\/a> : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (<\/span>4<\/span>)
\n<\/span>Requesting ID of this <\/span>weed, 6-9\u201d height<\/span>, Photo taken <\/span>on 13Oct15 at Solapur, Maharashtra.<\/span><\/div>\n

Please check for Calyptocarpus\u00a0vialis or C.biaristatus.\u00a0<\/i><\/p>\n


efi page on two confusable species<\/span>: <\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i><\/span><\/a>\u00a0or <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/i><\/span><\/a>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


this could be <\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i> Less.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Wild Plant For ID : Asteraceae : Nasik : 18NOV15 : AK-9 : 09\/09<\/a> : 3 posts by 2 authors.\u00a0Attachments (8)<\/span><\/div>\n
With reference to your post ‘<\/span>Confusion<\/span> between<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i> and\u00a0<\/span>Synedrella<\/i><\/span>\u00a0nodiflora’<\/i>, I found these tiny plants in my Nasik<\/span> home garden.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
These had a mat forming habit, hardly a few inches from the ground.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Could these be\u00a0<\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i>?
\n<\/span><\/span>For validation please.<\/span><\/div>\n

efi page on <\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i><\/span><\/a>\u00a0<\/span>with differences from\u00a0<\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/i><\/span><\/a>\u00a0\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Long peduncle is there in IMG_9567.jpg, should not be <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>\u00a0as per efi key.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Asteraceae ID<\/a> : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1<\/span>)<\/span><\/div>\n
Please ID the Asteraceae<\/i> Plant<\/div>\n
Place – Mohali, Punjab
Date of Click – 29th June, 2016<\/span><\/div>\n
Temperature- 37degrees
\nHumidity – almost 75%<\/span><\/div>\n

Please compare with <\/span>Synedrella nodiflora<\/i>..<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Possibly Synedrella nodiflora.<\/i><\/p>\n


I think closer to Calyptocarpus <\/span>vialis<\/span><\/i><\/a> Less. as per comparative images at\u00a0 \u200e<\/i>Calyptocarpus<\/i><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


Thank you …, after comparing images with Calyptocarpus<\/i>, i also feel that the images sent by me are closer to Calyptocarpus<\/i> rather than Synedrella<\/i>.<\/p>\n



ID please, Asteraceae<\/a>: 6 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
\nPlease Identify the plant<\/span><\/div>\n
Yellow flower, Asteraceae, Collected from seashore<\/span>, Thrissur, Kerala<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Pl. check<\/div>\n
Calyptocarpus vialis<\/span><\/i>\u00a0 ??<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

I also feel close to images at Calyptocarpus vialis<\/i><\/span><\/a> Less.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

in Delhi<\/span> in Parks and neglected gardens-<\/span> Aug’09?; 30\/05\/2010– Nehru Park,\u00a0 New Delhi;<\/span><\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

ID for 200809GS2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
060610vks2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n




Swamy\/New series\/ID\/25- ID of the plant<\/a>: 4 images.<\/p>\n

Plant photographed near my house<\/span> in Mysore last week (14.6.21).<\/span> The plant is\u00a0<\/i>\u00a0procumbent to ascending;\u00a0 mat forming habit often rooting at nodes. Leaves less \u00a0than 3 cm, pale green, thinner, faint 3 basal vein and broadly ovate.\u00a0<\/span>For me the plant is\u00a0Calyptocarpus<\/i>\u00a0vialis<\/i> as per the reference at eflora link :
\nPlease confirm\/ suggest new ID.<\/span><\/div>\n

I guess ID is correct !<\/span><\/p>\n


Yes it’s Calyptocarpus vialis<\/em><\/p>\n



Location Rajouri j and k Habit: Herb- I’d requested 2<\/a>: 1 image
same subject posts<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Please check\u00a0Calyptocarpus<\/em> sp.<\/p>\n


Calyptocarpus vialis<\/em><\/p>\n


I\u00a0too agree with you<\/p>\n




ID from Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary Meerut 4<\/a>: 1 high res. image.
\nPlease Identify this plant species<\/p>\n


I think appears close to images at\u00a0Calyptocarpus vialis<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n




Wildflower ID<\/a>: 2 high res. images.<\/p>\n

Need help to ID this plant.<\/div>\n

Acmella\u00a0<\/i>paniculata<\/i>\u00a0(Wall. ex DC.) R.K.Jansen ! !<\/p>\n

I do not think so.<\/div>\n
I think it is
Regarding identification of the species collected from Koraput Odisha on April 24<\/a>: 7 high res. images.<\/p>\n

Please check\u00a0Synedrella<\/i>\u00a0nodiflora<\/i>\u00a0(L.) Gaertn. !<\/p>\n


YES … Its\u00a0<\/span>Synedrella<\/i>\u00a0<\/span>nodiflora<\/i>\u00a0(L.) Gaertn. !<\/span><\/p>\n

I think more closer to images at<\/div>\n
rather than those at


Catalogue of Life<\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>The Plant list Ver. 1.1<\/span><\/a>\u00a0\u00a0<\/span>Flowers of India<\/u><\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>Wikipedia<\/u><\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>NPGS \/ GRIN<\/u><\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>HEAR<\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>PlantFiles: Detailed information<\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>NPIN: Calyptocarpus vialis (Straggler daisy)<\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>Calyptocarpus vialis<\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>FoNA illustration<\/span><\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>Flora of China<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Calyptocarpus vialis Less., Syn. Gen. Compos. 221. 1832. 221 1832.\u00a0(Syn. Blainvillea tampicana (DC.) Benth. & Hook.f.; Calyptocarpus tampicanus (DC.) Small; Oligogyne tampicana DC.; Synedrella vialis (Less.) A.Gray; Zexmenia hispidula Buckley); \/ USA (Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas), Mexico (Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Coahuila, Colima, Ciudad de Mexico, Durango, Guanajuato,…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[5553],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1229792","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-calyptocarpus"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1229792","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1229792"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1229792\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1229792"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1229792"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1229792"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}